1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name accept rate details
  3. // @namespace stackoverflow
  4. // @description Shows more details of accept rate on Stack Exchange sigs.
  5. // @include http://stackoverflow.com/*
  6. // @include http://meta.stackoverflow.com/*
  7. // @include http://superuser.com/*
  8. // @include http://meta.superuser.com/*
  9. // @include http://serverfault.com/*
  10. // @include http://meta.serverfault.com/*
  11. // @include http://askubuntu.com/*
  12. // @include http://meta.askubuntu.com/*
  13. // @include http://answers.onstartups.com/*
  14. // @include http://meta.answers.onstartups.com/*
  15. // @include http://nothingtoinstall.com/*
  16. // @include http://meta.nothingtoinstall.com/*
  17. // @include http://seasonedadvice.com/*
  18. // @include http://meta.seasonedadvice.com/*
  19. // @include http://crossvalidated.com/*
  20. // @include http://meta.crossvalidated.com/*
  21. // @include http://stackapps.com/*
  22. // @include http://*.stackexchange.com/*
  23. // @exclude http://chat.stackexchange.com/*
  24. // @exclude http://api.*.stackexchange.com/*
  25. // @exclude http://data.stackexchange.com/*
  26. // @exclude http://area51.stackexchange.com/*
  27. // @exclude http://*/reputation
  28. // @author Kip Robinson - http://stackoverflow.com/users/18511/kip
  29. // @author Yi Jiang - http://stackoverflow.com/users/313758/yi-jiang
  30. // ==/UserScript==
  32. (function() {
  33. var sigDiv = document.querySelectorAll('.accept-rate');
  34. for(var i = 0; i < sigDiv.length; i++){
  35. var matches = sigDiv[i].title.match(/([\d]+) of ([\d]+)/);
  36. if(matches.length == 3) {
  37. sigDiv[i].textContent += " (" + matches[1] + "/" + matches[2] + ")";
  38. }
  39. }
  40. })();