1. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. // spsx.inc for SetPlayertPosEx function v1.1 (Cross Compatible with v1.0)
  3. // Author : Ballu Miaa aka Char.C
  4. // Facebook: MCeeCharC
  5. // Twitter: IndianGz
  6. // Youtube Channel: IndianGz
  7. // SAMP Forums : Ballu Miaa
  8. // Site: www.excaliburgaming.net
  9. // CREDITS:
  10. // Ballu Miaa for designing this include.
  11. // Developer of SetPlayerPos and SetPlayerFacingAngle functions. (Maybe Kalcor)
  12. // iTorran for his idea of adding new Params.
  13. // Y_Less for making the include cross compatible with v1.0
  14. // NOTE:
  15. // 1. You are not allowed to remove/edit the credits.
  16. // 2. You are not allowed to make any changes to this include and re-release it.
  17. // 3. You are not allowed to sell this include.
  18. // 4. You are not allowed to call this include of you own.
  19. //ChangeLog: This is v1.1 including interior as well as virtual world!
  20. #include <a_samp>
  21. #include <a_players>
  23. stock SetPlayerPosEx(playerid, Float:x ,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a,interior = 0,vw = 0)
  24. {
  25.     SetPlayerPos(playerid , x , y ,z);
  26.     SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, a);
  27.     SetPlayerInterior(playerid, interior);
  28.     SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, vw);
  29.     return 1;
  30. }