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a guest
Sep 12th, 2014
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  1. # BEGIN W3TC Minify cache
  2. location ~ /wp-content/cache/minify.*\.js$ {
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  5. expires modified 31536000s;
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  42. # END W3TC Minify cache
  43. # BEGIN W3TC Page Cache cache
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  63. # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache
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  66. location ~ \.(css|htc|less|js|js2|js3|js4)$ {
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  83. }
  84. # END W3TC Browser Cache
  85. # BEGIN W3TC Minify core
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  96. # END W3TC Minify core
  97. # BEGIN W3TC Page Cache core
  98. set $w3tc_rewrite 1;
  99. if ($request_method = POST) {
  100. set $w3tc_rewrite 0;
  101. }
  102. if ($query_string != "") {
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  105. if ($request_uri !~ \/$) {
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  130. }
  131. # END W3TC Page Cache core
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