1. ; Tri.asm - sierpinski fractal, assembles to 33 bytes. Tested using TASM.
  2. ; Note - only compatible with MS-DOS, due to startup register state.
  3. ; Originally written by James Smith
  4. ; Modifications by Daniel Deptford (redmercury@gmail.com)
  6. ; If some of the registers look to be initially set in an "undefined" state, that's
  7. ; because MS-DOS actually sets them to be in a known state at startup.
  10. .model tiny
  13. lds si,[bx]
  14. mov al,13h ; initialise graphics mode:
  15. int 10h ; 320x200x256 at 0xa000
  16. ; Do the triangle
  17. push ds
  18. pop si
  19. looper: xor al,[si] ; Initially assumes al=0. Ok?
  20. mov [si-319],al
  21. mov al,[si]
  22. dec si
  23. jnz looper
  24. int 16h ; keystroke? ah is already 0
  25. ; Tidy up
  26. mov ax,3 ; return from graphics mode,
  27. int 10h ; back to text
  28. ret
  29. ENDS
  30. END