1. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc
  2. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc
  3. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc
  5. Extabit Premium Account javascript code
  7. javascript: var domain = 'extabit.com';var cookies = new Array();cookies['auth_uid'] = '105657';cookies['auth_hash'] = 'dfc04c16bced7543c9518e092ade6f1d';if (location.href.indexOf(domain)==-1) {var g = confirm('You will be redirected to ' + domain + '. You will have to run this script again. Continue?');if (g) {location.href = 'http://' + domain;}} else {alert("=============== www.xtra7.co.cc ===============");for(var i in cookies){void(document.cookie = i+'='+cookies[i]+';domain=.'+domain+';path=/;');}location.href = 'http://'+domain;}
  9. How to use the javascript code
  11. 1. Open your browser.
  12. If you use Mozilla Firefox press: CTRL+SHIFT+K
  13. If you use Google Chrome press: CTRL+SHIFT+J
  14. 2. Paste the code in the window that appears and hit Enter/Return.
  15. 3. This will bring you to the filehosters website.
  16. 4. Paste the code in the same window again and hit Enter/Return.
  17. 5. The page will refresh and you will be signed in!
  19. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc
  20. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc
  21. www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc www.xtra7.co.cc