1. <h1>Cats</h1>
  2. <p>Cats can be black, white, tan, yellow, brown, and even hairless! Way back in ancient Egypt, They were worshiped like gods because the <em>goddess of the sun</em> chose the shape of a cat.</p>
  3. <p>Cats are not all <strong>cuddle and cute.</strong> Some cats can even kill you. Those cats are lions, panthers, tigers, and cheetahs.</p>
  4. <table border cell padding=4>
  5. <tr> <th><EM>Cat</EM></th> <th><EM>Color</EM></th> <th><EM>bodyhair</EM></th> </tr>
  6. <tr> <td>Bob</td> <td> black</td> <td>hairless</td> <tr>
  7. <tr> <td> One Eye</td> <td>yellow</td> <td>hairy</td> </tr>
  9. </table>