1. Resources marked with > are used, have been used, or are actively advocated in the threads. This applies for everything in the [Necessities] section.
  3. [Necessities]
  4. Hiragana & Katakana: http://www.realkana.com/ OR
  5. Remembering the Kana: https://anonfiles.com/file/096e5b285b874c9bf0f83d7094e0e81d
  6. Kanji: http://kanjidamage.com/
  7. Japanese IME: http://www.google.com/intl/ja/ime/
  9. Anki Flashcards: http://ankisrs.net/
  10. Genki (↓Bottom↓)
  11. Tae Kim Japanese: http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar
  12. http://rikaisama.sourceforge.net/ (Firefox only)
  14. [Websites]
  15. http://japanese.stackexchange.com/
  16. https://www.erin.ne.jp/en/lesson01/basic/index.html (video + script)
  17. http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/columns/0002/ (column of short Japanese lessons)
  18. http://www.imabi.net/ (grammar)
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_grammar (surprisingly comprehensive and useful)
  20. http://www.memrise.com/ (basically anki with flowers and other neat and colour features and methods)
  22. [Grammar]
  23. >http://www.guidetojapanese.org/ (Tae Kim) (Site seems to be down quite often so you might want to download this http://www.mediafire.com/download/hq2536ew6anf5wt/grammar_guide.pdf)
  25. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/j_gram_summ.html
  26. http://www.jekai.org/
  27. http://www.geocities.jp/niwasaburoo/index.html - Book on Japanese grammar, written in Japanese
  28. http://www.hello-school.net/hsjap.htm
  29. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Japanese/Grammar
  30. http://kimallen.sheepdogdesign.net/Japanese/index.html
  31. http://www.jgram.org/ - jgram has not updated to the new JLPT levels yet, but the grammar hasn't changed.
  32. http://www.tanos.co.uk/jlpt/skills/grammar/
  33. http://it.scribd.com/doc/6579312/A-Dictionary-of-Japanese-Particles
  34. http://ww8.tiki.ne.jp/~tmath/home/index.htm
  35. Yōkouso! http://www.mediafire.com/?rewg4tx4wte4bxv udp://tracker.openbittorrent.com:80
  36. >http://thepiratebay.sx/torrent/5892518/Japanese_the_manga_way.pdf (Japanese The Manga Way)
  39. [Helpful Forums]:
  40. http://www.guidetojapanese.org/forum/
  41. http://thejapanesepage.com/
  43. [Kanji]
  44. http://kanji.koohii.com/learnmore
  45. >http://kanji.sljfaq.org/ - Look up kanji through stroke order.
  46. http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~ik2r-myr/kanji/listjouyou_en.htm
  47. http://kakijun.main.jp/ (stroke order)
  48. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuzSRjg-3K_vck9HZmp5YmVkMXJHMDRpMmU2UzFWVkE#gid=0 - A list of the 3622 most common Kanji characters found in the Japanese Wikipedia, along with their frequencies.
  49. http://www.mediafire.com/?n0nj66yyj7dsqyz - Collection of images from the threads. This link should contain around a 3000 or so kanji. A few images may or may not be missing. Be careful of blunders I might have made as well. If you would like for this to be updated simply ask.
  50. https://mega.co.nz/#!08NiWI4C!KzBPdt9odA_tMLbHRocpEO9bYQpKOt8G4y19VKvLeu4 - Slime Forest
  52. [Listening Practice]
  53. http://www.njuku.com/
  54. http://jclab.wordpress.com/
  55. http://hukumusume.com/douwa/pc/minwa/
  56. http://www.simulradio.jp/
  58. [Online Dictionaries/Thesauruses]
  59. http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/
  60. >http://dic.nicovideo.jp/
  61. >Good for slang.
  62. >http://kotobank.jp/
  63. Good for your rarer words and terms.
  64. http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/
  65. >http://tangorin.com/
  66. >Provides example sentences along with other common dictionary features.
  67. >http://www.alc.co.jp/ - Example sentences
  68. http://zokugo-dict.com/ (general slang)
  69. http://www.geocities.jp/tomomi965/index2.html (for idioms/set phrases)
  70. http://www.media-k.co.jp/jiten/ (for 2ch slang/memes/catch phrases)
  71. http://dbms.kokken.go.jp/nknet/Onomatope/category.html (onomatopoeia)
  72. http://www.rondely.com/zakkaya/dic5/index.htm (onomatopoeia)
  73. http://home.alc.co.jp/db/owa/s_kaydic?ctg_in=4 (onomatopoeia)
  74. http://gogen-allguide.com/ (word etymology)
  75. http://kanji.reader.bz/ (kanji readings, works for names too)
  76. http://www016.upp.so-net.ne.jp/hougenn/ (for different Japanese dialects)
  77. >http://www.weblio.jp/
  79. [Other]
  80. >http://lang-8.com/ - (Practice Japanese by writing short passages, receive and give corrections from and to native Japanese speakers)
  81. http://japanese-speedtest.10fastfingers.com/
  82. http://lazunin.com/kage_en.html
  83. ttp://www.start-point.net/nihontizu/ - Prefecture Names
  84. http://iteslj.org/v/j/ (Vocab Quizzes)
  85. http://www.offbeatband.com/2010/12/the-most-commonly-used-japanese-words-by-frequency/
  86. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/wwwjdicinf.html#code_tag - Info on tags that rikai uses.
  87. >http://www.supermemo.com/articles/20rules.htm (Interesting article on learning. Recommended Reading, especially if you're wondering how you should set up your decks and so forth.)
  88. http://www.mediafire.com/?dckt6ix32l93f35 (Collection of the Nihonshock cheatsheets in pdf format.)
  89. >http://kanjitomo.com/ - 「KanjiTomo is a program for identifying Japanese characters from images」
  90. http://lapapps.net/ (Kanji for Games, that is, Game X's kanji.)
  91. http://sukebei.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=23370 - JapanesePod
  92. http://gloss.dliflc.edu/Default.aspx
  93. http://pastebin.com/xUufY26D - Small pastebin of some resources. Used to be in the Op.
  95. [Reading and/or Watching]
  96. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0Agk2IH0ZXhn7dDNmSW1BVFU5dVgyOHkzWjU4b2l2dkE&pli=1
  97. >A reading list made by a kind anon from these threads, and for these threads. Be sure to add stuff you're reading in here.
  98. http://www.portals.co.jp/isopp/
  99. http://www.mediafire.com/?93atzwak7dx47- a Mediafire of documents and raw manga to get you started with reading
  100. http://chokochoko.wordpress.com/the-great-library/
  101. http://www.j-comi.jp/
  102. >A Japanese website that provides free (older) manga to read. Mostly tons of old stuff, but it has the entire set of Love Hina (http://www.j-comi.jp/book/comic/1) volumes, which is a pretty entertaining series.
  103. http://amaterasu.tindabox.net/guide/j-comi.php
  104. >This takes a few dozen pages of actual manga, takes apart every single sentence and shows you how to translate them
  105. http://www.fengyunzhibo.com/space/japan.htm (Chinese site with Japanese television stations. Good quality as well.)
  107. http://www.jcafe24.net/index.php
  108. >Another source for manga. You have to set up an account and make a post on one of their forums before you can access the Winny Club, which is where the raw manga is.
  110. >http://kitsunekko.net/subtitles/japanese/
  111. >Japanese subtitles for a ton of different anime shows. The only problem is that some of the subs seemed to be timed wrong when used with common raws (Ex: the Japanese subs are set for a 24 minute episode, while the raw is 22 minutes). So you might have to open them up with a subtitle editor and change the times. Regardless, you can usually use these subs with the anime you already have, just disable English subs and load the Japanese subs. For the anime subs, it's worth looking into using a text hooker to extract the text to make it easy to paste into Anki or a dictionary. (Such as AGTH)
  113. http://www.livingjapanese.com/p/reading-pack.html
  114. http://www.mediafire.com/download/rzigb3zrcdta35p/Reading+pack+1+and+2.zip
  115. >Yotsuba Reading pack. First is the official page it came from, and the second link is a download for both reading packs made.
  118. http://www.raw1st.org/
  119. http://www.portals.co.jp/isopp/
  120. http://rawcs.blogspot.co.il/p/manga-index.html
  121. http://www.rawmangaspot.com/
  122. http://www.raw-manga.net/
  123. http://rawscans.com/
  124. http://shareraws.blogspot.co.il/
  125. http://crazy-cake.blogspot.co.il/p/homepage.html
  126. http://mangahead.com/
  127. >http://www.aozora.gr.jp/
  129. [E-Books (PDF)]
  130. Making Sense of Japanese Grammar (2.56 MB)
  131. *http://www.mediafire.com/?d8hvs7jyb0fi156
  133. Japanese Core Words and Phrases (3.79 MB)
  134. *http://www.mediafire.com/?z1fcbxw4vbnfb2p
  136. Japanese Particle Workbook (39.2 MB)
  137. *http://www.mediafire.com/?4c4387dbbg86a43
  139. Japanese Verbs and Essentials of Grammar (82.1 MB)
  140. *http://www.mediafire.com/?c3c83or0a5xz2dw
  142. Japanese Beyond Words (27.1 MB)
  143. *http://www.mediafire.com/?dcc3yaay9w4fj5c
  145. Read Real Japanese (80.5 MB)
  146. *http://www.mediafire.com/?sg2yr34ehldh6ir
  148. Oxford Japanese Grammar & Verbs (40.1 MB)
  149. *http://www.mediafire.com/?8xk6v525idpbdb8
  151. JLPT - Teach Yourself Japanese (32.1 MB)
  152. *http://www.mediafire.com/?lpwckercaq3mfiw
  154. (DOJG)
  155. >Highly recommended resources on the Japanese language. In particular their は and が particle explanations in DOBJG provide particullary useful explanations.
  156. >Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar (24 MB) (DOBJG)
  157. *http://www.mediafire.com/?c1swbbihl97s77b
  158. >Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar (29.6 MB) (DOIJG)
  159. *http://www.mediafire.com/?7obxdz023iiw3c8
  160. >Dictionary of Advanced Japanese Grammar (65.4 MB) (DOAJG)
  161. *http://www.mediafire.com/?r61j67rmntthy9u
  163. (Genki)
  164. >Genki I (150.4 MB)
  165. >*http://www.mediafire.com/?4dsxbexuv92xvuj
  166. Genki I Workbook (28.6 MB)
  167. *http://www.mediafire.com/?orjq8jfja8lj4aq
  168. (Supplemental Audio CDs.)
  169. Genki I CDs 1 & 2 (102.1 MB)
  170. *http://www.mediafire.com/?u4ab7xyd2pgi0k7
  171. Genki I CDs 3 & 4 (118.7 MB)
  172. *http://www.mediafire.com/?bjzhrte35es2e4z
  173. Genki I CDs 5 & 6 (119.1 MB)
  174. *http://www.mediafire.com/?2apq4wv4j2rs9qu
  176. Genki II (162.4 MB)
  177. *http://www.mediafire.com/?a2t5giuv35if4gm
  178. Genki II Workbook (128.7 MB)
  179. *http://www.mediafire.com/?mm77vpi9731okst
  180. Genki II CDs 1, 2, & 3 (103.5 MB)
  181. *http://www.mediafire.com/?6l55tomt2bnhrqq
  182. Genki II CDs 4, 5, & 6 (95.5 MB)
  183. *http://www.mediafire.com/?b0m4063od4ghcfm
  184. Genki I & II Answer Key (65.9 MB)
  185. *http://www.mediafire.com/?102h82qhflktjdt