1. [6:01:38 PM] Tom Jones: Guys...I'm looking for some Brand new LoL puns
  2. Irelia need some original ones
  3. but I'm not Talon-ted enough to make some up
  4. [6:01:48 PM] Tom Jones: help
  5. [6:02:13 PM] Tyler James: just leesin to yourself
  6. [6:02:24 PM] Tyler James: you've made plenty of puns, why are you asheking us
  7. [6:02:54 PM] Tyler James: your masteryi of puns is quite evident
  8. [6:03:10 PM] Tom Jones: lololol
  9. [6:03:18 PM] Tyler James: i don't think there's anniebody who can stop you
  10. [6:03:42 PM] Tom Jones: My day has been made
  11. [6:04:00 PM] Alec Gonzales: I will ban you ALL
  12. [6:04:00 PM] Tyler James: i'm glad i managed to get a ryze out of you
  13. [6:04:22 PM] Alec Gonzales: UNLESS
  14. [6:04:31 PM] Alec Gonzales: someone can ACTUALLY make a cho'gath pun
  15. [6:04:37 PM] Alec Gonzales: using his whole name
  16. [6:04:42 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: alec
  17. [6:04:48 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: you shouldve said
  18. [6:04:53 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: i will ban ali you
  19. [6:04:59 PM] Tyler James: loooooooool
  20. [6:05:18 PM] *** Alec Gonzales has changed the conversation picture. ***
  21. [6:05:32 PM | Edited 6:05:43 PM] Tom Jones: I will ban Ali you guys for these Shennaniganks
  22. [6:05:41 PM] Tyler James: alec:
  23. [6:05:51 PM] Alec Gonzales: Aw, fiddlesticks, you guys sure got me
  24. [6:05:53 PM] Tyler James: maCho Gath randy savage
  25. [6:05:54 PM] Tyler James: maybe
  26. [6:05:58 PM] Tyler James: that's all i got
  27. [6:06:01 PM] Tyler James: chogath is hard
  28. [6:06:08 PM] Alec Gonzales: exactly
  29. [6:06:15 PM] Tyler James: i might need some Support on this one
  30. [6:06:42 PM] Alec Gonzales: there's an ap for that
  31. [6:07:05 PM | Edited 6:08:10 PM] Tom Jones: Cho gath to gather up your thoughts?
  32. [6:07:12 PM] Tyler James: what
  33. [6:07:42 PM] Tyler James: these puns are ziggs-zagging between awesome and shitty
  34. [6:08:11 PM] Alec Gonzales: I blame the bad ones on Tyler
  35. [6:08:35 PM] Tom Jones: Hey...it's Cho'gath. It's not easy.
  36. Anivia guys have better Cho puns?
  37. [6:08:45 PM] Alec Gonzales: No.
  38. [6:09:03 PM] Tom Jones: Elise I'm giving it some thought
  39. [6:09:41 PM] Tyler James: rengarengarengarengarengarengarengarengarengarengaren
  40. [6:09:47 PM] Tyler James: its rengar
  41. [6:09:49 PM] Tyler James: AND garen
  42. [6:10:46 PM] Tom Jones: Rengaren
  43. [6:10:59 PM] Tom Jones: Thrill of the Demacian Justice
  44. [6:11:06 PM] Tyler James: and they both like justice
  45. [6:11:09 PM] Tyler James: er
  46. [6:11:13 PM] Tyler James: both like bushes
  47. [6:11:28 PM] Tyler James: note to self: reading one thing while trying to type another thing doesnt always work otu
  48. [6:11:30 PM] Tyler James: *out
  49. [6:11:31 PM] Tom Jones: Decisive Savegery
  50. [6:11:47 PM] Tyler James: Battle Courage
  51. [6:11:53 PM] Tyler James: Ebola Judgement
  52. [6:11:56 PM] Tom Jones: XD
  53. [6:12:06 PM] Justin Culpepper: True Crystal Barrage
  54. [6:12:19 PM] Tyler James: no you idiot
  55. [6:12:22 PM] Tom Jones: Ferocious Persevrence
  56. [6:12:22 PM] Tyler James: its Hawkshot Barrage
  57. [6:12:23 PM] Justin Culpepper: im confused
  58. [6:12:54 PM] Justin Culpepper: Cyclone Judgement
  59. [6:12:59 PM] Justin Culpepper: SPINTOWIN
  60. [6:13:20 PM] Alec Gonzales: Wtf is happening here?
  61. [6:13:21 PM] Tyler James: spinning death judgement cyclone
  62. [6:13:25 PM] Tyler James: how many spin moves
  63. [6:13:26 PM] Tyler James: can you fit
  64. [6:13:28 PM] Tyler James: in one name
  65. [6:13:46 PM] Justin Culpepper: so what is alec's summoners name
  66. [6:13:51 PM] Tyler James: 1468102a
  67. [6:13:55 PM] Justin Culpepper: wow
  68. [6:13:56 PM] Alec Gonzales: so pro
  69. [6:14:20 PM] Tom Jones: Judgemental Whirrling Death Cyclone
  70. [6:14:35 PM] Tyler James: where did whirling come from
  71. [6:14:40 PM] Tom Jones: Draven
  72. [6:14:42 PM] Tyler James: oh
  73. [6:14:44 PM] Tom Jones: Had Draven on my mind
  74. [6:14:49 PM] Tom Jones: Draven does it all with style
  75. [6:14:51 PM] Tyler James: *had draven on your draven
  76. [6:14:54 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: guys comon, lets not Fizz-le up these puns.
  77. this is some fish fish fishy business
  78. [6:14:56 PM | Edited 6:15:07 PM] Justin Culpepper: DRAAAAAAVEN*
  79. [6:15:09 PM] Justin Culpepper: nev
  80. [6:15:14 PM] Tyler James: these puns are draven me nuts
  81. [6:15:22 PM] Parker Dray: draven
  82. [6:15:27 PM] Parker Dray: ill be here all week
  83. [6:15:27 PM] Parker Dray: ty
  84. [6:15:44 PM] Tyler James: parker that pun was a bit arcane shifty
  85. [6:16:16 PM] Tom Jones: Ezreally not even that great?
  86. [6:16:16 PM] Alec Gonzales: If you guys don't stop, I'll make you walk the Gangplank
  87. [6:16:18 PM] Parker Dray: well do you need me to get out the brand or should i just let karma take care of you for that?
  88. [6:17:22 PM | Edited 6:19:04 PM] Tyler James: parker you are the augmented singed of my existence
  89. [6:17:23 PM] Justin Culpepper: dont worry im here to save the day
  90. [6:17:24 PM] Justin Culpepper: http://i.imgur.com/lSF7h.jpg
  91. [6:17:33 PM] Parker Dray: are you even LeeSin-ing to me?
  92. [6:17:40 PM] Tyler James: yousucknoob
  93. [6:17:46 PM] Tyler James: i already did a leesin=listen pun
  94. [6:17:54 PM] Parker Dray: no
  95. [6:18:06 PM] Parker Dray: i already nunu that
  96. [6:18:14 PM] Justin Culpepper: this isnt nasus-ary
  97. [6:18:30 PM] Tyler James: parker you have made a graves mistake
  98. [6:18:32 PM] Justin Culpepper: here is a zilean puns http://i.imgur.com/lSF7h.jpg
  99. [6:18:35 PM | Edited 6:18:41 PM] Alec Gonzales: you all are the swain of my existence
  100. [6:18:42 PM] Tyler James: alec i beat you to that one
  101. [6:18:48 PM | Edited 6:19:27 PM] Tyler James:
  102. [6:17 PM] Tyler James:
  104. <<< parker you are the augmented singed of my existence
  106. [6:19:25 PM] Justin Culpepper: youll eve-entually get it
  107. [6:19:27 PM] Justin Culpepper: TRUNDLE
  108. [6:19:39 PM] Tom Jones: I think Alec is starting to get a bad Twitch from all of these puns
  109. [6:19:45 PM] Parker Dray: well looks like i better leave now while i still Ken-nen
  110. [6:19:57 PM] Justin Culpepper: GG
  111. [6:19:57 PM] Tyler James: this is starting to boar me
  112. [6:20:11 PM] Alec Gonzales: Maybe you should go get your fortune told?
  113. [6:20:11 PM] Tyler James: i'm bristling at some of these
  114. [6:20:29 PM] Tom Jones: Well we can look back at these and Olaf at them together
  115. [6:20:31 PM] Tom Jones: auheauheauheauheuhe
  116. [6:20:41 PM] Alec Gonzales: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  117. [6:20:53 PM] Alec Gonzales: here comes a chinese earthquake
  118. [6:20:58 PM] Alec Gonzales: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
  119. [6:20:59 PM] Parker Dray: if these puns keep up im gonna be (d)Rivin' you all off a cliff
  120. [6:21:15 PM] Parker Dray: for the ultimate Viktory
  121. [6:21:37 PM] Tyler James: this chat has evolved beyond jokes
  122. [6:21:39 PM] Tyler James: it is now
  123. [6:21:40 PM] Tyler James: a robot
  124. [6:21:41 PM] Tyler James: beep.
  125. [6:21:43 PM] Tyler James: boop.
  126. [6:21:47 PM] Parker Dray: fuck the chat
  127. [6:21:49 PM] Tom Jones: Urgotta be kidding me.
  128. [6:21:51 PM] Alec Gonzales: Tyler, shut up or I'll jax you up
  129. [6:22:04 PM] Tyler James: WHO WANTS A PIECE O DA CHAMP
  130. [6:22:28 PM] Parker Dray: Tyler is so Nauti-lus
  131. [6:22:32 PM] Tom Jones: watch out guys, Tyler and Alec are getting ready to Rumble
  132. [6:22:59 PM | Edited 6:23:20 PM] Tom Jones: Lux like we're running out of puns...
  133. [6:23:16 PM] Justin Culpepper: [6:23 PM] Tom Jones:
  135. <<< Lux
  136. [6:23:22 PM] Justin Culpepper: [6:22 PM] Tom Jones:
  138. <<< Rumble
  139. [6:23:29 PM] Justin Culpepper: [6:22 PM] Parker Dray:
  141. <<< Nauti-lus
  142. [6:23:52 PM] Tyler James: we're gonna need a Teem o experts
  143. [6:23:56 PM] Tyler James: to analyze those
  144. [6:23:58 PM] Parker Dray: dont make me Jayce you down
  145. [6:24:08 PM] Parker Dray: you might Di-ana
  146. [6:24:10 PM] Tyler James: hhe
  147. [6:24:14 PM] Tyler James: he will do it
  148. [6:24:22 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: aye, doo ittt
  149. [6:24:23 PM] Tyler James: he will get in his kar(thus) and pursue you
  150. [6:24:41 PM] Parker Dray: Gah, Fiddlesticks these are getting bad
  151. [6:24:51 PM | Edited 6:24:58 PM] Alec Gonzales: orianna come up with any better puns?
  152. [6:24:53 PM] Tom Jones: When he gets you, you're going to be Sor(aka).
  153. [6:25:03 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: correction he will get in his kar(thus) and press r you
  154. [6:25:08 PM] Tyler James: im gonna tar(ic) you a new one
  155. [6:25:24 PM] Parker Dray: will i nid-a-lee tle help?
  156. [6:25:30 PM] Alec Gonzales: He'll pop(py) you in the jaw
  157. [6:25:33 PM | Edited 6:25:50 PM] Tom Jones: Parker freaking Shen'd me on the Nid...
  158. [6:26:17 PM] Parker Dray: will they need to Synd-ra me some care packages?
  159. [6:26:18 PM] Tyler James: parker zed it before you did?
  160. [6:27:06 PM] Tyler James: GEMS
  161. [6:27:10 PM] Alec Gonzales: I swear there's a zilean of these puns
  162. [6:27:10 PM] Tyler James: battle over
  163. [6:27:25 PM] Justin Culpepper: alec -.-
  164. [6:27:37 PM] Justin Culpepper: [6:18 PM] Justin Culpepper:
  166. <<< here is a zilean puns http://i.imgur.com/lSF7h.jpgnice try
  167. [6:27:57 PM] *** Alec Gonzales removed Justin Culpepper from this conversation. ***
  168. [6:28:08 PM] *** Parker Dray added Justin Culpepper ***
  169. [6:28:11 PM] Parker Dray: nice try guy
  170. [6:28:12 PM] Justin Culpepper: <3
  171. [6:28:12 PM | Edited 6:28:17 PM] Tom Jones: That was a bit Sivir don't you think
  172. [6:28:13 PM] Alec Gonzales: that's what happens
  173. [6:28:22 PM] Justin Culpepper: sorry convo host
  175. [6:28:40 PM] Parker Dray: I Dar-ius you to make another pun
  176. [6:29:18 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: Ahri really going to keep going with this?
  177. [6:29:29 PM] Parker Dray: Or the entire Mundo will put a Talon into you
  178. [6:29:50 PM] Tyler James: i think rodo looks a little Singed from that sick burn
  179. [6:30:27 PM] Tyler James: this entire battle
  180. [6:30:29 PM] Tyler James: has been
  181. [6:30:30 PM] Tyler James: ROCK SOLID
  182. [6:30:40 PM] Parker Dray: Seroiusly, I'm gonna Tar(ic) a new mouth for you if we continue this
  183. [6:30:54 PM] Tyler James: i already did a taric pun
  184. [6:30:56 PM] Tyler James: epic kayle.
  185. [6:31:18 PM] Parker Dray: looks like it's my viktory
  186. [6:31:27 PM] Parker Dray: as Ronan would say
  187. [6:31:32 PM] Tom Jones: I'm Sion from all these puns. We're still going?
  188. [6:31:35 PM] Tom Jones: ffff
  189. [6:31:39 PM] Tyler James: no parker
  190. [6:31:43 PM] Tyler James: as dunkey would say
  191. [6:31:44 PM] Tyler James: I DID IT
  192. [6:31:56 PM] Parker Dray: YOU TYPED 3 LINES WITH NO PUNS
  193. [6:31:57 PM | Edited 6:32:03 PM] Parker Dray: DIE(ana)
  195. [6:32:52 PM] Parker Dray: 4
  196. [6:33:28 PM] Tom Jones: This guy isn't even Tryn anymore...
  197. [6:33:32 PM] Tom Jones: that's bad...
  198. [6:33:47 PM] Parker Dray: that's vlad for the conversation topic
  199. [6:34:28 PM | Edited 6:34:38 PM] Parker Dray: Well, I'M-organa Eat dinner
  200. [6:34:39 PM | Edited 6:35:02 PM] Tom Jones: Too bad Jeff wasn't here to join us
  201. I guess he's theoddone out.
  202. [6:34:56 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: Oriana stop this anytime soon?
  203. [6:34:59 PM] Parker Dray: Hopefully my dinner will be Salce
  204. [6:35:00 PM] Tyler James: this is a dyr(us) situation
  205. [6:35:06 PM | Edited 6:35:13 PM] Tyler James: quit phreaking out rodo
  206. [6:35:15 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: quite?
  207. [6:35:18 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: LOLLLLL
  208. [6:35:23 PM] Justin Culpepper: whats up with the ()
  209. [6:35:46 PM] Tyler James: this discussion
  210. [6:35:50 PM] Tom Jones: Where's the Vayne pun guys...
  211. [6:35:52 PM] Tyler James: has scarra'd me for life
  212. [6:35:56 PM] Tyler James: no courtney
  213. [6:35:57 PM] Tyler James: we cant
  214. [6:36:01 PM] Tyler James: it would be too vayneful
  215. [6:36:30 PM] Rodolfo Zevallos: tyler everything you say is in vayne