1. listOnesPlace = 'one two three four five six seven eight nine'.split()
  2. listTensPlace = 'twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety'.split()
  3. listTeens = 'ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen'.split()
  4. listMagnitudes = 'thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion duodecillion trececillion quattuordecillion quindecillion'.split()
  6. def takeBiggestChunk(strNum):
  7. mag = 0
  8. strBig = strNum
  9. while len(strBig) > 3:
  10. strBig = strBig[:len(strBig)-3]
  11. mag += 1
  12. strSmall = strNum[len(strNum)-3*mag:]
  13. return strBig, strSmall, mag
  15. def printNumber(strNum):
  16. strWords = []
  17. strSmall = strNum
  19. while True:
  20. strBig, strSmall, mag = takeBiggestChunk(strSmall)
  21. if mag == 0:
  22. break
  23. strWords += hundreds(strBig)
  24. strWords += ' '
  25. strWords += listMagnitudes[mag-1]
  26. strWords += ', '
  28. strWords += hundreds(strBig)
  30. return ''.join(strWords)
  32. def hundreds(strNum):
  33. strWords = []
  34. if len(strNum) == 3 and strNum[0] != '0':
  35. strWords += listOnesPlace[int(strNum[0])-1]
  36. strWords += ' hundred '
  37. strWords += tensAndOnes(strNum[len(strNum)-2:len(strNum)])
  38. return ''.join(strWords)
  40. def tensAndOnes(strNum):
  41. strWords = []
  42. if len(strNum) == 1 or strNum[0] == '0':
  43. strWords += listOnesPlace[int(strNum[0])-1]
  44. else:
  45. if strNum[0] == '0':
  46. strWords += listOnesPlace[int(strNum[1])-1]
  47. elif strNum[0] == '1':
  48. strWords += listTeens[int(strNum[1])]
  49. else:
  50. strWords += listTensPlace[int(strNum[0])-2]
  51. if strNum[1] != '0':
  52. strWords += '-'
  53. strWords += listOnesPlace[int(strNum[1])-1]
  54. return ''.join(strWords)
  56. def askForNumber():
  57. print('Hello! Please enter a number.')
  58. while True:
  59. number = input()
  60. if number.isdigit():
  61. return number
  62. else:
  63. print('Please enter any number from 1 to 99, in numerical form.')
  65. def promptRestart():
  66. print('Restart? (y/n)')
  67. return input().lower().startswith('y')
  69. while True:
  70. print (printNumber(askForNumber()))
  71. if not promptRestart():
  72. break