1. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
  2. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
  3. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The import com.koushikdutta.widgets.BetterListActivity cannot be resolved
  4. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The import com.koushikdutta.widgets.BetterListFragment cannot be resolved
  5. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The import com.koushikdutta.widgets.ListContentFragment cannot be resolved
  6. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The import com.koushikdutta.widgets.ListItem cannot be resolved
  7. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListActivity cannot be resolved to a type
  8. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListContentFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  9. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListContentFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  10. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListContentFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  11. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListActivity cannot be resolved to a type
  12. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method setContent(ListItem, UidPolicy) from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListItem
  13. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  14. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The constructor MenuInflater(MainActivity) is undefined
  15. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  16. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) of type new SettingsFragment(){} must override or implement a supertype method
  17. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) is undefined for the type SettingsFragment
  18. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListActivity cannot be resolved to a type
  19. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  20. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method onCreate(Bundle, View) of type MainActivity must override or implement a supertype method
  21. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListActivity cannot be resolved to a type
  22. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  23. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  24. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  25. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListActivity cannot be resolved to a type
  26. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListItem cannot be resolved to a type
  27. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  28. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  29. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) of type new LogFragment(){} must override or implement a supertype method
  30. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method onConfigurationChanged(Configuration) is undefined for the type LogFragment
  31. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  32. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): BetterListFragment cannot be resolved to a type
  33. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getLongDateFormat(Context) in the type DateFormat is not applicable for the arguments (MainActivity)
  34. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListItem cannot be resolved to a type
  35. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method addItem(int, new ListItem(){}) is undefined for the type MainActivity
  36. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListItem cannot be resolved to a type
  37. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getFragment() from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListContentFragment
  38. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): ListItem cannot be resolved to a type
  39. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method setContent(ListItem, UidPolicy) from the type MainActivity refers to the missing type ListItem
  40. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method loadPackageIcon(Context, String) in the type Helper is not applicable for the arguments (MainActivity, String)
  41. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): The method getPolicies(Context) in the type SuDatabaseHelper is not applicable for the arguments (MainActivity)
  42. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050):
  43. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at com.koushikdutta.superuser.MainActivity.<init>(MainActivity.java:19)
  44. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at java.lang.Class.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
  45. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Class.java:1319)
  46. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.Instrumentation.newActivity(Instrumentation.java:1054)
  47. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2211)
  48. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2354)
  49. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$600(ActivityThread.java:150)
  50. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1244)
  51. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
  52. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
  53. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5193)
  54. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  55. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
  56. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:795)
  57. E/AndroidRuntime( 6050): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:5
  58. W/ActivityManager( 654): Force finishing activity com.koushikdutta.superuser/.MainActivity