1. ____ _____ _ _
  2. / __ \ / ____| | | (_)
  3. | | | |_ __ | (___ ___ __ _ | | _ ___ _ __
  4. | | | | '_ \ \___ \ / _ \/ _` | | | | |/ _ \| '_ \
  5. | |__| | |_) | ____) | __/ (_| | | |____| | (_) | | | |
  6. \____/| .__/ |_____/ \___|\__,_| |______|_|\___/|_| |_|
  7. | |
  8. |_|
  11. We have long recognized reddit.com as a hub of cultural marxist activity and a prominent vector for the spread of said degeneracy to other networks, communities, and individuals. It is important to recognize the significance of reddit in the spread of information.
  15. GLOBAL RANK| 67
  16. US RANK | 27
  17. BOUNCE RATE| 24.6%
  18. LINKS TO | 482,000
  20. Seeing these statistics it is easy to see how reddit can be used to propagate an idea; as demonstrated by its influence on "meme culture". Many groups on reddit use this to their advantage in order to push an agenda, among the most influential SRS. Due to groups like this and their manipulation of opinions on the site, dissenting from the popular marxist views will result in direct or indirect censorship. Censorship is implemented through reddit's vote system or moderator action. The site presents itself a forum for intellectual discussion and debate, when in fact, it is used by groups such as SRS to create a self perpetuating, self indoctrinating hivemind. This is training of a million young Americans to be used by Judea/Illuminati/NWO/[insert conspiracy here]. It is our sacred duty to inhibit or stop this to the greatest extent possible. All anti-egalitarian groups; NatSoc, Libertarian, AnCap,etc., can benefit greatly by stopping the marxist agenda on reddit. Who will take precedence once the marxists are dethroned? I'm afraid we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
  23. WHAT TO DO
  24. 1.Create an account on Reddit.com
  25. *use an inconspicuous username, no references to NatSoc especially
  26. 2.For 15 minutes a day browse larger subs
  27. 3.Drop red pills where appropriate
  28. *be subtle, use subliminal imagery if possible
  29. 4.Continue indefinitely
  31. Give yourself the image of an average American moderate, supportive of democracy, equality and justice, but also play to reddit's sympathies where necessary- fedora, fags, "muh breedums" and so on. Remember Chosen Flood? Do as the Romans do.
  33. Expect subreddit bans to be frequent, with occasional shadow bans. If you suspect a shadowban, create a new account and verify if your postings are visible.
  35. * NO /pol/ may-mays
  36. * NO "Hitler did nothing wrong", "Gas the kikes, race war now" stuff.
  37. * If engaged in a discussion or argument use scholarly and precise language. Reddit loves that shit.
  38. * Do not use /pol/ infographics
  39. * Do not comment or post in /pol/ friendly subreddits
  43. ____ ____ __ _ ____ ____ __ __
  44. |_ _| |_ _|[ | / |_ |_ _| |_ _| [ | | ]
  45. \ \ /\ / / | |--. ,--. `| |-' \ \ /\ / / .--. __ _ | | .--.| |
  46. \ \/ \/ / | .-. | `'_\ : | | \ \/ \/ // .'`\ \[ | | | | |/ /'`\' |
  47. \ /\ / | | | | // | |,| |, \ /\ / | \__. | | \_/ |, | || \__/ |
  48. \/ \/ [___]|__]\'-;__/\__/ \/ \/ '.__.' '.__.'_/[___]'.__.;__]
  50. ______ __ __ __ ______ _____
  51. .' ___ | [ | [ | [ | |_ _ `. / ___ `.
  52. / .' \_| .--. .---. | |.--. | |.--. .---. | | .--. | | `. \ .--. |_/___) |
  53. | | ____ / .'`\ \/ /__\\ | '/'`\ \| '/'`\ \/ /__\\ | | ( (`\] | | | |/ .'`\ \ / __.'
  54. \ `.___] || \__. || \__., | \__/ || \__/ || \__., | | `'.'. _| |_.' /| \__. | |_|
  55. `._____.' '.__.' '.__.'[__;.__.'[__;.__.' '.__.'[___][\__) ) |______.' '.__.' (_)
  57. Suggestions to OP welcome.