1. $ ./mkimxboot -i bootloader-fuzeplus.sansa -b sandisk-firmware.sb -o recovery.sb -t recovery
  2. [INFO] mkimxboot models:
  3. [INFO] Fuze+: idx=0 rb_model=fuz+ rb_num=72
  4. [INFO] mkimxboot mapping:
  5. [INFO] md5sum=c3e27620a877dc6b200b97dcb3e0ecc7 -> idx=0
  6. [INFO] MD5 sum of the file: B7 C8 A7 A4 0D 10 1F B2 82 63 92 2F 00 56 86 88
  7. [ERR] MD5 sum doesn't match any known file
  8. Result: -4