1. Notice (8): Undefined index: fbs_135122383193311 [CORE\cake\libs\controller\app_controller.php, line 307]
  2. Notice (8): Undefined index: sig [CORE\cake\libs\controller\app_controller.php, line 315]
  3. link('jquery-1.4.2.min'); ?> link('/js/jquery-ui-1.8.5.custom.min'); ?> link('jquery.ezCookie_0.7.01.min'); ?> link('/captcha/jquery.captcha'); ?> link('star-rating/jquery.rating.pack.js'); ?> css('/js/star-rating/jquery.rating.css'); ?> link('commons'); ?> css('style'); ?> css('/js/jquery-ui-1.8.custom/css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.css'); ?> css('/captcha/captcha.css'); ?>
  4. ", "
  5. ", "
  6. ", "
  7. ", " " ), "", $top_ad['Text']['text'] ) != "" ): ?>
  8. Fairshopping
  9. Snabblänkar »
  10. $c) { ?> link($c,"/".$id); ?>
  11. ", "
  12. ", "
  13. ", "
  14. ", " " ), "", $bottom_ad['Text']['text'] ) != "" ): ?>
  15. Inloggning
  17. create("User",array('url' => "/login?from=/".$this->params['url']['url'])) ?> input('email', array('label' => 'E-post:'))?> input('password', array('type' => 'password','label' => 'Lösenord:'))?> end("Logga in")?>
  18. link("» Bli medlem!","/register",array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'),null,false)?>
  19. link("» Glömt lösenordet?","/forgot",array('style' => 'font-weight:bold;'),null,false)?>
  20. renderElement('users/user_panel')?>
  21. renderElement('polls/view',array('latest_poll' => $latest_poll))?>
  22. Tipsa en vän!
  24. Nedan kan du tipsa en vän om Fairshopping. create("Tip",array('url' => "/tip")) ?> input('name', array('label' => 'Ditt namn:'))?> input('friend_name', array('label' => 'Vännens namn:'))?> input('email', array('label' => 'Vännens e-post:'))?> end("Skicka")?>
  25. link("Kontakta Fairshopping","/contact") ?> | link("Om Fairshopping","/about") ?> | link("FS Nyheter","/press") ?> | link("Annonsera","/ads") ?> | link("Allmänna villkor & Cookies","/terms",array(),null,false) ?> | link("Sidkarta","/sitemap") ?>
  26. ", "
  27. ", "
  28. ", "
  29. ", " " ), "", $right_ad['Text']['text'] ) != "" ): ?>
  30. ", "
  31. ", "
  32. ", "
  33. ", " " ), "", $right_ad2['Text']['text'] ) != "" ): ?>
  34. (default) 35 queries took 78 ms
  35. Nr Query Error Affected Num. rows Took (ms)
  36. 1 DESCRIBE `categories` 5 5 5
  37. 2 SELECT `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name`, `Category`.`header`, `Category`.`text`, `Category`.`permalink` FROM `categories` AS `Category` WHERE 1 = 1 22 22 0
  38. 3 DESCRIBE `companies` 16 16 4
  39. 4 DESCRIBE `opinions` 51 51 7
  40. 5 DESCRIBE `users` 17 17 9
  41. 6 DESCRIBE `comments` 8 8 4
  42. 7 DESCRIBE `places` 3 3 8
  43. 8 DESCRIBE `regions` 2 2 4
  44. 9 DESCRIBE `opinions_users` 6 6 6
  45. 10 DESCRIBE `companies_users` 3 3 4
  46. 11 DESCRIBE `opinions_followers` 6 6 6
  47. 12 SELECT `Company`.`name`, `Company`.`email`, `Company`.`comment`, `Company`.`top_text`, `Company`.`top_image`, `Company`.`logo_image`, `Company`.`advertise`, `Company`.`permalink`, `Company`.`uses_group`, `Company`.`email_checked`, `Company`.`advertise_top`, `Company`.`advertise_right`, `Company`.`advertise_right2`, `Company`.`category_id`, `Company`.`id`, `Company`.`remove_date` FROM `companies` AS `Company` WHERE `Company`.`remove_date` IS NULL 2032 2032 3
  48. 13 DESCRIBE `polls` 7 7 6
  49. 14 DESCRIBE `poll_answers` 7 7 8
  50. 15 DESCRIBE `texts` 6 6 4
  51. 16 SELECT `Poll`.`id`, `Poll`.`question`, `Poll`.`alternatives`, `Poll`.`closed`, `Poll`.`created`, `Poll`.`modified`, `Poll`.`active` FROM `polls` AS `Poll` WHERE `Poll`.`active` = 1 ORDER BY `Poll`.`id` DESC LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  52. 17 SELECT `Answers`.`id`, `Answers`.`poll_id`, `Answers`.`user_id`, `Answers`.`alternative`, `Answers`.`created`, `Answers`.`modified`, `Answers`.`ip_address` FROM `poll_answers` AS `Answers` WHERE `Answers`.`poll_id` = (215) 18 18 0
  53. 18 SELECT `Poll`.`id`, `Poll`.`question`, `Poll`.`alternatives`, `Poll`.`closed`, `Poll`.`created`, `Poll`.`modified`, `Poll`.`active` FROM `polls` AS `Poll` WHERE `Poll`.`id` = 215 ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  54. 19 SELECT `Answers`.`id`, `Answers`.`poll_id`, `Answers`.`user_id`, `Answers`.`alternative`, `Answers`.`created`, `Answers`.`modified`, `Answers`.`ip_address` FROM `poll_answers` AS `Answers` WHERE `Answers`.`poll_id` = (215) 18 18 0
  55. 20 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 0 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 1 1 0
  56. 21 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 1 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 0 0 0
  57. 22 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 2 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 1 1 0
  58. 23 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 3 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 1 1 0
  59. 24 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 4 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 1 1 0
  60. 25 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 5 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 0 0 0
  61. 26 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE alternative = 6 AND poll_id = 215 GROUP BY alternative; 1 1 0
  62. 27 SELECT poll_id, alternative, COUNT(*) AS votes FROM poll_answers AS PollAnswer WHERE poll_id = '215' AND ip_address = '' GROUP BY alternative; 0 0 0
  63. 28 SELECT `Category`.`permalink`, `Category`.`name` FROM `categories` AS `Category` WHERE 1 = 1 22 22 0
  64. 29 SELECT `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`name` FROM `categories` AS `Category` WHERE 1 = 1 22 22 0
  65. 30 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'right' LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  66. 31 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'tips' LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  67. 32 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'right_ad' LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  68. 33 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'right_ad2' LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  69. 34 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'top_ad' LIMIT 1 1 1 0
  70. 35 SELECT `Text`.`id`, `Text`.`title`, `Text`.`permalink`, `Text`.`text`, `Text`.`create`, `Text`.`modified` FROM `texts` AS `Text` WHERE `Text`.`permalink` = 'bottom_ad' LIMIT 1 1 1 0