ssk01:~/siddharth/tools/sqoop-1.4.3.bin__hadoop-1.0.0 # ./bin/sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/ClassicModels -table Customers -m 1 --hive-home /root/siddharth/tools/hive-0.11.0-bin --hive-import Warning: /usr/lib/hbase does not exist! HBase imports will fail. Please set $HBASE_HOME to the root of your HBase installation. 13/07/03 05:09:09 INFO tool.BaseSqoopTool: Using Hive-specific delimiters for output. You can override 13/07/03 05:09:09 INFO tool.BaseSqoopTool: delimiters with --fields-terminated-by, etc. 13/07/03 05:09:09 INFO manager.MySQLManager: Preparing to use a MySQL streaming resultset. 13/07/03 05:09:09 INFO tool.CodeGenTool: Beginning code generation 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM `Customers` AS t LIMIT 1 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM `Customers` AS t LIMIT 1 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO orm.CompilationManager: HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME is /root/siddharth/tools/hadoop-1.1.2 Note: /tmp/sqoop-root/compile/e72df40aa8eb926787fa71e1e06e5838/ uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO orm.CompilationManager: Writing jar file: /tmp/sqoop-root/compile/e72df40aa8eb926787fa71e1e06e5838/Customers.jar 13/07/03 05:09:10 WARN manager.MySQLManager: It looks like you are importing from mysql. 13/07/03 05:09:10 WARN manager.MySQLManager: This transfer can be faster! Use the --direct 13/07/03 05:09:10 WARN manager.MySQLManager: option to exercise a MySQL-specific fast path. 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO manager.MySQLManager: Setting zero DATETIME behavior to convertToNull (mysql) 13/07/03 05:09:10 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Beginning import of Customers 13/07/03 05:09:13 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201306240345_0043 13/07/03 05:09:14 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 0% reduce 0% 13/07/03 05:09:20 INFO mapred.JobClient: map 100% reduce 0% 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201306240345_0043 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Counters: 18 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job Counters 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: SLOTS_MILLIS_MAPS=5991 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Total time spent by all reduces waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Total time spent by all maps waiting after reserving slots (ms)=0 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Launched map tasks=1 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: SLOTS_MILLIS_REDUCES=0 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: File Output Format Counters 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Bytes Written=15556 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: FileSystemCounters 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_READ=87 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN=61093 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN=15556 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: File Input Format Counters 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Bytes Read=0 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map-Reduce Framework 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map input records=122 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=99495936 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=0 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: CPU time spent (ms)=690 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Total committed heap usage (bytes)=52297728 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=521707520 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: Map output records=122 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapred.JobClient: SPLIT_RAW_BYTES=87 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Transferred 15.1914 KB in 10.6546 seconds (1.4258 KB/sec) 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO mapreduce.ImportJobBase: Retrieved 122 records. 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO manager.SqlManager: Executing SQL statement: SELECT t.* FROM `Customers` AS t LIMIT 1 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO hive.HiveImport: Removing temporary files from import process: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/root/Customers/_logs 13/07/03 05:09:21 INFO hive.HiveImport: Loading uploaded data into Hive 13/07/03 05:09:23 INFO hive.HiveImport: 13/07/03 05:09:23 INFO hive.HiveImport: Logging initialized using configuration in jar:file:/root/siddharth/tools/hive-0.11.0-bin/lib/hive-common-0.11.0.jar!/ 13/07/03 05:09:23 INFO hive.HiveImport: Hive history file=/tmp/root/hive_job_log_root_22980@ssk01.vxindia.veritas.com_201307030509_1500912543.txt 13/07/03 05:09:29 INFO hive.HiveImport: OK 13/07/03 05:09:29 INFO hive.HiveImport: Time taken: 6.037 seconds 13/07/03 05:09:29 INFO hive.HiveImport: Loading data to table default.customers 13/07/03 05:09:30 INFO hive.HiveImport: Table default.customers stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 2, num_rows: 0, total_size: 15556, raw_data_size: 0] 13/07/03 05:09:30 INFO hive.HiveImport: OK 13/07/03 05:09:30 INFO hive.HiveImport: Time taken: 0.74 seconds 13/07/03 05:09:30 INFO hive.HiveImport: Hive import complete. 13/07/03 05:09:30 INFO hive.HiveImport: Export directory is empty, removing it.