1. "No in Chapter";"Url";"Chapter";"Previous url";"Close by source";"Own textmark";"Citation";"Original list (http://app.homelien.no/~oystein/manifurls/urls-unicode-ordered.txt)"
  2. 29;"МБ";"1.3 The Failure of Western Universities";"http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/1142";;"N";"Writer Mark Steyn[28] comments on how “out in the real world it seems the true globalisation success story of the 1990s was the export of ideology from a relatively obscure part of the planet to the heart of every Western city.” “Writing about the collapse of nations such as Somalia, the Atlantic Monthly’s Robert D. Kaplan referred to the “citizens” of such “states” as “re-primitivised man.”
  4. “When lifelong Torontonians are hot for decapitation, when Yorkshiremen born and bred and into fish ‘n’ chips and cricket and lousy English pop music self-detonate on the London Tube, it would seem that the phenomenon of “re-primitivised man” has been successfully exported around the planet. It’s reverse globalisation: The pathologies of the remotest backwaters now have franchise outlets in every Western city.”";"МБ"
  5. 33;"http://59.334.18.097plusf87:RQqljii569218397413КЂ";"1.8 European Slaves, Arab Masters";;"33. Gordon. Slavery in the Arab World, p. 234.";"Y";"Slavery on the Arabian peninsula was not abolished formally until 1962 in Saudi Arabia, 32 and 1970 in Yemen and Oman. 33";"http://59.334.18.097plusf87:RQqljii569218397413КЂ"
  6. 15;"ШИ";"1.9 Hindu Kush, the largest Genocides in the history of man";;"15. Encyclopedia Americana, Vol.14, p.206, 1993";"Y";"Encyclopedia Americana comments on the Hindu Kush as follows: The name Hindu Kush means literally 'Kills the Hindu', a reminder of the days when (Hindu) SLAVES from Indian subcontinent died in harsh Afgan mountains while being transported to Moslem courts of Central Asia (15).";"ШИ"
  7. 19;"ЧЗ";"1.18 Turkey: Back to the Future?";;"19. Ivo Andric, The Development of Spiritual Life in Bosnia Under the Influence of Turkish Rule, (1924 doctoral dissertation), English translation, Durham, North Carolina, 1990, Chaps. 2 and 3, pp. 16-38.
  8. ";"Y";"Ivo Andric analysed [19] the “rayah” (meaning “herd”, and “to graze a herd”) or dhimmi condition imposed upon the indigenous Christian population of Bosnia, for four centuries.";"ЧЗ"
  9. 51;"http://51.927.4.463subf18:EFlqxma713369592384ПЏ";"1.18 Turkey: Back to the Future?";;"50. Christopher Lloyd, The Navy and The Slave Trade, London, 1949.";"Y";"Deliberately limited and ineffectual firmans issued by the Ottoman Porte failed to discourage East African slave trading [49], and even British naval power, so successful in the Atlantic and Indian oceans [50], was unable to suppress the Red Sea slave trade to the Ottoman Empire at the end of the 19th century. [51]";"http://51.927.4.463subf18:EFlqxma713369592384ПЏ"
  10. 52;"http://51.517.-0.083plusf95:QEopjnn365893154526ЗН";"1.18 Turkey: Back to the Future?";;;"Y";"Regardless, as Reuben Levy notes: [52] At Constantinople, the sale of women slaves, both negresses and Circassians [likely for harem slavery and/or concubinage], continued to be openly practiced until…1908.";"http://51.517.-0.083plusf95:QEopjnn365893154526ЗН"
  11. 50;"http://53.415.-2.973plusf37:OHawrpc639174173148ГЋ";"1.19 The fall of the Christian state of Lebanon";"http://www.coptic.net/EncyclopediaCoptica/";;"N";"The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt";"http://53.415.-2.973plusf37:OHawrpc639174173148ГЋ"
  12. "1.II";"ХA";"1.27 Myths and Politics - Origin or the Myth of a Tolerant Pluralistic Islamic Society";;"1.II http://www.vor.ru/Kosovo/history_eng.html";"?";"Kosovo – Islamic Demographic Warfare from 1900 to present";"ХA"
  13. "46";"http://51.883.-0.407subf41:LEocmje681673499621ВЈ";"2.1 EU's Eurabia Project (The Eurabia Code) - ...";"http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/06/14/news/giscard.php";;"Y";"Giscard has also said that ""it was a mistake to use the referendum process"" because ""it is not possible for anyone to understand [46] the full text.""";"http://51.883.-0.407subf41:LEocmje681673499621ВЈ"
  14. "7";"http://53.554.10.022plusf75:DTpqdck196754674448МA";"2.3 Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union";"http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/3340";;"Y";"This was the formal birth of Eurabia, when Western European governments, giving in to pressure from Arab terrorists and oil-producing states, abandoned their traditional pro-Israeli position and gradually aligned themselves with the Arab-Islamic world. There is absolutely no reason to assume[7]";"http://53.554.10.022plusf75:DTpqdck196754674448МA"
  15. "26";"http://51.489.-0.140plusf35:OQrekqx638547721565ХБ";"2.4 Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon";"http://www.free-europe.org/blog/english.php?itemid=301";;"N";"They believe this is why the EU is doomed and why it will “leave a terrible devastation[25] behind it, a wasteland from which it would take many years for the peoples of Europe to emerge.”";"http://51.489.-0.140plusf35:OQrekqx638547721565ХБ"
  16. "14";"КФ";"2.9 How the Feminists' ""War against Boys"" Paved the Way for Islam";"http://www.policyreview.org/aug05/torrey.html";;"Y";"Barbara Boyle Torrey and Nicholas Eberstadt write about[14] a significant divergence in fertility between Canada and the U.S.: “The levels of Canadian and American long-term trends in age of first marriage, first births, and common-law unions are consistent with the divergence in total fertility rates in the two countries. But the divergence in none of these proximate variables is large enough to explain the much larger divergence in fertility.” “Changing values in the U.S. and Canada may be contributing to the fertility divergence. The stronger notional role of men in U.S. families and the greater religiosity of Americans are positively associated with fertility, and the latter is also a strong predictor of negative attitudes toward abortion. Women in Canada enter common-law unions more often, wait longer than American women to marry, and have children later and less often.”";"КФ"
  17. "5";"http://48.864.2.327subf37:KTynmwf396737684766ЂЊ";"2.12 The Fatherless Civilisation";"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2004/01/22/do2201.xml&sSheet=/opinion/2004/01/22/ixopinion.html";;"Y";"Why Europe chooses extinction[5] Demographics is destiny. Never in recorded history have prosperous and peaceful nations chosen to disappear from the face of the earth. Yet that is what the Europeans have chosen to do. Back in 1348 Europe suffered the Black Death, a combination of bubonic plague and likely a form of mad cow disease, observes American Enterprise Institute scholar Ben Wattenberg. “The plague reduced the estimated European population by about a third. In the next 50 years, Europe’s population will relive — in slow motion — that plague demography, losing about a fifth of its population by 2050 and more as the decades roll on.”
  18. ";"http://48.864.2.327subf37:KTynmwf396737684766ЂЊ"
  19. "31";"http://59.911.10.738subf36:EMlpoga918318646547НЖ";"2.28 What Does Muslim Immigration Cost Europe?";" http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=26&story_id=28932&name=Police+brought+in+as+teachers+lose+control+at+Berlin+school";;"Y";"When reporters went to school[31] they were pelted with paving stones by masked youths from the schoolyard as the district's mayor stood helplessly at the entrance of the building.";"http://59.911.10.738subf36:EMlpoga918318646547НЖ"
  20. "14";"http://59.346.18.048plusf36:PJwojkw568423541554СЧ";"2.31 Muslim Persecution of Christians";"http://sikhnet.com/sikhnet/discussion.nsf/By+Topic/b2a356d25fe67fa887256aef0079616e?Open";;"Y";"The ordeal of Suhir Shihata Gouda exemplifies the experience of many Egyptian Christians, and principally of Christian women, who are frequently victimised by Muslim men.[14]";"http://59.346.18.048plusf36:PJwojkw568423541554СЧ"
  21. "66";"http://45.768.4.830plusf32:Qiokyis489273561938ЛУ";"2.31 Muslim Persecution of Christians";;"Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), “Friday Sermons in Saudi Mosques: Review and Analysis,” MEMRI Special Report No. 10, September 26, 2002. www.memri.org. This sermon is undated, but it recently appeared on the Saudi website www.alminbar.net.";"Y";"In a recent Friday sermon at a mosque in Mecca, Sheikh Marzouq Salem Al-Ghamdi spelled out the Sharia’s injunctions for dhimmis:";"http://45.768.4.830plusf32:Qiokyis489273561938ЛУ"
  22. "7";"http://52.374.4.873subf93:XOmlosa487987172719УШ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;"“Shema Hijerarnijskim Odnosa OpO ‘VAZAL.’” Report written by the ARBiH Military Intelligence";"N";"A second document from Bosnian Muslim military intelligence detailing the infrastructure of the foreign mujahideen brigade lists the names of prominent individual jihad financiers and recruiters based in Zagreb, London, Vienna, Milan, and Torino.[6]";"http://52.374.4.873subf93:XOmlosa487987172719УШ"
  23. "9";"http://57.703.11.966subf55:OSlecqs136548171343ЧГ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;"“Disruption of the enemy’s activities.” Memorandum dispatched from Zenica by Colonel Ramiz Dugalic, commander of the Ministry of Defense Security Administration – Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ARBiH) Security Service Department. Classified No. 258-33. September 14, 1994.";"N";"In a report written in September 1994, sources within the ARBiH Security Service Department warned that “their not providing their personal data is most probably due to possible links with [intelligence services] or having committed criminal offenses in their countries of origin, for in case their countries learnt about their stay here, they would demand their extradition.”[8]";"http://57.703.11.966subf55:OSlecqs136548171343ЧГ"
  24. "10";"http://50.854.4.346plusf08:MFmtwzl673468422ОЂ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;;"N";;"http://50.854.4.346plusf08:MFmtwzl673468422ОЂ"
  25. "18";"http://52.367.9.741subf39:MFthkko981463710363ЉС";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;"Unidentified video interview of “Abu Ibrahim.” Originally obtained from the Finsbury Park Mosque, London";"N";"First, we who live in the free West and enjoy freedom of expression and scientific inquiry should encourage a rational look at Islam, should encourage Koranic criticism. Only Koranic criticism can help Muslims to look at their Holy Scripture in a more rational and objective way, and prevent young Muslims from being fanaticised by the Koran’s less tolerant verses…We can encourage rationality by secular education. This will mean the closing of religious madrassas where young children from poor families learn only the Koran by heart, learn the doctrine of Jihad - learn , in short, to be fanatics…My priority would be the wholesale rewriting of school texts, which at present preach intolerance of non-Muslims, particularly Jews. One hopes that education will encourage critical thinking and rationality. Again to encourage pluralism, I should like to see the glories of pre-Islamic history taught to all children. The banning of all religious education in state schools as is the case in France where there is a clear constitutional separation of state and religion is not realistic for the moment in Islamic countries. The best we can hope for is the teaching of Comparative Religion, which we hope will eventually lead to a lessening of fanatical fevers, as Islam is seen as but another set of beliefs amongst a host of faiths.[17] ";"http://52.367.9.741subf39:MFthkko981463710363ЉС"
  26. "29";"http://40.375.-3.768subf62:OKblmcw394717197273ЊУ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;"Azzam Publications. “Under the Shades of Swords.” Audiocassette sequel to “In the Hearts of Green Birds.”";"N";"According to his teachers, he “excelled” at shooting and throwing grenades and he insisted that he would remain in Bosnia “‘until either we get victory or I am martyred’… One thing which was strange about him was that he always used to say, thinking back, I remember, maybe three, four, five times a day, he would say to me that ‘Inshallah [“God-willing”] I am going to be martyred. Inshallah, this time in Bosnia, I am going to be martyred.’”[28]";"http://40.375.-3.768subf62:OKblmcw394717197273ЊУ"
  27. "30";"http://52.528.13.393plusf91:AIsmuck789717881861РУ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;;"N";;"http://52.528.13.393plusf91:AIsmuck789717881861РУ"
  28. "31";"http://59.911.10.748plusf67:PSkrhkc631974631849СИ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;;"N";;"http://59.911.10.748plusf67:PSkrhkc631974631849СИ"
  29. "109";"http://52.491.13.351subf93:XLlymxo638971763265ВЦ";"2.36 The Afghan-Bosnian Mujahideen Network in Europe";;"Vidino, Lorenzo. “Creating Outrage.” National Review Online.";"N";"During meetings with Muslim leaders, the delegation led by Abu Laban displayed the cartoons published by Jyllands-Posten—along with several other much more offensive items that had never actually been published in Scandinavia, including a cartoon depicting the Prophet having sexual intercourse with a dog. Other printed materials distributed in conjunction with Abu Laban’s campaign contained several other inflammatory and misleading rumours about the would-be “oppression” of Danish Muslims.[108]";"http://52.491.13.351subf93:XLlymxo638971763265ВЦ"
  30. "28";"http://51.501.-0.096subf94:OWgwvkp618746656659УК";"2.50 Why We Cannot Rely on Moderat Muslims";"http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/muslim-anger-erupts-at-costello-call-to-renounce-terrorism/2006/09/03/1157222007392.html";;"Y";"Federal Treasurer Peter Costello[28] said Australian Muslim leaders need to stand up and publicly denounce terrorism in all its forms. Mr. Costello has also backed calls by Prime Minister John Howard for Islamic migrants to adopt Australian values. Mr. Howard caused outrage in Australia’s Islamic community when he said Muslims needed to speak English and show respect to women.";"http://51.501.-0.096subf94:OWgwvkp618746656659УК"
  31. "31";"http://50.868.4.329subf52:ISpllev132873183786A";"2.50 Why We Cannot Rely on Moderat Muslims";"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=400605&in_page_id=1770&ct=5";;"Y";"In August 2006, following the unveiling of a plot to blow up several airliners between Britain and the USA, Muslim leaders summoned to talks with the Government on tackling extremism made a series of demands, which included the introduction of sharia law[31] for family matters.";"http://50.868.4.329subf52:ISpllev132873183786AЈ"
  32. "4";"http://52.571.13.320subf02:LRdpxjk781698196548ВЧ";"2.51 Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?";"http://ancienthistory.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=ancienthistory&zu=http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/aristotle-politics1.html";;"Y";"In Politics[4], Aristotle, too, was critical of the democratic system. He described the various models of ruling thus:";"http://52.571.13.320subf02:LRdpxjk781698196548ВЧ"
  33. "49";"http://48.866.2.306subf54:LWpprvt125662489953ЂН";"2.51 Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?";"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;sessionid=WQ000AD30EE1NQFIQMGCM5WAVCBQUJVC?xml=/news/2004/12/18/nprince18.xml&secureRefresh=true&_requestid=66141";;"Y";"In Britain in 2004, Prince Charles[49] brokered efforts to end the Muslim death penalty on converts to other faiths by holding a private summit of Christian and Muslim leaders. The Muslim group cautioned the prince and other non-Muslims against speaking publicly on the issue. A member of the Christian group said that he was “very, very unhappy” about the outcome. Patrick Sookhdeo, the international director of the Barnabas Fund which campaigns on behalf of persecuted Christians abroad, urged the prince and Muslim leaders in Britain to criticise openly the traditional Islamic law on apostasy, calling for it to be abolished throughout the world. According to Sookhdeo, “one of the fundamental notions of a secular society is the moral importance of freedom, of individual choice. But in Islam, choice is not allowable: there cannot be free choice about whether to choose or reject any of the fundamental aspects of the religion, because they are all divinely ordained. God has laid down the law, and man must obey.”";"http://48.866.2.306subf54:LWpprvt125662489953ЂН"
  34. "49";"http://47.372.8.539subf94:LCngckt463136616341ЖТ";"2.51 Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?";;;"Y";"In Britain in 2004, Prince Charles[49] brokered efforts to end the Muslim death penalty on converts to other faiths by holding a private summit of Christian and Muslim leaders. The Muslim group cautioned the prince and other non-Muslims against speaking publicly on the issue. A member of the Christian group said that he was “very, very unhappy” about the outcome. Patrick Sookhdeo, the international director of the Barnabas Fund which campaigns on behalf of persecuted Christians abroad, urged the prince and Muslim leaders in Britain to criticise openly the traditional Islamic law on apostasy, calling for it to be abolished throughout the world. According to Sookhdeo, “one of the fundamental notions of a secular society is the moral importance of freedom, of individual choice. But in Islam, choice is not allowable: there cannot be free choice about whether to choose or reject any of the fundamental aspects of the religion, because they are all divinely ordained. God has laid down the law, and man must obey.”";"http://47.372.8.539subf94:LCngckt463136616341ЖТ"
  35. "121";"http://50.832.4.364subf48:KEmhitf867483597136ЏЉ";"2.51 Is Islam Compatible With Democracy?";"http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/1101";;"Y";"A century or two ago, the interests of the national political elites largely coincided with those of the nation state as a whole[121].";"http://50.832.4.364subf48:KEmhitf867483597136ЏЉ"
  36. "5";"http://51.914.4.452subf33:OSxikih662187178719ЗТ";"2.56 Islamisation and Cowardice in Scandinavia";"http://snaphanen.dk/2008/06/20/we-were-quite-sure-that-the-danish-judiciary-would-not-be-fair-to-muslims/#more-2972";;"Y";"[Danish] Muslim organisations intend to take the case[5] to the European Court of Human Rights,";"http://51.914.4.452subf33:OSxikih662187178719ЗТ"
  37. "14";"ФЉ";"2.58 Will Netherland Survive the 21st Century?";"http://www.nisnews.nl/public/070208_1.htm";;"Y";"At the same time, the city of Amsterdam developed teaching material[14] warning children against the politics of the Islam-critical politician Geert Wilders. MP Wilders called the campaign “sickening.”";"ФЉ"
  38. "4";"УЧ";"2.59 The Spanish and the Portugese - Once and Future Dhimmis?";"http://www.boston.com/news/world/europe/articles/2008/04/12/in_north_italy_immigration_is_hot_election_topic/";;"N";"Italian voters in April [2008] returned Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to a third term[3] in office. The center-right leader was given a strong mandate to crack down on runaway immigration and spiraling street crime, two hot-button issues that are intrinsically linked[4], not just in the minds of Italians, but in those of many other Europeans too, especially in Spain. ";"УЧ"
  39. "1., 2.";"http://59.337.18.056subf19:RCpljub684165144671ЋБ";"2.60 Collusion between British Government and Muslim Terrorists";"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-466832/Eight-Al-Qaeda-fanatics-working-police-dont-dare-sack-them.html";;"Y";"The ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims in Luton shows police complicity. The Muslims are attacking people from all races and are trying to ethnically clear a West Indians in Luton by throwing bricks through their windows. The police have been ignoring it, but TV showed a residents meeting with episcopalian Bishop Blake asking the police what they were going to do about it. (1)";"http://59.337.18.056subf19:RCpljub684165144671ЋБ"
  40. "1.";"СБ";"2.62 The Norwegian Inquisition - Sunset in the Land of the Midnight Sund";"http://www.stortinget.no/cgi-wift/wiftldles?doc=/usr/www/stortinget/beso/beso-200405-067.html&emne=diskrimineringsloven&ting=beson+besog+belsn+beslg&sesjon=*&#map10";;"Y";"Stortinget, the Norwegian parliament, in April 2005 passed a new Discrimination Act. The act says in pretty clear words[1] that in cases of suspected direct or indirect discrimination due to religion or ethnicity, Norwegians are guilty until proven otherwise.";"СБ"
  41. "24";"http://40.452.-3.709plusf58:LEzpkor737874243928ГЛ";"2.63 The Anti-Racist Witch-Hunts";"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1545634/UN-predicts-huge-migration-to-rich-countries.html";;"N";;"http://40.452.-3.709plusf58:LEzpkor737874243928ГЛ"
  42. "14";"http://51.517.-0.083plusf95:QEopjnn365893154526ЗН";"2.65 ANTIFA/Labour Jugend - State sponsored Marxist lynch mobs";"http://snaphanen.dk/2008/09/21/%c2%bbjeg-forsager-dansk-folkeparti-og-alt-dets-v%c3%a6sen%c2%ab/";;"N";"The state-sponsored organisation Expo in Sweden co-published a book with AFA on critics of mass immigration. Expo has now provided[14] their material to the largest political party in the country, the Social Democrats, for use against their political rivals.";"http://51.517.-0.083plusf95:QEopjnn365893154526ЗН"
  43. "18";"http://46.951.7.437plusf19:ZLdgrly387716981091ХЋ";"2.68 How the West lost the Cold War";"http://webmail.moonstar.com/index.cgi?NOFRAMES=TRUE&BACKGROUND=http://kurtlundgren.webblogg.se/1186429870_knullborgarmrket_fr_e.html";;"Y";"Whatever else one thinks about that party, I’m not so sure the Muslim Brotherhood are less “misogynistic.” According to journalist Kurt Lundgren[18], Sahlin, expected to become the next Prime Minister, was a participant in the Pride Festival where she was graduated, after several questions, to the F***ing Medal Award.";"http://46.951.7.437plusf19:ZLdgrly387716981091ХЋ"
  44. "18";"http://48.597.7.722subf96:HHlmjkc956368426722ФК";"2.68 How the West lost the Cold War";"http://webmail.moonstar.com/index.cgi?NOFRAMES=TRUE&BACKGROUND=http://kurtlundgren.webblogg.se/1186429870_knullborgarmrket_fr_e.html";;"Y";"Whatever else one thinks about that party, I’m not so sure the Muslim Brotherhood are less “misogynistic.” According to journalist Kurt Lundgren[18], Sahlin, expected to become the next Prime Minister, was a participant in the Pride Festival where she was graduated, after several questions, to the F***ing Medal Award.";"http://48.597.7.722subf96:HHlmjkc956368426722ФК"
  45. "19";"ЖР";"2.83 The Church - Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?";"http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/cgi-bin/newsviews.cgi/TheBalkans/Kosovo/A_Bishop_s_Lonely_S.html?seemore=y";;"Y";"Bishop Artemije, the spiritual leader of Kosovo’s beleaguered Serbs[19], has warned against Western support for an independent state in the province, where Muslim Albanians greatly outnumber Christian Serbs and have destroyed many churches and monasteries under the auspices of NATO soldiers. The Bishop warns that independence would reward ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims. Since 9-11, he said, “the United States has been engaged in a global struggle against jihad terrorism, which threatens not just America but peaceful people of all faiths and nationalities. That is why we who live in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija find it difficult to understand why so many voices of influence in Washington support a course of action that would hand to the terrorists a significant victory in Europe.”";"ЖР"
  46. "14";"http://48.871.2.310plusf65:JEockwk658246375668ЊБ";"2.84 Thou Shalt Hate Christianity and Judaism";"http://ncronline.org/mainpage/specialdocuments/Pelltranscript.htm";;"N";"As Australia's Cardinal George Pell[13] says, ""some seculars are so deeply anti-Christian, that anyone opposed to Christianity is seen as their ally. That could be one of the most spectacularly disastrous miscalculations in history.""";"http://48.871.2.310plusf65:JEockwk658246375668ЊБ"
  47. "22";"http://43.317.5.383subf85:Oxojllw754896853415ИШ";"2.92 Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies - The Cost of Historical Amnesia";"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/10/16/wiran16.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/10/16/ixportaltop.html";;"Y";"So why are the Russians[21] helping The Islamic Republic of Iran with missile[22] and nuclear technology that will eventually be used to intimidate the West?";"http://43.317.5.383subf85:Oxojllw754896853415ИШ"
  48. "23";"http://53.485.-2.260plusf67:OVpktrj211158769438ЧМ";"2.92 Who Are We, Who Are Our Enemies - The Cost of Historical Amnesia";"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;jsessionid=NM0GT50CSRAIHQFIQMFCFFWAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2005/11/27/wchech27.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/11/27/ixworld.html";;"Y";"Iran is secretly training Chechen rebels in sophisticated terror techniques to enable them to carry out more effective attacks against Russian[23] forces, the Sunday Telegraph has revealed. ";"http://53.485.-2.260plusf67:OVpktrj211158769438ЧМ"
  49. "13";"http://36.134.-5.453plusf64:IKpldlt249731798277ПЂ";"2.93 A European Declaration of Independence";"http://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/1970";;"Y";"In the city of Antwerp, Belgium, Marij Uijt den Bogaard[13] from 2003 to 2006 worked as a civil servant in the immigrant borough of Berchem. She noted how radical Islamist groups began to take over the immigrant neighbourhoods, but was fired when she warned against this danger in her reports to the authorities:";"http://36.134.-5.453plusf64:IKpldlt249731798277ПЂ"
  50. "10";"http://48.583.7.754plusf51:Kjzapqk565389921175ВП";"2.97 Europe heading for Civil War";"http://www.thebusinessonline.com/business_focus/Stories.aspx?StoryId=969C72F8-5017-4C86-A1EE-8723C183C37F&page=1";;"Y";"How effective can the army then be in upholding the French republic? At the same time, opinion polls show that the French are now officially the most anti-capitalist nation[10] on earth.";"http://48.583.7.754plusf51:Kjzapqk565389921175ВП"
  51. "16";"ДЉ";"3.4 Why armed resistance against the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe is the only rational approach";"http://www.nysun.com/article/44831";;"N";"As Bruce Bawer writes in the article While Sweden Slept[15]: “Sweden Democrats have been the targets of events that recall China’s Cultural Revolution. Staged ‘people’s protests’ by members of the ‘youth divisions’ of other parties have led to the firing of Sweden Democrats from their jobs. A few weeks ago, a junior diplomat was dismissed when it became known that he was a member of the party and had criticised his country’s immigration policy. On several occasions, thugs loyal to the ruling parties have broken up SD meetings and beaten up party leaders.”";"ДЉ"