1. <!-- values taken from airserver -->
  2. <!-- see http://nto.github.io/AirPlay.html#servicediscovery-airtunesservice for slightly outdated reverse engineering -->
  3. <airplay>
  4. <genericannounce>
  5. <!-- <mac>FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:F3</mac> --><!-- uncomment for overwriting the real mac with custom value -->
  6. <features>0x100029ff</features> <!-- features bit field -->
  7. <srcvers>150.33</srcvers> <!-- used protocol version -->
  8. <model>AppleTV3,2</model> <!-- the model name -->
  9. </genericannounce>
  11. <airplayannounce>
  12. <entry key="vv" value="1" /> <!-- key value pair to announce as txt record via zeroconf -->
  13. </airplayannounce>
  15. <airtunesannounce>
  16. <entry key="txtvers" value="1" />
  17. <entry key="cn" value="0,1" /> <!-- supported audio codecs pcm and alac -->
  18. <entry key="ch" value="2" /> <!-- number of supported channels 2 -->
  19. <entry key="ek" value="1" /> <!-- undocumented -->
  20. <entry key="et" value="0,1,3,5" /> <!-- supported encryptions 0-no enc, 1-RSA, 3, FairPlay, 4 - MFiSAP, 5-FairPlay SAPv2.5 -->
  21. <entry key="sv" value="false" /> <!-- undocumented -->
  22. <entry key="tp" value="UDP" /> <!-- transport protocol -->
  23. <entry key="ss" value="16" /> <!--sample size 16 bit -->
  24. <entry key="sr" value="44100" /> <!-- sample rate 44100 hz -->
  25. <entry key="pw" value="false" /> <!-- no password protection -->
  26. <entry key="vn" value="65537" /> <!-- undocumented -->
  27. <entry key="da" value="true" /> <!-- undocumented -->
  28. <entry key="md" value="0,1,2" /> <!-- metadata support 0-text, 1-artwork, 2-progress -->
  29. <entry key="sf" value="0x4" /> <!-- undocumented -->
  30. </airtunesannounce>
  31. </airplay>