MChowto Presents: Minecraft Alts! Minecraft Alternative (Alts) Accounts are accounts that CANNOT BE LOGGED INTO . Alts cannot have their password, email, or skin changed. Sorry. Here‘s the FREE ALT OF THE WEEK, by MChowto: NOTICE: ALTS NO LONGER WORK. CHECK TO SEE WHY. jipjipjip:jipjipjip NOTICE: ALTS NO LONGER WORK. CHECK TO SEE WHY. Some Alts may not work because it may have: - Password changed by original owner - Has been banned from some servers - Has been banned from MCBans servers - Account has been closed by Minecraft or Owner This is currently working. Report problems to with FULL ALT name, password, YOUR EMAIL, Minecraft version tried on, and Number of tries! If I try and see that this alt has now failed, you‘ll recieve ANOTHER FREE ALT! Promise it works! ~ MChowto, the best How To‘s SHARE THIS! SHARE THIS TO ALL YOUR MINECRAFT FRIENDS AND GRIEFERS! IF THIS GETS OVER 125 VIEWS, EVERYONE WINS WITH A MINECRAFT ACCOUNT CRACKER LINK! BE SURE TO SHARE TO YOUR FRIENDS AND TELL THEM TO SHARE FOR AN ACCOUNT CRACKER! Problems? Comments? Email Download this so you will have this alt information for a long time! Mind the following, thanks ;) SHARE MINECRAFT ALT ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNT MCHOWTO PASTE PASTEBIN DOWNLOAD WIN WINNER WINS FUN ALTS FREE MC CLIENT HACK CRACK CRACKED USED BANNED PLUGINS MCBANS CRACKER REASON 1 125 100 JIPJIPJIP USER PASS WORD NAME GET NOW DOT COM