1. ==> ttf-google-fonts-git dependencies:
  2. - cantarell-fonts (already installed)
  3. - fontconfig (already installed)
  4. - xorg-fonts-encodings (already installed)
  5. - xorg-mkfontdir (already installed)
  6. - xorg-mkfontscale (already installed)
  7. - git (already installed)
  10. ==> Edit font.install ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
  11. ==> ----------------------------------------
  12. ==> n
  14. ==> Continue building ttf-google-fonts-git ? [Y/n]
  15. ==> ----------------------------------------------
  16. ==>
  17. ==> Building and installing package
  18. ==> Making package: ttf-google-fonts-git 20131111-1 (Thu Feb 27 04:48:14 CET 2014)
  19. ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
  20. ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
  21. ==> Retrieving sources...
  22. -> Cloning googlefontdirectory git repo...
  23. Cloning into bare repository '/home/ftp/yaourt-tmp/yaourt-tmp-xarxer/aur-ttf-google-fonts-git/googlefontdirectory'...
  24. remote: Reusing existing pack: 4462, done.
  25. remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
  26. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
  27. Receiving objects: 99% (4423/4467), 165.11 MiB | 947.00