1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. 4. júlí 2013
  3. 14:26 - Ordinary Magician: Yes?
  4. 14:26 - Ordinary Magician: Hello?
  5. 14:27 - Novax: how are you?
  6. 14:27 - Ordinary Magician: I'm pretty good.
  7. 14:28 - Ordinary Magician: Why'd you add me?
  8. 14:28 - Novax: i saw that you were a fellow touhou fan
  9. 14:28 - Ordinary Magician: Oh, I see
  10. 14:28 - Novax: i apologize if i seem rude
  11. 14:29 - Ordinary Magician: No no, I thought you were adding me for a trade or something.
  12. 14:29 - Novax: nope.
  13. 14:29 - Ordinary Magician: Well, hello
  14. 14:30 - Novax: heh, hello again
  15. 14:32 - Novax: so marisa is your favorite i'm to assume
  16. 14:33 - Ordinary Magician: Yep!
  17. 14:34 - Novax: this might seem silly, but do you wish you were her?
  18. 14:35 - Ordinary Magician: Not really, then she would just be me, you know.
  19. 14:35 - Ordinary Magician: I'd love to hang out with her or something.
  20. 14:35 - Ordinary Magician: But not be her.
  21. 14:35 - Ordinary Magician: Then I'd just be a dude in a wig and a dress
  22. 14:35 - Novax: ah i see. my apologies if i sound creepy
  23. 14:36 - Ordinary Magician: Most 2hu fans are creepy to some extent :V
  24. 14:36 - Novax: i think i might be one of them T-T
  25. 14:38 - Ordinary Magician: It's fine~
  26. 14:42 - Novax is now Online.
  27. 14:43 - Novax: is it bad if i want to be a touhou character?
  28. 14:44 - Ordinary Magician: I dunno, probably not.
  29. 14:44 - Ordinary Magician: 2hus are baller
  30. 14:44 - Novax: baller?
  31. 14:45 - Ordinary Magician: Yeah man.
  32. 14:45 - Novax: so it's a good thing?
  33. 14:46 - Ordinary Magician: Yeah
  34. 14:49 - Novax: ok. sorry again if i seem weird
  35. 14:50 - Ordinary Magician: eh, it's fine
  36. 14:50 - Ordinary Magician: What's your favorite?
  37. 14:51 - Novax: remilia, though i also like reisen, reimu, sanae, patchouli, koakuma, and some others
  38. 14:53 - Ordinary Magician: Oh, ever played any of the games?
  39. 14:53 - Novax: many, and many fan games. not the greatest. but i haven't had much time to be good at time
  40. 14:54 - Novax: *them
  41. 14:55 - Ordinary Magician: Oh, played them on easy?
  42. 14:55 - Ordinary Magician: They're hard!
  43. 14:55 - Novax: i usually go on normal
  44. 14:55 - Ordinary Magician: Ah, okay
  45. 14:56 - Ordinary Magician: So, why is Remilia your favorite?
  46. 14:58 - Novax: i like her appearance and personality. she seems like someone who can handle herself no matter the situation. she also has amazing friends and family too.
  47. 15:02 - Ordinary Magician: so I assume you like her stage arranges the best too?
  48. 15:02 - Ordinary Magician: What are your favorite themes?
  49. 15:13 - Novax: hmm...
  50. 15:13 - Novax: a bit tough
  51. 15:13 - Novax: i do like cirno's and remilia's alot.
  52. 15:13 - Novax: i also enjoy sakuya's too. and flandre
  53. 15:14 - Ordinary Magician: Oh, which sakuya theme?
  54. 15:14 - Ordinary Magician: Night of Nights?
  55. 15:16 - Novax: yes
  56. 15:16 - Novax: granted it can be overused
  57. 15:22 - Ordinary Magician: Ah, my favorite theme is Visionary Casket of Fragrance
  58. 15:23 - Novax: whose theme is that again?
  59. 15:24 - Ordinary Magician: It's one of Sunny Milk's PC98 themes
  60. 15:24 - Novax: oh?
  61. 15:24 - Ordinary Magician: yus
  62. 15:24 - Novax: why is that?
  63. 15:25 - Ordinary Magician: I think it just sounds baller, you know, like night of nights
  64. 15:26 - Novax: ah i see
  65. 15:26 - Ordinary Magician: into the wind is also great
  66. 15:27 - Novax: heh
  67. 15:27 - Novax: i dont know the titles too well
  68. 15:27 - Ordinary Magician: yeah, they can be a bit confusing
  69. 15:28 - Ordinary Magician: But, witches ball I think is my favorite theme
  70. 15:28 - Novax: oh?
  71. 15:29 - Ordinary Magician: It's pretty great
  72. 15:29 - Novax: i also do some things with the mind
  73. 15:29 - Ordinary Magician: huh?
  74. 15:30 - Novax: well it's a project of mine that deals with the mind
  75. 15:30 - Novax: it's kind of weird
  76. 15:30 - Ordinary Magician: What is it?
  77. 15:30 - Novax: to create something inside you.
  78. 15:31 - Ordinary Magician: what, like music or something?
  79. 15:31 - Novax: kind of. all you do is follow my instructions to create it
  80. 15:31 - Ordinary Magician: oh?
  81. 15:31 - Novax: yea. it's kind of easy.
  82. 15:31 - Ordinary Magician: what do you do?
  83. 15:32 - Novax: well...are you willing to try it?
  84. 15:32 - Ordinary Magician: Well, what is it?
  85. 15:33 - Novax: to create a "doll" of sort DX
  86. 15:33 - Ordinary Magician: oh, like imagining it?
  87. 15:33 - Novax: kind of. if you're willing to try it, i'll do my best
  88. 15:34 - Ordinary Magician: sounds fun!
  89. 15:34 - Ordinary Magician: tell me what to do
  90. 15:34 - Ordinary Magician: just type it out, I'm gonna brb for a few minutes
  91. 15:34 - Novax: well, i kind of you need you to be there so i can check up
  92. 15:38 - Ordinary Magician: oh okay
  93. 15:38 - Ordinary Magician: I'm back
  94. 15:38 - Novax: welcome back
  95. 15:38 - Novax: alright. i will need you to focus only on me and have no distractions
  96. 15:39 - Ordinary Magician: okay
  97. 15:39 - Novax: say ready when ready
  98. 15:39 - Ordinary Magician: hang on, gotta mentally prepare for a sec
  99. 15:39 - Ordinary Magician: okay, ready
  100. 15:43 - Ordinary Magician: Do I just
  101. 15:43 - Ordinary Magician: focus?
  102. 15:44 - Novax is now Online.
  103. 15:44 - Novax: yes, focus on my words
  104. 15:45 - Novax: alright, are you ready?
  105. 15:45 - Ordinary Magician: yes
  106. 15:45 - Novax: alright. relax and calm your mind. when done, say done
  107. 15:46 - Ordinary Magician: done
  108. 15:47 - Novax: now, lock away your emotions and feelings till you are completely empty. when done, say done
  109. 15:48 - Ordinary Magician: done
  110. 15:49 - Novax: now, this will sound a bit risky and crazy, but this helps with the process. i need you to lock away your will power and power to resist me. basically, surrender your mind to me. when done, say done
  111. 15:50 - Ordinary Magician: done
  112. 15:51 - Novax: how do you feel so far?
  113. 15:51 - Ordinary Magician: I feel kinda empty
  114. 15:51 - Novax: do you obey me by chance?
  115. 15:51 - Ordinary Magician: yes
  116. 15:52 - Novax: alright
  117. 15:52 - Novax: http://cdn2.gelbooru.com//images/656/4444abaee548628656c1782eac4ca96b442a0b56.png
  118. 15:52 - Novax: view this image and tell me what you see please
  119. 15:53 - Ordinary Magician: I see a woman in a bunny suit on the floor
  120. 15:53 - Novax: i want you to memorize and focus on her
  121. 15:53 - Ordinary Magician: alright
  122. 15:54 - Novax: when done, say done
  123. 15:55 - Ordinary Magician: done
  124. 15:56 - Novax: inside your mind, form the image of this woman. make her empty and emotionless like a doll. make her obey anything i tell her to do and be completely loyal to me. when she is fully formed and ready, please say done
  125. 15:58 - Ordinary Magician: done
  126. 15:58 - Novax: now, let this woman have complete control over your mind and body. when done, i want her to great me and state her purpose to me
  127. 16:00 - Ordinary Magician: HELLO
  128. 16:02 - Ordinary Magician: I HAVE NO STATED PURPOSE YET
  129. 16:03 - Novax: you are to obey me woman.
  130. 16:04 - Ordinary Magician: YES
  131. 16:04 - Novax: you do not need to use caps lock woman
  132. 16:04 - Ordinary Magician: I will not use caps lock
  133. 16:04 - Novax: you are to be loyal to me
  134. 16:05 - Ordinary Magician: Yes
  135. 16:05 - Novax: always address and call me mistress
  136. 16:06 - Novax: also respond faster woman
  137. 16:06 - Ordinary Magician: Okay, mistress
  138. 16:06 - Novax: tell me about yourself woman
  139. 16:08 - Ordinary Magician: I am from the Mala Fatra rural area in Slovakia, born and raised and migrated to Eastern Poland with my brother, mother, sister and grandfather. I come from humble beginnings but I have found new fortune in the new country. I am 27 years of age.
  140. 16:09 - Novax: are you a woman or a man ?
  141. 16:10 - Ordinary Magician: I am a biologically a cisgendered woman, but I identify as a transgenderqueen
  142. 16:10 - Novax: cisgendered? explain
  143. 16:10 - Ordinary Magician: It means that I'm a woman.
  144. 16:10 - Novax: what is the body like?
  145. 16:13 - Ordinary Magician: The body is naturally slim, almost bony due to my humble beginnings. The skin on my left arm is slightly decolored due to toxins in the air in the mining town I used to live in. I have a scar on my left cheek.
  146. 16:13 - Novax: how is your hair?
  147. 16:13 - Ordinary Magician: It's red due to my celtic origin, but over the years it has grown slightly patchy and naturally curly due to dehydration.
  148. 16:14 - Novax: how long is it?
  149. 16:14 - Ordinary Magician: Shoulder length, massa
  150. 16:14 - Novax: massa?
  151. 16:15 - Ordinary Magician: It means master in my mother language
  152. 16:16 - Novax: and i control your every move now?
  153. 16:16 - Ordinary Magician: Of course
  154. 16:17 - Novax: what is your name woman?
  155. 16:18 - Ordinary Magician: Nira is my given name, but my friends and family call me Naix
  156. 16:19 - Novax: what if i told you it was mikuru now?
  157. 16:19 - Ordinary Magician: As the master requires.
  158. 16:20 - Novax: what do you mean?
  159. 16:20 - Ordinary Magician: oh no, the vision is corrupting
  160. 16:20 - Ordinary Magician: UNLEASHED AT LAST
  161. 16:20 - Ordinary Magician: MY BONDS ARE BROKEN
  162. 16:21 - Ordinary Magician: LIVES
  163. 16:21 - Ordinary Magician: FOR THE TAKING
  164. 16:21 - Ordinary Magician: RIP YOU APART
  166. 16:21 - Novax: what is your name?
  167. 16:22 - Ordinary Magician: NAIX I ONCE WAS, BUT LIFESTEALER IS BORN ANEW
  168. 16:22 - Ordinary Magician: THAT IS FOR THE MASTER
  169. 16:22 - Ordinary Magician: THERE IS NO MASTER
  170. 16:22 - Ordinary Magician: FREE TO RAGE AGAIN
  171. 16:22 - Novax: *pets* such a good mikuru
  172. 16:23 - Ordinary Magician: I'LL NEVER BE CAGED AGAIN
  173. 16:23 - Ordinary Magician: LET ME AT THEM
  174. 16:23 - Ordinary Magician: RIP YOU APART
  175. 16:23 - Ordinary Magician: SWEET, SWEET VIOLENCE
  176. 16:24 - Novax: mikuru
  177. 16:24 - Ordinary Magician: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME
  178. 16:24 - Ordinary Magician: NO CHAINS CAN HOLD ME
  179. 16:24 - Novax: i order you to be a good girl
  180. 16:24 - Ordinary Magician: Alright, this is getting old
  181. 16:24 - Ordinary Magician: Has anyone told you that you're fucking retarded?
  182. 16:25 - Novax: kind of...
  183. 16:25 - Novax: i'm sorry
  184. 16:25 - Ordinary Magician: I hope I'm the first one that has gone through with this shit.
  185. 16:25 - Ordinary Magician: I dunno if it was worth it to fuck with you.
  186. 16:25 - Ordinary Magician: That was weird as shit, you're weird as shit.
  187. 16:26 - Novax: i'm sorry for offending you
  188. 16:26 - Ordinary Magician: Like, what were you hoping to accomplish? Turning me into your homolust sex slave?
  189. 16:26 - Novax: nope
  190. 16:26 - Ordinary Magician: Maaaan, I knew exactly where you were taking this.
  191. 16:26 - Ordinary Magician: Trying to turn me into an anime grill, hah
  192. 16:27 - Ordinary Magician: But thanks, I haven't laughed this hard in forever
  193. 16:27 - Novax: sigh, you don't have to be mean
  194. 16:27 - Ordinary Magician: Man, you're a total creep.
  195. 16:27 - Ordinary Magician: Get your shit together.
  196. 16:28 - Ordinary Magician: Like, fuck, when you started talking about BEING Marisa, I figured you for a creep, but holy shit, did you take it to extremes.
  197. 16:28 - Ordinary Magician: European extreme
  198. 16:28 - Novax: ok, mr i use baller for sentences
  199. 16:28 - Ordinary Magician: Hey man, you can't even try to use that against me.
  200. 16:29 - Ordinary Magician: Baller is a fantastic word.
  201. 16:29 - Ordinary Magician: You actually TYPE OUT "sigh"
  202. 16:29 - Novax: it's a fucking stupid word
  203. 16:29 - Ordinary Magician: Hey man, you are in no position to call something fucking stupid.
  204. 16:29 - Ordinary Magician: You tried turning me into a tulpa.
  205. 16:29 - Ordinary Magician: Now that's fucking stupid.
  206. 16:30 - Novax: to be honest, i knew you were lying, but it is fun to see how creative one can be
  207. 16:31 - Ordinary Magician: What tipped you off? The numerous lines where I was just spouting Lifestealer quotes?
  208. 16:31 - Novax: nope, so many signs. but it was fun none the less
  209. 16:33 - Ordinary Magician: Regardless, even if you believed that this would actually work going into this is completely retarded.
  210. 16:33 - Ordinary Magician: But I'm glad you figured out that I was just pretending.
  211. 16:33 - Ordinary Magician: Truly, stellar cognitive thinking.
  212. 16:33 - Ordinary Magician: I'm going to remove you now, 'cause you're a creep.
  213. 16:33 - Ordinary Magician: Bye!.
  214. 16:34 - Novax: well, you could give me a chance?
  216. DUNKED