1. style "default-style"
  2. {
  3. # modify the x/ythickness, used for spacing all over the place
  4. xthickness = 3
  5. ythickness = 3
  7. # one can set so called "style properties"
  8. GtkRange::slider-width = 15
  10. # set the background to a light grey
  11. bg[NORMAL] = "#015814"
  12. bg[ACTIVE] = "#015814"
  13. bg[INSENSITIVE] = "#015814"
  14. bg[PRELIGHT] = "#015814"
  15. bg[SELECTED] = "#015814"
  16. # and the forground to black
  17. fg[NORMAL] = "#548D60"
  18. }
  20. class "EventBox" style "default-style"