1. #Use def to "define" a function.  Below we are telling python to def the
  2. #function "is_it_even".  Functions are followed by an optional argument, in
  3. #the case below, I am using the "x" as a placeholder for that argument.
  4. #It takes the value of "x" and passes it into the function.  Inside the
  5. #function it runs the code against the argument of "x", checking to see if x
  6. #is divisble by 2.
  8. def is_it_even(x):
  9.     if x % 2 == 0:
  10.         return True
  11.     else:
  12.         return False
  14. # here we are going to "call" the function by printing its name and giving it
  15. # an argument for "x".
  17. print is_it_even(8)
  18. print is_it_even(9)
  23. # Most functions are used for bigger and better things than checking for even
  24. # numbers. Often they are used inside other objects called Classes.  These
  25. # classes are the foundation of most extensive programs. When functions are used
  26. # inside a Class they are referred to as methods.