// ==UserScript== // @name Friend or Foe // @version 1.0.2 // @author TheRedTeam // @namespace reddit // @description Create list of friends and foes and perform actions on them // @include *reddit.com/r/* // @exclude *iframe*reddit.com/* // ==/UserScript== /* Changelog: 09/23/10:1.0.0: First release, works decent 09/23/10:1.0.1: Fixed race condition if multiple tabs open 11/01/10:1.0.2: Fixed opacity disallowing link clicking on right floating div */ // current lists var friend_list = []; var foe_list = []; var fof_user = ""; var fof_usercolors = []; // cache of link colors // reddit can't handle clicking things too fast or it will miss some // so we save all objects to click in an array, and use an interval on a timer // this does the clicking asycronously in the background for us var clicklist = new Array(); var clickinterval = null; // prototype the crap out of the array object Array.prototype.has = function (obj) { for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) { if (this[i] == obj) return true; } return false; }; Array.prototype.remove = function(obj) { for(i=0; i:( mymenu.innerHTML = "
Friend or Foe
\ \
"; /* ######################## Start Helper Functions ############################ */ unsafeWindow.userViewLists = function(){ alert("Friends: "+friend_list.toString()+"\n\nFoes: "+foe_list.toString()); }; function userSetCounts(){ var counts = document.getElementById('fofcounts'); counts.innerHTML = friend_list.length+" friends and "+foe_list.length+" foes"; }; // pull lists function getlists(){ var t1 = GM_getValue('fof_foelist',''); var t2 = GM_getValue('fof_friendlist',''); // see if there is a difference if(t1=='') foe_list = []; else foe_list = t1.split(','); if(t2=='') friend_list = []; else friend_list = t2.split(','); } // save changes to lists function savelists(){ // get current lists again to see if another tab/window updated anything var t1 = GM_getValue('fof_foelist',''); var t2 = GM_getValue('fof_friendlist',''); // if difference save changes if(t1 != foe_list.toString()){ GM_setValue('fof_foelist',foe_list.toString()); } if(t2 != friend_list.toString()){ GM_setValue('fof_friendlist',friend_list.toString()); } } // Add a Foe function unsafeWindow.userAddFoe = function(s){ fof_user = s; // run in timeout so we can call GM_ funcs setTimeout( function (){ if(foe_list.has(fof_user)) return; getlists(); foe_list.push(fof_user); savelists(); addButtons(); userSetCounts(); setstatus("Set '"+fof_user+"' as Foe"); }, 0); }; // Add a Friend function unsafeWindow.userAddFriend = function (s){ fof_user = s; // run in timeout so we can call GM_ funcs setTimeout( function (){ if(friend_list.has(fof_user)) return; getlists(); friend_list.push(fof_user); savelists(); addButtons(); userSetCounts(); setstatus("Set '"+fof_user+"' as Friend"); }, 0); }; // unset user from both friend and foe lists unsafeWindow.userUnset = function (s){ fof_user = s; // run in timeout so we can call GM_ funcs setTimeout( function (){ getlists() friend_list.remove(fof_user); foe_list.remove(fof_user); savelists(); addButtons(); userSetCounts(); setstatus("Removed '"+fof_user+"' from lists"); }, 0); }; // create click event to use on divs and anchor tags function clickevent(){ var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); return evt; } // shortcut to set the status function setstatus(s){ var stat = document.getElementById('fofstatus'); stat.innerHTML = stat.innerHTML+s+"
"; } // loop through and click everything in the list // note we kill the interval that calls this when the list is empty function clickloop(){ if(clicklist.length==0){ clickinterval = null; return; } var elm = clicklist.pop(); elm.dispatchEvent(clickevent()); } // get a css property, you'd think this would be easier... function getStyle(x,styleProp) { if (x.currentStyle) var y = x.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); return y; } /* ######################## Start Main Functions ############################ */ function addButtons(){ // div that holds all the submissions var t = document.getElementsByClassName("midcol"); // loop through submissions for(i=0; i < t.length; i++){ // parent node is the div container for the submission submission = t[i].parentNode; // try to find the username var userbox = submission.getElementsByClassName("tagline")[0]; var title = submission.getElementsByClassName("title loggedin")[0]; // if in the recently viewed box (no username shown there) skip it try{ var user = userbox.getElementsByTagName("a")[0]; }catch(e){ continue; // no username section } if(user == undefined) continue; // user is [deleted] var username = user.innerHTML; // save reddit's user colors so we can reset if needed if(fof_usercolors[username]==undefined){ fof_usercolors[username] = getStyle(user, "color"); } // now chose what colors to use according to the user if(foe_list.has(username)){ user.style.color = fof_usercolors[username]; //"#336699" $(submission).css('opacity',0.3); submission.style.marginRight = "300px"; // opacity annoyance } else if(friend_list.has(username)){ user.style.color = "#00AA00"; title.style.color = "#00AA00"; $(submission).css('opacity',1); } else{ user.style.color = fof_usercolors[username]; //"#336699" title.style.color = "inherit"; $(submission).css('opacity',1); } // see if userops is already set, if not append it var userops = userbox.getElementsByClassName("userops")[0]; if(userops == undefined){ userops = document.createElement("span"); userops.className = "userops"; userbox.appendChild(userops); } // now fill with appropriate links if(foe_list.has(username) | friend_list.has(username)) userops.innerHTML = " (unset)"; else userops.innerHTML = " (foe|friend)"; } } // This goes through and clicks the "hide" button on the submissions // we add it to the reddit context so the link we add can call it unsafeWindow.autoh = function (){ // div that holds all the submissions var t = document.getElementsByClassName("midcol"); var c = 0; var v = 0; // loop through submissions for(i=0; i < t.length; i++){ // parent node is the div container for the submission submission = t[i].parentNode; var userbox = submission.getElementsByClassName("tagline")[0]; // if in the recently viewed box (no username shown there) skip it try{ var username = userbox.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML; }catch(e){ continue; // no username section } // if not a bad user, skip this iteration if(!foe_list.has(username)) continue; c++; // hide it if it's down voted only if(t[i].className == "midcol dislikes"){ // add object to click to the clicklist clicklist.push(submission.getElementsByClassName('state-button hide-button')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0]); v++; } } // start hiding (3 second time due to stupid fade out effect) clickinterval = setInterval(clickloop, 3000); // set status setstatus("Hid "+v+" of "+c+" bad submissions"); }; // function to perform action on submissions function autov(){ try{ // get all submissions var t = document.getElementsByClassName("midcol"); // loop through unvoted submissions var c = 0; var v = 0; for(i=0; i < t.length; i++){ // parent node is the div container for the submission var submission = t[i].parentNode; // now get the appropriate objects we check var downarrow = submission.getElementsByClassName("arrow down")[0]; var userbox = submission.getElementsByClassName("tagline")[0]; // if in the recently viewed box (no username shown there) skip it try{ var username = userbox.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].innerHTML; }catch(e){ continue; // no username section } // if not a bad user, skip this iteration if(!foe_list.has(username)) continue; c++; // if not already down voted, down vote it if(t[i].className == "midcol unvoted"){ // save arrow to an array for down-voting later clicklist.push(downarrow); v++; } } // start down voting form the list we made (1 second timer) clickinterval = setInterval(clickloop, 1000); // set status if(c==0) setstatus("No bad submissions found"); else setstatus("Auto down voted "+v+" of "+c+" bad submissions"); } catch(e){ setstatus("Error: "+e); } } /* ######################## Begin auto-procedures ############################ */ // do auto-voting only if we are on a table with submissions listed if(document.getElementById('siteTable') != null){ getlists(); userSetCounts(); autov(); addButtons(); }