1. Download your password here: http://dollarupload.com/download.php?file=17784
  4. STATUS - 4.11 - WORKING
  6. How to jailbreak PS3 4.11:
  7. 1. Download Awesome File Manager.pkg it's for managing files on your PS3 you can get it from here: http://rapidgator.net/file/1237065/Awesome_File_Manager.pkg.html
  8. 2. Download ftpserver_12.pkg it for getting PSN on PS3 when it's jailbrocken and you cant host lobbies in MW2 and MW3 you can get it from here: http://rapidgator.net/file/1238907/ftpserver_12.pkg.html
  9. 3. Download multiMAN 04.02.00 this is the best of all the reason most people jailbreak on this you can download games, music, and movies online free and it commpreses the game so you will have alot of memory and it can play
  10. emulators from all old game all the way up to N64 and PS1and it looksawsome you can get it from here: http://rapidgator.net/file/1238322/multiMAN_version__04.02.00_FULL.rar.html
  11. 4. Unzip the rar/zip file you downloaded
  12. 5. Obtain your USB drive, plug it into your computer
  13. 6. Navigate on your computer Start/My Computer/USB DRIVE
  14. 7. Put Awesome File Manager, ftpserver_12.pkg, and multiMAN 04.02.00 in the root of USB
  15. 8. right click create a folder called PS3.
  16. 9. Inside PS3, right click, create a new folder called, UPDATE.
  17. 10. Transfer the PS3UPDAT.PUP inside PS3/UPDATE
  18. 11. Safely eject your USB drive, head over to your PS3, plug your USB into your PS3.
  19. 12. Turn on your PS3
  20. 13. Navigate to Settings/Update System
  21. 14. Press Update via Storage Device
  22. 15. Agree To the Terms of Use
  23. 16. Let the PS3 Install the CFW ( Custom Firmware )
  24. 17. Your PS3 will turn off, beep 9 times, then turn on.
  26. Congratulations Your Now Jailbroken on Firmware 4.11
  28. Hope you all enjoy
  29. Hope you truly enjoy your jailbreak on 4.11 Firmware! Brought to you by PS3Update4Me