hello - we're going to start the P2PU course chat on Popcorn in a few minutes 12:52 humph great 12:52 ndoiron hopefully we have some experienced WMM people here, too? 12:52 humph everyone, meet ndoiron, who is running the p2pu popcorn course 12:53 humph annasob, benmoskowitz, jbuck, scott, secretrobotron ^^ 12:53 humph ndoiron is going to have his group join the channel today 12:53 humph is just documenting popcorn stuff, will be around 12:53 annasob hey ndoiron thanx for taking on p2p 12:54 ndoiron I think there's a lot of interest in HTML5 video and Popcorn is making it accessible to a lot more people 12:55 ndoiron hopefully in the P2PU course we're going to see a lot of cool examples 12:55 ndoiron I was planning the chat to be an open Q&A, then going over an example which I posted at http://jsfiddle.net/tNhyt/4/ 12:56 humph nice 12:57 ndoiron it's possible to change up that page and understand how to work with Popcorn without knowing how to write the whole thing from scratch 12:58 humph ndoiron: changed a couple things 12:58 ndoiron when you change the page you can click "Update" on the top bar to get a new URL 12:58 humph http://jsfiddle.net/tNhyt/5/ 12:59 humph ndoiron: what's your twitter nick? 12:59 *** annasob is now known as annasob_lunch 12:59 *** Deiren joined #popcorn 13:00 *** dmose joined #popcorn 13:00 ndoiron humph: haven't used Twitter much in the past year 13:00 *** justinstoller quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 13:00 humph k 13:00 ndoiron okay I'll give people a few minutes before we start 13:01 ndoiron I know Deiren is from the course. Hi ! 13:01 Deiren hi yes here 13:01 *** boaz joined #popcorn 13:03 ndoiron Mozilla folks: you can read about the course participants on our sign-up page http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/interactive-open-video-with-popcornjs/content/sign-up/ 13:03 ndoiron we've got a good mix of technical and non-technical people 13:03 deimidis ndoiron, I'm from the course too 13:03 *** njames quit (Connection reset by peer) 13:03 *** njames joined #popcorn 13:03 humph nice 13:03 humph welcome to all 13:05 ndoiron okay - let's start now and welcome people if they join late 13:06 ndoiron I'm Nick, I'm run the P2PU group, and this is our first time chatting with the course - hope to answer questions and introduce you to Popcorn today Welcome P2PU! "A channel for discussions about the popcorn.js open video library: http://www.popcornjs.org | Bug tracker: https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/63272-popcorn-js/overview | Style Guide: https://gist.github.com/793649 | Workflow: https://webmademovies.lighthouseapp.com/projects/632 Topic set by humph on Thu May 05 2011 13:06:39 GMT-0300 (Montevideo Standard Time) 13:07 *** cdes_ is now known as cdes_lunch 13:07 ndoiron Deiren and deimidis, could you say a thing or two about your ideas for interactive videos? 13:07 *** justinstoller joined #popcorn 13:07 ndoiron other P2PU people, introduce yourselves too 13:08 humph is David Humphrey, one of the leads of the popcorn project 13:09 deimidis I was very interested in popcorn since I read about it. I'm trying to figure out interesting ways to use videos in the web. And maybe help a friend with his muscial shows 13:09 justinstoller hello, I'm Justin. I've been working with a friend of mine for about a year now on learning web development, I'm really excited about furthering my HTML5 and Javascript abilities 13:09 deimidis worked with popcorn at Drumbeat Festival last year at Barcelona 13:10 ndoiron deimidis: have you seen http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/arcade-fire-meets-html5.html ? that's what I think of for interactive music video 13:10 Deiren Great to be here Nick -- my first intro into what HTML5 could do with video was that incredible Arcade Fire google earth experience that Chris Milk did for google chrome...beyond that I've just been seeing some of the great new possibilities that you're doing with popcorn.js recently... 13:10 deimidis that time helping with CSS. And I'm part of a project for Mozilla and Journalism challenges 13:11 deimidis ndoiron, yes, I saw it. And the demo from developer.mozilla.org (the puzzle when video is playing) 13:12 deimidis ndoiron, this video https://developer.mozilla.org/es/demos/detail/gamits-parts 13:12 ndoiron and the Mozilla Journalism challenge that deimidis mentioned, the first challenge was about open video 13:12 ndoiron I think a lot of these open web projects are connecting back to the need for cool video presentations 13:13 Deiren I really want to explore some storytelling abilities with HTML5 and video --- pre HTML5 I might be able to name a handful of interactive video experiences that I really found compelling -- like the Voyeur HBO project that a group called Big Spaceship did - 13:14 ndoiron I'm not familiar with that - is it like a choose-your-adventure story? 13:15 Deiren In a way but not exactly - http://www.bigspaceship.com/portfolio/hbo-voyeur/ link --- 13:16 secretrobotron a little late, but welcome p2pu 13:16 justinstoller I've been learning a lot from tutorials/screencasts and have been hoping to see screencasts become more interactive with the video element/javascript 13:18 Deiren Nice to meet you David and Justin -- interesting we had the same inclination to highlight arcade fire html5 - so emotionally compelling I guess 13:19 Deiren really interested in interactive music video also 13:20 ndoiron since we have a few of the official Popcorn team members here, it'd be a great opportunity to ask questions 13:22 justinstoller we've mentioned a few things we found compelling/directions we'd like to go with popcorn/video do you guys have any personal favorites or specific things you want to see video do? 13:22 humph I don't know how many of you have seen the demo secretrobotron and I worked on recently, https://hacks.mozilla.org/2011/03/nocomply/ 13:23 humph one of the things I'm excited about is mixing video, 3D (WebGL), 2D animations, live web content, etc 13:23 humph we did the same sort of thing with http://vocamus.net/dave/?p=1233 13:24 humph I'm excited by the idea of mixng media types on the web, and popcorn can be used to do this really well 13:24 humph http://vocamus.net/dave/?p=1309 is another demo secretrobotron and I did recently 13:24 secretrobotron that definitely seems to be the theme lately. people want to see WebGL+popcorn+video do what flash used to be king at. 13:24 humph it shows mixing video and rich media with popcorn 13:26 *** benmoskowitz__ joined #popcorn 13:26 ndoiron WebGL is cool but has a steep learning curve... is it possible for there to be a simple example that just makes the video screen and lets us move it around in 3D space? 13:27 ndoiron that'd be a good starting point to hack on it 13:27 humph secretrobotron did something like that, yes 13:28 humph but I agree webgl stuff is not the right place to start 13:28 humph you can do a ton without needing 3D 13:28 *** benmoskowitz__ quit (Ping timeout) 13:28 secretrobotron ndoiron: http://robothaus.org/Popcorn-with-Brendan/3dpopcorn.html 13:28 secretrobotron but, i think our latest demo really strikes your point 13:29 secretrobotron popcorn-in-the-planetarium is a good clash of web technologies with an educational purpose 13:29 humph are people in the group pretty new to irc? 13:30 humph don't feel like you can't ask stuff or otherwise speak up 13:31 *** brett joined #popcorn 13:31 humph I think the best way to think about the web and popcorn is that you have a canvas where you can put rectangles, and you can stack them on top of each other, hide them, move them, etc. and time any of that to things in the video 13:31 humph those rectangles can contain anything the web can contain: whole web pages, images, data from twitter, maps from google, whatever 13:32 deimidis in the planetarium example, i see the video on flash, how could I change that (or this is the way to see it) 13:32 humph sometimes the stuff in them will be static (e.g., you type it out and it never changes) and sometimes you'll hook things up to remote data services 13:32 *** brett_ joined #popcorn 13:32 humph deimidis: in that demo we are using a youtube flash video plugin for popcorn in order to demonstrate how it works 13:32 humph but it could just have easily been html5 video 13:32 deimidis humph, ok, thanks! 13:33 humph popcorn takes care of figuring out the differences between different media types 13:33 Deiren all the links you've placed are amazing - but it's like seeing stuff with new eyes so I'm really in absorbing mode-- it is some new ground. I love the possibilities of mixing media types and bringing in live web content and playing with that across the time line - 13:33 humph Deiren: cool 13:33 brett hi all! 13:33 humph meet brett, he leads Web Made Movies, of which Popcorn.js is a part 13:34 ndoiron thank you for joining our P2PU course chat 13:34 brett greetings! just getting going here on the west coast 13:34 brett ndoiron thanks for putting it together! 13:34 humph ndoiron++ 13:34 ndoiron on the YouTube/Flash question... Popcorn has HTML5, YouTube, and Vimeo players, plus they're open to non-video items being players too 13:34 *** cdes_lunch is now known as cdes_ 13:35 ndoiron like an animated graffiti or a Google Earth tour 13:35 humph right 13:35 humph we have something called player plugins 13:35 humph these allow us, or you, to create new types of media backends for popcorn.js to use 13:35 Deiren hi Brett 13:35 secretrobotron ndoiron: that's an interesting point 13:35 humph we convert their interface so that it works like an html5 video 13:36 brett Hi Deiren! 13:36 humph secretrobotron: ndoiron has done some great work with maps and popcorn 13:36 secretrobotron it opens up popcorn to being acceptable as an event driver for things like games 13:36 secretrobotron ndoiron, humph: do you have some links? 13:36 humph secretrobotron: see the OpenStreet Maps bugs 13:36 humph he wrote that stuff 13:37 secretrobotron ah, i know you well then 13:37 ndoiron I don't have a link to the non-video player plugins, but I remember some ideas popping up on the site 13:38 ndoiron okay, so I was going to suggest doing a walk-through of a Popcorn example 13:39 ndoiron most P2PU people in this chat are technical, hopefully we'll get to some non-technical people too, and in the second chat 13:40 ndoiron I made a simple example where it shows an image partway through the video - sort of a "Hello World" example - which you can edit and take in different directions 13:40 Deiren sounds good to me 13:40 deimidis perfect 13:40 justinstoller awesome 13:40 ndoiron http://jsfiddle.net/tNhyt/5/ 13:41 ndoiron so the really interesting part of this example is in the JavaScript section (bottom left) 13:42 ndoiron I send Popcorn the location of the