1. Start of Day
  2. <ol>
  3. <li>[ ]Check <a href="https://WWW.outlook.com">Outlook Calendar.</a></li>
  4. <li>[ ]Check <a href="https://www.google.com/calendar/render">Goggle Calendar.</a> </li>
  5. <li>[ ]Identify any conflicts.</li>
  6. <li>[ ]set appropriate reminders for the day.</li>
  7. <li>[ ]Read and process your email inbox: <a href="https://WWW.outlook.com">Outlook</a></li>
  8. <li>[ ]Review your <a href="https://www.toodledo.com/tasks/index.php#status">Projects List (W)</a> and review <a href="https://www.toodledo.com/tasks/index.php#status">Next Actions</a> for each project.</li>
  9. <li>[ ]Do! Based on schedule and priority.</li>
  10. </ol>
  11. End of day check list
  12. <ol>
  13. <li>[ ]Update <a href="https://www.toodledo.com/tasks/index.php#status">Next Actions</a> and <a href="http://www.html.am/www.toodledo.com/notebook/index.php#folder_3368345">notes</a> for each <a href="https://www.toodledo.com/tasks/index.php#status">Projects List (W)</a> to review in the morning.</li>
  14. <li>[ ]Review and update your paper note book.</li>
  15. <li>[ ]clear checklist for tomorrow</li>
  16. </ol>