__________.__ __ .__ __ \______ \__|/ |_ ____ | |__ ____ __ ___/ |_ | ___/ \ __\/ ___\| | \ / _ \| | \ __\ | | | || | \ \___| Y ( <_> ) | /| | |____| |__||__| \___ >___| /\____/|____/ |__| \/ \/ #=============================================# # Pitchout by NelGossem_ # #GoldenGames server : pvp.goldengames.fr:27470# #=============================================# option: pitchout.minplayer: 3 #Nombre de joueurs requit pour débuter la partie ! wow: &b&l> &r {lifes.%player%}: 3 #Nombre de vie par joueurs variables: {game.%player%.join} = false {game.start} = false {game.slots} = 0 #Commandes command /pitchoutadmin []: permission: pitchoutadmin.perm trigger: if arg 1 is equal to "help": message "&6========= &4Pitchout by NelGossem_ &6=========" send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchout help &f- &7&oVous permez de voir la list des commandes !" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchout help" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchoutadmin &f- &7&oVous permez de voir la list des commandes des administrateurs!" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchoutadmin" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchoutadmin setlobbyspawn &f- &7&oVous permet de mettre le point de spawn de la salle d attente" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchoutadmin setlobbyspawn" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/setlocation 1/2/3... à 10&f- &7&oVous permez de rajouter un point de spawn" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/setlocation" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchoutadmin setfinspawn &f- &7&oVous permez de mettre le point de spawn après la fin des jeux" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchoutadmin setfinspawn" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchoutadmin setsign join/leave &f- &7&oSysteme de pancarte automatisé" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchoutadmin setsign" to player message "&6========= &4Pitchout by NelGossem_ &6=========" if arg 1 doesn't exist: make player execute "pitchoutadmin help" stop if arg 1 is equal to "setlobbyspawn": set {game.wait} to location of player message "&6Pitchout &4&l> &7%location of player%" if arg 1 is equal to "setfinspawn": set {pitchout.finspawn} to location of player message "&6Pitchout &4&l> &7{pitchout.finspawn}" if arg 1 is equal to "setsign": arg 2 is "join": {pitchout.configure_sign.leave} is true send "&eVous configurez déjà le panneau de Leave" stop set {pitchout.configure_sign.join} to true send "&eFaites un clic droit sur le panneau de Join" arg 2 is "leave": {pitchout.configure_sign.join} is true send "&eVous configurez déjà le panneau de Join" stop set {pitchout.configure_sign.leave} to true send "&eFaites un clic droit sur le panneau de Leave" command /pitchout [] : trigger: if arg 1 is equal to "help": message "&6========= &4Pitchout by NelGossem_ &6=========" send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchout help &f- &7&oVous permez de voir la list des commandes !" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchout help" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchoutadmin &f- &7&oVous permez de voir la list des commandes des administrateurs!" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchoutadmin" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchout join/enter/play &f- &7&oVous permez de rejoindre une partie !" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchout join" to player send json "{@wow}&o&r&b/pitchout leave/quite/exite &f- &7&oVous permez de quitter une partie" styled gray tooltip "[ Click ]" suggest "/pitchout leave" to player message "&6========= &4Pitchout by NelGossem_ &6=========" if arg 1 doesn't exist: make player execute "pitchout help" stop if arg 1 is equal to "join" or "enter" or "play": if {game.%player%.join} is true: send "&cVous êtes déja en jeu !" stop if {game.start} is true: send "&cLa partie a déja commencé !" stop if {game.slots} is 10: send "&cLa partie est complète" stop set {game.%player%.join} to true execute console command "clear %player%" message "&6Pitchout &4&l> &7Vous avez rejoint la partie" add 1 to {game.slots} teleport player to {game.wait} set {pitchout.invincible} to true give an bed named "&3Leave" with lore "Veux-tu quitter ?" to slot 8 of player's inventory if {game.slots} is greater than {pitchout.minplayer}: wait 5 seconds set {game.start} to true loop all players: if loop-player has permission "minetoda.info": message "&a5" to loop-player wait 1 second message "&a4" to loop-player wait 1 second message "&a3" to loop-player wait 1 second message "&a2" to loop-player wait 1 second message "&a1" to loop-player wait 1 second message "&aBonne chance !" to loop-player set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 10 wait 0.5 tick if {_random} is 1: teleport player to {location.1} if {_random} is 2: teleport player to {location.2} if {_random} is 3: teleport player to {location.3} if {_random} is 4: teleport player to {location.4} if {_random} is 5: teleport player to {location.5} if {_random} is 6: teleport player to {location.6} if {_random} is 7: teleport player to {location.7} if {_random} is 8: teleport player to {location.8} if {_random} is 9: teleport player to {location.9} if {_random} is 10: teleport player to {location.10} set {pitchout.invincible} to false set {pitchout.enjeu} to true give loop-player a wooden shovel of knockback 3 named "&bTest" give loop-player a bow of knockback 3 named "&bProjector" give loop-player an arrow named "&bLa fleche" if arg 1 is equal to "leave" or "quite" or "exite": if {game.%player%.join} is false: send "&cVous n'êtes pas en jeu !" stop set {game.%player%.join} to false teleport player to spawn remove 1 from {game.slots} set {pitchout.invincible} to false set {pitchout.enjeu} to false execute console command "clear %player%" if {game.slots} is 1: loop all players: if {game.%loop-player%.join} is true: broadcast "&4&lPitchout &6&l> &7%loop-player% a gagné la partie !" teleport loop-player to spawn set {game.start} to false set {game.%loop-player%.join} to false set {game.slots} to 0 command /setlocation : trigger: player has permission "admin": set variable {location.%arg 1%} to location of player send "&aSpawn %arg 1% set en : &b%{location.%arg 1%}%" #Vous n avez pas le droit de ... au lobby du jeu ou pendant les jeux : on break: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: cancel event if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: cancel event on place: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: cancel event if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: cancel event On Hunger Meter Change: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: cancel event set the player's food level to 10 if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: cancel event set the player's food level to 10 on exiting of region "LimitePitchout": if {pitchout.invincible} is true: teleport player to {game.wait} On damage: victim is a player attacker is a player if {pitchout.invincible} is true: cancel event if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: execute console command "heal %victim%" On rightclick with bed: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: make player execute "pitchout leave" On join: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: teleport player to {pitchout.finspawn} set {pitchout.invincible} to false execute console command "clear %player%" if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: teleport player to {pitchout.finspawn} set {pitchout.enjeu} to false execute console command "clear %player%" on drop: if {pitchout.invincible} is true: cancel event if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: cancel event on exiting of region "LimitePitchoutGame": if {pitchout.enjeu} is true: remove 1 to {lifes.%player%} if {lifes.%player%} < 1: make player execute "pitchout leave" On right click on sign: player is op {pitchout.configure_sign.join} is true: set {pitchout.sign_location} to location of clicked block set first line of clicked block to "&a[&bPitchout&a]" set second line of clicked block to "&aRejoindre la partie" set {pitchout.configure_sign.join} to false {pitchout.configure_sign.leave} is true: set {pitchout.sign_location} to location of clicked block set first line of clicked block to "&a[&bPitchout&a]" set second line of clicked block to "&aQuitter la partie" set {pitchout.configure_sign.leave} to false On right click on sign: first line of clicked block is "&a[&bPitchout&a]" second line of clicked block is "&aRejoindre la partie" make player execute command "/pitchout join" stop second line of clicked block is "&aQuitter la partie" make player execute command "/pitchout leave" stop on script load: if text from "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PSTuff4J" is not "1.0": loop all players: if loop-player has permission "maj.info": message "&4Pitchout &6&l> &7&cMise à jour du script !" download from "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=27yNjbhy" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/pitchout.sk" wait 5 ticks execute console command "/skript reload pitchout" loop all players: if loop-player has permission "maj.info": message "&4Pitchout &6&l> &7Fin de la Mise à jour du script !" if text from "http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=PSTuff4J" is "1.0": loop all players: if loop-player has permission "minetoda.info": message "&4Pitchout &6&l> &7Aucune mise à jour n est disponible pour le moment !"