This is the extra piece of information regarding the cheating and multiaccount issue. It's mostly just telling the story of how I ended up playing on littlegolem, started to cheat and creating multiple accounts. The first thing I want to note is that I don't blame myself too much for doing all that. I'm now 18 but I started playing Dots and Boxes back when I was 15 years old and I honestly think it's kind of normal for teenagers to do shit like that... I definitely don't see myself as a bad person. Anyways, the original reason why I started to play Dots and Boxes wasn't because I was interested in the game itself; I learned double cross strategy back in school and I started playing mostly because I wanted to win games using that knowledge. When I started playing on jijbent and littlegolem I already knew the chain-rule and I was gradually improving easily beating pretty much everyone (except the super good players) which was exactly what I wanted. Well, it didn't take too long for me to consider myself a superior player to most others and as time passed by my desire to beat the absolute best players grew but it was absolutely hopeless. I just couldn't beat diego44 or sghsal no matter how often I tried. Beating the weaker players alone wasn't something I could enjoy anymore and I started to fear the overwhelming top. That's where I started cheating. Well, in the end I still was no match for sghsal and diego even though cheating. I learned that they were simply superior by knowing flipster's balance strategy and generally having more experience but at that point I was addicted to cheating already. I was very obsessed with winning and perfectly playing positions with only 18 lines played felt great having the aim to win in mind. Furthermore I started to distrust anybody else which I used as an excuse to continue cheating myself. As soon as I saw an endgame played perfectly by somebody else I started wondering if that person was cheating as well and I admit I'm still a little bit paranoid in that regard. One day the_Shark appeared and I was having great trouble beating it but as Dryad I couldn't allow myself to ruin my super glorious statistics. I still wanted to play the_Shark though since I'm studying Software-Systems-Development myself and have a huge interest in computers in general. That's when I decided to create the 7ics account. 7ics was an account where I didn't really care if I lost which felt weird at first but I actually managed to keep that mindset. Having that to me very new mindset in mind I used 7ics not only to play the_Shark a lot but also to discover and test new strategys. I used to just copy the better players but 7ics was a great opportunity to question the metagame myself and try weird things since I didn't care too much if I lost. Well, it's not true to say that as 7ics I didn't care about losing at all; I was still me who didn't like losing if it could be prevented so I continued cheating nevertheless although at times I tried not to do so since I knew it's not the right thing to do. Looking back I kind of see the 7ics account as a big step into the right direction while I tend to see Dryad as my more shameful side. At this point I want to thank William Fraser. My mindset on winning did actually change a lot while I was losing all those games against the_Shark and it's very well possible that I would still be cheating had I not lost those games. The most heavy cheating though occured as a more powerful tool to cheat fell into my hands which allowed me to solve positions with only 13 or even 12 lines played. My desire to dominate everything was awakened once more and with the_Shark, sghsal and most other top-players gone it seemed possible to win absolutely everything. The hardest to solve position I solved for a game had a size of more than 800 Gigabytes. I didn't bother thinking about what the best move was since it wasn't a position that looked likely for me to be winning in so I just turned on the analysis and left my computer running nonstop for multiple days. But that's where I really started questioning myself what I was doing all the time. I was getting really frustrated about how much of a pitiful person I am and when November 2014 came I resigned all running games on the jijbent sites and decided to put an end to cheating and the accounts connected to it. My new account is purgency, that is a combination of the words "purge" and "urgency" which is a static reminder on the necessity to purge my old weak and shameful self. Purgency is not a cheater and it is my final account.