1. <?php global $is_tf_blog_page,$post,$is_tf_front_page;
  2. $id_post = $post->ID;
  3. if(tfuse_options('blog_page') != 0 && $id_post == tfuse_options('blog_page')) $is_tf_blog_page = true;
  4. get_header();
  5. if ($is_tf_blog_page)die;
  6. $sidebar_position = tfuse_sidebar_position();
  7. ?>
  8. <!-- middle -->
  9. <div <?php tfuse_class('middle'); tfuse_body_bg(); ?>>
  10. <div class="container_12">
  12. <?php tfuse_farame_tabs();tfuse_home_button(''); tfuse_shortcode_before();tfuse_sidebar_left(); ?>
  13. <!-- content -->
  14. <div <?php tfuse_class('content'); ?>>
  15. <div class="page-title">
  16. <div class="meta-date"></div>
  17. <h1><?php if(!$is_tf_front_page){the_title();} ?></h1>
  18. </div>
  19. <div class="entry">
  20. <?php while ( have_posts() ) :the_post();
  21. the_content();
  22. break;
  23. endwhile; // end of the loop.
  24. if (!tfuse_page_options('disable_comments'))
  25. {tfuse_comments();}
  26. tfuse_author_box_options();
  27. tfuse_bottom_posts();?>
  28. </div>
  29. </div>
  30. <!--/ content -->
  31. <?php tfuse_sidebar_right(); echo'<div class="clear"></div>';tfuse_shortcode_after(); ?>
  33. </div>
  34. </div>
  35. <!-- / middle -->
  36. <?php get_footer(); ?>