  2. # Maintainer: Zachary A. Jones <JazzplayerL9@gmail.com>
  4. pkgname=voxatron
  5. pkgver=0.2.5
  6. pkgrel=1
  7. pkgdesc="Voxatron is an action/adventure game set in a world completely made of tiny cubes that can be blasted to smithereens"
  8. url="http://www.lexaloffle.com/voxatron.php"
  9. license=('custom: "commercial"')
  10. groups=('humblevoxatronbundle' 'games')
  11. arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
  12. case $CARCH in
  13. i686)
  14. depends=('libgl' 'sdl')
  15. optdepends=('alsa-lib: sound support' 'libpulse: sound support')
  16. ;;
  17. x86_64)
  18. depends=('lib32-libgl' 'lib32-sdl')
  19. optdepends=('lib32-alsa-lib: sound support' 'lib32-libpulse: sound suport')
  20. ;;
  21. esac
  22. makedepends=('curl')
  23. options=(!strip)
  25. _gamepkg="${pkgname}_${pkgver}_i386.tar.gz"
  26. source=("${_gamepkg}::https://www.humblebundle.com/login"
  27. "${_gamepkg}::http://www.humblebundle.com/downloads?key=${_humblevoxatronkey}"
  28. "$pkgname.desktop"
  29. "vox-exec")
  31. _char=\'
  32. DLAGENTS=('https::/bin/echo %o > /tmp/arch && sed -i "s/.part//" /tmp/arch && /usr/bin/curl -s --cookie-jar /tmp/cjar --output /dev/null %u && cp /tmp/cjar ./ && /usr/bin/curl -sL --cookie /tmp/cjar --cookie-jar /tmp/cjar --data "username=$_humbleemail" --data "password=$_humblepassword" %u | grep -f /tmp/arch |grep -o -E "data-web=[^ ]+"| sed -e "s/data-web=\([^ ]*\)/\1/" > /tmp/url && sed -i "s/$_char//g" /tmp/url && /usr/bin/curl --cookie /tmp/cjar --cookie-jar /tmp/cjar -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o "$(</tmp/url)" && rm -f /tmp/{arch,url} || return 0'
  33. "http::/usr/bin/curl -sL %u | grep voxatron_${pkgver}_ | sed \"s/.*data-web='/url=/\" | sed \"s/' data-bt.*//\" | grep .tar.gz > /tmp/url && /usr/bin/curl -fLC - --retry 3 --retry-delay 3 -o %o -K /tmp/url && rm /tmp/url")
  35. #curl reference for update use:
  36. #curl -sL http://www.humblebundle.com/downloads?key=${_humblevoxatronkey} | grep voxatron_${pkgver}_ | sed -e \"s/.*data-web='/url=/\" | sed -e \"s/' data-bt.*//\" | grep .tar.gz > weblinks.txt
  38. if [[ ! -f $SRCDEST/${source[0]%%:*} ]]; then
  39. if [[ -z $_humbleemail || -z $_humblepassword ]]; then
  40. if [[ -z $_humblevoxatronkey ]]; then
  41. msg "if you have bound your email and password to your account, "
  42. msg "please export the values _humbleemail and _humblepassword so"
  43. msg "that you can be logged in to download the game."
  44. echo
  45. msg "if you have not bound the key to an email, "
  46. msg "please export _humblevoxatronkey in your .bashrc"
  47. return 1
  48. fi
  49. fi
  50. fi
  52. package(){
  53. cd "${srcdir}"
  54. mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}"
  55. mv -T "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}"
  57. # create Launcher
  58. install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/"
  59. install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/vox-exec" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
  60. # Install Desktop File and Icon
  61. install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop" \
  62. "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop"
  63. install -D -m644 "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/lexaloffle-vox.png" \
  64. "${pkgdir}/usr/share/icons/${pkgname}-icon.png"
  65. # Install license
  66. install -Dm 644 "${pkgdir}"/opt/${pkgname}/license.txt "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/license
  67. }
  68. md5sums=('898db01f16e0420db8239a84252a869b'
  69. '898db01f16e0420db8239a84252a869b'
  70. '184c021b52d3a9c8ac5f49435b4b93e0'
  71. 'bb84f6fcd7cdb18eb417173a6f58e00e')