Swed's raided PRQ which effects torrent sites but was not a direct attack on tpb and as far as I can tell would not really effect tpb at all Let's take out some Swedish Sites! For the Lulz TARGET: www.gotahovratt.se TARGET: www.svea.se TARGET: www.polisen.se TARGET: www.socialstyrelsen.se TARGET: www.myndigheterna.se TARGET: www.forsvarsmakten.se TARGET: www.antipiratbyran.se/ TARGET: www.domstol.se TARGET: www.fra.se TARGET: www.sverige.se TARGET: www.spray.se TARGET: www.sweden.se TARGET: www.kriminalvarden.se TARGET: www.riksdagen.se TARGET: www.regeringen.se TARGET: www.sweden.gov.s TARGET: www.sakerhetspolisen.se/ TARGET: www.säpo.se TARGET: www.securityservice.se/ United as one. Divided by zero. The voice of anons. To the world as always... Expect Us.