function FlyMeToTheMunDriver(lat, lon) print "Launching..." mechjeb.launchTo(125000, 0) wait( mechjeb.autoStageActivate() print "TMI..." mechjeb.transfer("Mun", 200000) wait( print "Warping to SoI..." mechjeb.warpToEvent("soi") wait( print "Warping to Pe..." mechjeb.warpToEvent("pe", 30) wait( print "Circularizing orbit..." mechjeb.circularize() wait( print "Landing..." if (lat == nil or lon == nil) then mechjeb.landAt(0, 0) else mechjeb.landAt(lat, lon) end wait( mechjeb.autoStageDeactivate() print "Landed!" end function FlyMeToTheMun(lat, lon) local co = coroutine.create(FlyMeToTheMunDriver) coroutine.resume(co, lat, lon) end print "Usage: FlyMeToTheMun(lat, lon)"