# ============================================================================= # TheoAllen - Chest System # Version : 1.2 # Contact : www.rpgmakerid.com (or) http://theolized.blogspot.com # (This script documentation is written in informal indonesian language) # ============================================================================= ($imported ||= {})[:Theo_ChestSystem] = true # ============================================================================= # CHANGE LOGS: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2013.08.19 - Compatibility Patch with Limited Inventory # 2013.06.27 - Add custom chest name # 2013.06.01 - Adjust control and GUI # 2013.05.24 - Finished script # 2013.05.23 - Started Script # ============================================================================= =begin Perkenalan : Script ini bikin kamu bisa buka chest dan mengisi ataupun mengambil barang didalamnya seperti game Elder Scroll atau game2 RPG Western lainnya. Cara penggunaan : Pasang dibawah material namun diatas main Gunakan comment pada event dengan format berikut sebelum script call Dimana : id >> id item tersebut amount >> jumlah barang yang ada di chest tersebut Setelah ditulis komen, gunakan script call : open_chest Untuk penamaan chest, kamu bisa menggunakan script call : open_chest("Garbage") note : komen dalam setiap event hanya dibaca sekali. Pastikan letakin di atas ndiri untuk tag2 chest system Terms of use : Credit gw, TheoAllen. Kalo semisal u bisa ngedit2 script gw trus jadi lebih keren, terserah. Ane bebasin. Asal ngga ngeklaim aja. Dan btw, kalo dipake untuk komersial, bagi ane keuntungannya juga. Ama gratisan gamenya juga =end # ============================================================================= # Konfigurasi : # ============================================================================= module THEO module CHEST # ========================================================================= # Vocabs # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOUNT_VOCAB = "Amount :" # Vocab untuk kata amount ALL_VOCAB = "All" # Vocab untuk kategori all INV_VOCAB = "Inventory" # Vocab untuk inventory ST_VOCAB = "Stash" # Vocab untuk stash / penyimpanan # ========================================================================= # ========================================================================= TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL = :CTRL # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Trigger untuk ngambil semua. Semisal kamu nulisin :CTRL, maka semua item # akan didapet kalo kamu mencet CTRL + Confirm (z) # ========================================================================= # ========================================================================= SHOW_AMOUNT_MIN = 10 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Jumlah minimal untuk nampilin window amount. Semisal item yang kamu # pilih jumlahnya dibawah nilai tersebut, maka akan dipindah satu2 daripada # munculin window amount. # ========================================================================= end end # ============================================================================= # Akhir dari konfigurasi. Jangan diedit kecuali ente ngerti # ============================================================================= module THEO module CHEST module REGEXP ITEM_REGEX = /<(?:ITEM|item):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i WEAPON_REGEX = /<(?:WEAPON|weapon):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i ARMOR_REGEX = /<(?:ARMOR|armor):[ ]*[ ]*(\d+\s*,\s*\d*)>/i end end end class Scene_Chest < Scene_MenuBase include THEO::CHEST def initialize(key,st_vocab) $game_party.init_chest_cursors @last_active = :stash @key = key @st_vocab = st_vocab end def start super create_header_windows create_footer_window create_main_windows create_amount_window prepare end def create_header_windows create_help_window create_category_window end def create_main_windows create_inventory_window create_stash_window end def create_help_window @help = Window_Help.new @help.viewport = @viewport end def create_category_window @category = Window_ChestCategory.new @category.viewport = @viewport @category.y = @help.height @category.set_handler(:ok, method(:on_category_ok)) @category.set_handler(:cancel, method(:return_scene)) end def create_footer_window create_inv_footer create_st_footer end def create_inv_footer if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] x = 0 y = Graphics.height - 48 w = Graphics.width/2 @inv_footer = Window_ChestFreeSlot.new(x,y,w) @inv_footer.viewport = @viewport else @inv_footer = Window_ChestFooter.new(INV_VOCAB,$game_party,0) @inv_footer.viewport = @viewport end end def create_st_footer @st_footer = Window_ChestFooter.new(@st_vocab,$game_chests[@key],1) @st_footer.viewport = @viewport end def create_inventory_window x = 0 y = @help.height + @category.height w = Graphics.width/2 h = Graphics.height - y - @inv_footer.height @inventory = Window_Inventory.new(x,y,w,h) @inventory.viewport = @viewport @inventory.set_handler(:ok, method(:item_inventory_ok)) @inventory.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_inventory_cancel)) @inventory.help_window = @help @category.item_window = @inventory end def create_stash_window x = Graphics.width / 2 y = @inventory.y w = x h = @inventory.height @stash = Window_Stash.new(x,y,w,h,@key) @stash.viewport = @viewport @stash.set_handler(:ok, method(:item_stash_ok)) @stash.set_handler(:cancel, method(:on_stash_cancel)) @stash.help_window = @help @category.stash_window = @stash end def create_amount_window @amount = Window_ChestAmount.new @amount.viewport = @viewport @amount.inv_window = @inv_footer if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] end # for future plan ~ def refresh_all_footers @inv_footer.refresh @st_footer.refresh end def prepare unselect_all @category.show @category.activate @item_phase = false deactivate_item_windows hide_amount end def deactivate_item_windows @inventory.deactivate @stash.deactivate end def on_category_ok @category.deactivate activate_itemlist @item_phase = true end def item_inventory_ok unless @inventory.item @inventory.activate return end if @inventory.item_number < SHOW_AMOUNT_MIN store_items(1) @inventory.activate refresh_itemlist else @last_active = :inventory input_amount(@inventory) end end def item_stash_ok unless @stash.item @stash.activate return end if @stash.item_number < SHOW_AMOUNT_MIN gain_items(1) @stash.activate refresh_itemlist else @last_active = :stash input_amount(@stash) end end def on_stash_cancel @last_active = :stash memorize_st prepare end def on_inventory_cancel @last_active = :inventory memorize_inv prepare end def input_amount(window) memorize_all if window.equal?(@stash) @inventory.unselect else @stash.unselect end @amount.open @amount.item_window = window deactivate_item_windows end def hide_amount Sound.play_cancel @amount.close @amount.reset_amount end def update super @amount.mode = @last_active @inv_footer.mode = @last_active if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] select_item_phase if @item_phase input_amount_phase if @amount.open? end def select_item_phase gain_all_items if trigger_gain_all_item? switch_window if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT) || Input.repeat?(:LEFT) end def input_amount_phase activate_itemlist if Input.trigger?(:B) if @amount.item_window.equal?(@stash) && Input.trigger?(:C) gain_items(@amount.amount) elsif @amount.item_window.equal?(@inventory) && Input.trigger?(:C) store_items(@amount.amount) end end def switch_window if @inventory.active switch_stash elsif @stash.active switch_inventory end end def switch_inventory memorize_st @stash.deactivate @stash.unselect @inventory.activate inv_select end def switch_stash @stash.activate st_select memorize_inv @inventory.deactivate @inventory.unselect end def gain_all_items if @stash.active @stash.data.each do |item| gain_items(@stash.item_number(item),item) end @stash.select(0) else @inventory.data.each do |item| store_items(@inventory.item_number(item),item) end @inventory.select(0) end refresh_itemlist refresh_all_footers end def trigger_gain_all_item? Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL) && Input.trigger?(:C) end def gain_items(amount, item = @stash.item) if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] amount = [[amount,0].max,$game_party.inv_max_item(item)].min end $game_party.gain_item(item,amount) $game_chests[@key].lose_item(item,amount) on_amount_confirm if @amount.open? end def store_items(amount, item = @inventory.item) $game_chests[@key].gain_item(item,amount) $game_party.lose_item(item,amount) on_amount_confirm if @amount.open? end def refresh_itemlist @stash.refresh @inventory.refresh end def on_amount_confirm Sound.play_ok refresh_itemlist unselect_all activate_itemlist end def activate_itemlist hide_amount case @last_active when :stash activate_stash when :inventory activate_inventory end @item_phase = true end def activate_inventory @inventory.activate @stash.unselect inv_select end def activate_stash @stash.activate @inventory.unselect st_select end def memorize_inv $game_party.last_inv = @inventory.index end def memorize_st $game_party.last_st = @stash.index end def inv_select @inventory.index = [[$game_party.last_inv,@inventory.item_max-1].min,0].max end def st_select @stash.index = [[$game_party.last_st,@stash.item_max-1].min,0].max end def unselect_all @inventory.unselect @stash.unselect end def memorize_all memorize_inv memorize_st end end if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] class Window_ChestFreeSlot < Window_FreeSlot attr_accessor :item attr_accessor :mode def initialize(x,y,w) @add_number = 0 @mode = :stash super(x,y,w) end def add_number=(number) temp = @add_number @add_number = number refresh if temp != number end def draw_inv_slot(x,y,width = contents.width,align = 2) item_size = @item.nil? ? 0 : @item.inv_size item_size = -item_size if @mode == :inventory txt = sprintf("%d/%d",$game_party.total_inv_size + @add_number * item_size, $game_party.inv_max) color = THEO::LimInv::NearMaxed_Color near_max = ($game_party.total_inv_size + @add_number * item_size).to_f / $game_party.inv_max >= (100 - THEO::LimInv::NearMaxed_Percent)/100.0 if near_max change_color(text_color(color)) else change_color(normal_color) end draw_text(x,y,width,line_height,txt,align) change_color(normal_color) end end end class Window_ChestCategory < Window_ItemCategory attr_reader :stash_window def col_max return 4 end def update super @stash_window.category = current_symbol if @stash_window end def make_command_list add_command(THEO::CHEST::ALL_VOCAB, :all) add_command(Vocab::item, :item) add_command(Vocab::weapon, :weapon) add_command(Vocab::armor, :armor) end def stash_window=(stash_window) @stash_window = stash_window update end end class Window_Inventory < Window_ItemList attr_reader :data def col_max return 1 end def current_item_enabled? return true end def include?(item) case @category when :item item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && !item.key_item? when :weapon item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) when :armor item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) when :all item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) || item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) || item.is_a?(RPG::Item) else false end end def draw_item(index) item = @data[index] if item rect = item_rect(index) rect.width -= 4 draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, true,contents.width) draw_item_number(rect, item) end end def item_number(item = @data[index]) $game_party.item_number(item) end def process_ok return if Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL) super end end class Window_Stash < Window_ItemList attr_reader :data def initialize(x, y, width, height, key) @key = key super(x,y,width,height) @category = :none @data = [] end def col_max return 1 end def current_item_enabled? enable?(item) end def enable?(item) return true unless $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] return $game_party.inv_max_item(item) > 0 end def include?(item) case @category when :item item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && !item.key_item? when :weapon item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) when :armor item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) when :all item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) || item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) || item.is_a?(RPG::Item) else false end end def make_item_list @data = $game_chests[@key].all_items.select {|item| include?(item) } @data.push(nil) if include?(nil) end def draw_item(index) item = @data[index] if item rect = item_rect(index) rect.width -= 4 draw_item_name(item, rect.x, rect.y, enable?(item),contents.width) draw_item_number(rect, item) end end def draw_item_number(rect, item) draw_text(rect, sprintf(":%2d", $game_chests[@key].item_number(item)), 2) end def item_number(item = @data[index]) $game_chests[@key].item_number(item) end def process_ok return if Input.press?(THEO::CHEST::TRIGGER_GAIN_ALL) super end end class Window_ChestAmount < Window_Base attr_accessor :item_window attr_accessor :mode attr_reader :amount def initialize super(0,0,window_width,window_height) self.openness = 0 @mode = :stash reset_amount update_position refresh end def inv_window=(window) @inv_window = window end def reset_amount @amount = 0 refresh end def open super reset_amount end def update_position self.x = (Graphics.width / 2) - (self.width / 2) self.y = (Graphics.height / 2) - (self.height / 2) end def refresh contents.clear draw_text(0,0,contents.width,24,THEO::CHEST::AMOUNT_VOCAB,) draw_text(0,0,contents.width,24,@amount,2) end def window_width return 200 end def window_height return 24+24 end def update super if @inv_window @inv_window.add_number = @amount @inv_window.item = @item_window.item if @item_window end if open? increment if Input.repeat?(:RIGHT) decrement if Input.repeat?(:LEFT) ten_increment if Input.repeat?(:UP) ten_decrement if Input.repeat?(:DOWN) end end def increment change_amount(1) end def decrement change_amount(-1) end def ten_increment change_amount(10) end def ten_decrement change_amount(-10) end def change_amount(modifier) @amount = [[@amount+modifier,0].max,max_amount].min refresh end def show super reset_amount end def max_amount if $imported[:Theo_LimInventory] if @mode == :inventory @item_window.item_number rescue 0 elsif @mode == :stash [@item_window.item_number,$game_party.inv_max_item(@item_window.item)].min end else @item_window.item_number rescue 0 end end end class Window_ChestFooter < Window_Base include THEO::CHEST def initialize(vocab,object,x) w = Graphics.width/2 h = fitting_height(1) y = Graphics.height - h x = (Graphics.width/2) * x @vocab = vocab super(x,y,w,h) @object = object refresh end def refresh contents.clear cx = text_size(@vocab).width draw_text(0,0,contents.width,line_height,@vocab,1) end end module DataManager class << self alias pre_create_chest create_game_objects alias pre_chest_save_contents make_save_contents alias pre_extract_chests extract_save_contents end def self.create_game_objects pre_create_chest create_chest_object end def self.create_chest_object $game_chests = Game_Chest.new end def self.make_save_contents contents = pre_chest_save_contents contents[:chest] = $game_chests contents end def extract_save_contents(contents) pre_extract_chests(contents) $game_chests = contents[:chest] end end class Game_Chest def initialize @data = {} @explored = {} end def[](key) (@data[key] ||= Game_Stash.new) end def explored @explored end end class Game_Stash attr_accessor :items_stash attr_accessor :weapons_stash attr_accessor :armors_stash def initialize @items_stash = {} @weapons_stash = {} @armors_stash = {} end def refresh evaluate(@items_stash) evaluate(@weapons_stash) evaluate(@armors_stash) end def evaluate(stash) stash.keys.each do |key| stash.delete(key) if stash[key] <= 0 end end def items @items_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_items[id] } end def weapons @weapons_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_weapons[id] } end def armors @armors_stash.keys.collect {|id| $data_armors[id] } end def all_items items + weapons + armors end def item_number(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Item) return @items_stash[item.id] ||= 0 elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) return @weapons_stash[item.id] ||= 0 elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) return @armors_stash[item.id] ||= 0 end refresh end def gain_item(item, amount) return unless item stash = pick_stash(item) stash[item.id] = 0 if stash[item.id].nil? stash[item.id] += amount refresh end def lose_item(item,amount) gain_item(item,-amount) end def pick_stash(item) if item.is_a?(RPG::Item) return @items_stash elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) return @weapons_stash elsif item.is_a?(RPG::Armor) return @armors_stash end end end class Game_Party attr_accessor :last_inv attr_accessor :last_st alias pre_chest_init initialize def initialize pre_chest_init init_chest_cursors end def init_chest_cursors @last_inv = 0 @last_st = 0 end end class Game_Interpreter def open_chest(st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB,key = [@map_id,@event_id]) if st_vocab.is_a?(Numeric) key = st_vocab st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB end SceneManager.call_chest(key,st_vocab) end alias pre_chest_command_108 command_108 def command_108 pre_chest_command_108 read_chest_comments end def read_chest_comments map = @map_id event = @event_id key = [map,event] return if $game_chests.explored[key] @comments.each do |comment| case comment when THEO::CHEST::REGEXP::ITEM_REGEX x = $1.scan(/\d+/) $game_chests[key].items_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i when THEO::CHEST::REGEXP::WEAPON_REGEX x = $1.scan(/\d+/) $game_chests[key].weapons_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i when THEO::CHEST::REGEXP::ARMOR_REGEX x = $1.scan(/\d+/) $game_chests[key].armors_stash[x[0].to_i] = x[1].to_i end end $game_chests.explored[key] = next_event_code != 108 end end module SceneManager def self.call_chest(key,st_vocab = THEO::CHEST::ST_VOCAB) @stack.push(@scene) @scene = Scene_Chest.new(key,st_vocab) end end