  2. --get the addon namespace
  3. local addon, ns = ...
  5. --get the config values
  6. local cfg = ns.cfg
  8. ---------------------------------------
  10. ---------------------------------------
  12. local _G = _G
  14. --disable consolidated buffs
  15. SetCVar("consolidateBuffs", 0)
  17. local BuffFrame = _G["BuffFrame"]
  18. local TemporaryEnchantFrame = _G["TemporaryEnchantFrame"]
  19. local ConsolidatedBuffs = _G["ConsolidatedBuffs"]
  21. --rewrite the oneletter shortcuts
  22. HOUR_ONELETTER_ABBR = "%dh";
  23. DAY_ONELETTER_ABBR = "%dd";
  27. --classcolor
  28. local classcolor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[select(2, UnitClass("player"))]
  30. if cfg.color.classcolored then
  31. cfg.color.normal = classcolor
  32. end
  34. if cfg.background.classcolored then
  35. cfg.background.shadowcolor = classcolor
  36. end
  38. --backdrop
  39. local backdrop = {
  40. bgFile = "",
  41. edgeFile = cfg.textures.outer_shadow,
  42. tile = false,
  43. tileSize = 32,
  44. edgeSize = cfg.background.inset,
  45. insets = {
  46. left = cfg.background.inset,
  47. right = cfg.background.inset,
  48. top = cfg.background.inset,
  49. bottom = cfg.background.inset,
  50. },
  51. }
  53. ---------------------------------------
  54. -- FUNCTIONS
  55. ---------------------------------------
  57. --allows frames to become movable but frames can be locked or set to default positions
  58. local function applyDragFunctionality(f,userplaced,locked)
  59. f:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(s) if IsAltKeyDown() and IsShiftKeyDown() then s:StartMoving() end end)
  60. f:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(s) s:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
  62. local t = f:CreateTexture(nil,"OVERLAY",nil,6)
  63. t:SetAllPoints(f)
  64. t:SetTexture(0,1,0)
  65. t:SetAlpha(0)
  66. f.dragtexture = t
  67. f:SetHitRectInsets(-15,-15,-15,-15)
  68. f:SetClampedToScreen(true)
  70. if not userplaced then
  71. f:SetMovable(false)
  72. else
  73. f:SetMovable(true)
  74. f:SetUserPlaced(true)
  75. if not locked then
  76. f.dragtexture:SetAlpha(0.2)
  77. f:EnableMouse(true)
  78. f:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
  79. f:SetScript("OnEnter", function(s)
  80. GameTooltip:SetOwner(s, "ANCHOR_TOP")
  81. GameTooltip:AddLine(s:GetName(), 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 1, 1)
  82. GameTooltip:AddLine("Hold down ALT+SHIFT to drag!", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  83. GameTooltip:Show()
  84. end)
  85. f:SetScript("OnLeave", function(s) GameTooltip:Hide() end)
  86. else
  87. f.dragtexture:SetAlpha(0)
  88. f:EnableMouse(nil)
  89. f:RegisterForDrag(nil)
  90. f:SetScript("OnEnter", nil)
  91. f:SetScript("OnLeave", nil)
  92. end
  93. end
  94. end
  96. --update wpn enchant icon positions
  97. local function updateTempEnchantAnchors()
  98. local previousBuff
  99. for i=1, NUM_TEMP_ENCHANT_FRAMES do
  100. local b = _G["TempEnchant"..i]
  101. if b then
  102. if (i == 1) then
  103. b:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", TemporaryEnchantFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
  104. else
  105. b:SetPoint("RIGHT", previousBuff, "LEFT", -cfg.tempenchant.colSpacing, 0)
  106. end
  107. previousBuff = b
  108. end
  109. end
  110. end
  112. --create drag frame for temp enchant icons
  113. local function createTempEnchantHolder()
  114. local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "rBFS_TempEnchantHolder", UIParent)
  115. f:SetSize(50,50)
  116. f:SetPoint(cfg.tempenchant.pos.a1,cfg.tempenchant.pos.af,cfg.tempenchant.pos.a2,cfg.tempenchant.pos.x,cfg.tempenchant.pos.y)
  117. applyDragFunctionality(f,cfg.tempenchant.userplaced,cfg.tempenchant.locked)
  118. end
  120. --create drag frame for buff icons
  121. local function createBuffFrameHolder()
  122. local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "rBFS_BuffFrameHolder", UIParent)
  123. f:SetSize(50,50)
  124. f:SetPoint(cfg.buffframe.pos.a1,cfg.buffframe.pos.af,cfg.buffframe.pos.a2,cfg.buffframe.pos.x,cfg.buffframe.pos.y)
  125. applyDragFunctionality(f,cfg.buffframe.userplaced,cfg.buffframe.locked)
  126. end
  128. --move tempenchant frame
  129. local function moveTempEnchantFrame()
  130. local f = _G["rBFS_TempEnchantHolder"]
  131. TemporaryEnchantFrame:SetParent(f)
  132. TemporaryEnchantFrame:ClearAllPoints()
  133. TemporaryEnchantFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",0,0)
  134. end
  136. --move buff frame
  137. local function moveBuffFrame()
  138. local f = _G["rBFS_BuffFrameHolder"]
  139. BuffFrame:SetParent(f)
  140. BuffFrame:ClearAllPoints()
  141. BuffFrame:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT",0,0)
  142. end
  144. --apply aura frame texture func
  145. local function applySkin(b,type)
  146. if not b or (b and b.styled) then return end
  148. local name = b:GetName()
  149. --print("applying skin for "..name)
  150. local border = _G[name.."Border"]
  151. local icon = _G[name.."Icon"]
  153. if border then
  154. border:SetTexture(cfg.textures.normal)
  155. border:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1)
  156. border:SetDrawLayer("BACKGROUND",-7)
  157. if type == "wpn" then
  158. border:SetVertexColor(0.7,0,1)
  159. end
  160. border:ClearAllPoints()
  161. border:SetAllPoints(b)
  162. b.Border = border
  163. else
  164. --create border (for buff icons)
  165. local new = b:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-7)
  166. new:SetAllPoints(b)
  167. new:SetTexture(cfg.textures.normal)
  168. new:SetVertexColor(cfg.color.normal.r,cfg.color.normal.g,cfg.color.normal.b)
  169. b.Border = border
  170. end
  172. --icon
  173. icon:SetTexCoord(0.1,0.9,0.1,0.9)
  174. icon:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", b, "TOPLEFT", 2, -2)
  175. icon:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", b, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, 2)
  176. icon:SetDrawLayer("BACKGROUND",-8)
  178. --duration
  179. b.duration:SetFont(cfg.font, cfg.duration.fontsize, "THINOUTLINE")
  180. b.duration:ClearAllPoints()
  181. b.duration:SetPoint(cfg.duration.pos.a1,cfg.duration.pos.x,cfg.duration.pos.y)
  183. --count
  184. b.count:SetFont(cfg.font, cfg.count.fontsize, "THINOUTLINE")
  185. b.count:ClearAllPoints()
  186. b.count:SetPoint(cfg.count.pos.a1,cfg.count.pos.x,cfg.count.pos.y)
  188. --shadow
  189. if cfg.background.showshadow then
  190. local back = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, b)
  191. back:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", b, "TOPLEFT", -4, 4)
  192. back:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", b, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 4, -4)
  193. back:SetFrameLevel(b:GetFrameLevel()-1)
  194. back:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
  195. back:SetBackdropBorderColor(cfg.background.shadowcolor.r,cfg.background.shadowcolor.g,cfg.background.shadowcolor.b,cfg.background.shadowcolor.a)
  196. end
  198. --set button styled variable
  199. b.styled = true
  200. end
  202. --update buff anchors
  203. local function updateBuffAnchors()
  204. --print(BUFF_ACTUAL_DISPLAY)
  205. local numBuffs = 0
  206. local buff, previousBuff, aboveBuff
  207. for i = 1, BUFF_ACTUAL_DISPLAY do
  208. buff = _G["BuffButton"..i]
  209. if not buff.styled then applySkin(buff,"buff") end
  210. buff:SetParent(BuffFrame)
  211. buff.consolidated = nil
  212. buff.parent = BuffFrame
  213. buff:ClearAllPoints()
  214. numBuffs = numBuffs + 1
  215. index = numBuffs
  216. if ((index > 1) and (mod(index, cfg.buffframe.buffsPerRow) == 1)) then
  217. buff:SetPoint("TOP", aboveBuff, "BOTTOM", 0, -cfg.buffframe.rowSpacing)
  218. aboveBuff = buff
  219. elseif (index == 1) then
  220. buff:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", BuffFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0)
  221. aboveBuff = buff
  222. else
  223. buff:SetPoint("RIGHT", previousBuff, "LEFT", -cfg.buffframe.colSpacing, 0)
  224. end
  225. previousBuff = buff
  226. end
  227. end
  229. --update debuff anchors
  230. local function updateDebuffAnchors(buttonName,index)
  231. local numBuffs = BUFF_ACTUAL_DISPLAY
  232. local rows = ceil(numBuffs/cfg.buffframe.buffsPerRow)
  233. local gap = cfg.buffframe.gap
  234. if rows == 0 then gap = 0 end
  235. local buff = _G[buttonName..index]
  236. if not buff.styled then applySkin(buff,"debuff") end
  237. -- Position debuffs
  238. if ((index > 1) and (mod(index, cfg.buffframe.buffsPerRow) == 1)) then
  239. buff:SetPoint("TOP", _G[buttonName..(index-cfg.buffframe.buffsPerRow)], "BOTTOM", 0, -cfg.buffframe.rowSpacing)
  240. elseif (index == 1) then
  241. buff:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", BuffFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -(rows*(cfg.buffframe.rowSpacing+buff:GetHeight())+gap))
  242. else
  243. buff:SetPoint("RIGHT", _G[buttonName..(index-1)], "LEFT", -cfg.buffframe.colSpacing, 0)
  244. end
  245. end
  247. --create drag frames
  248. createTempEnchantHolder()
  249. createBuffFrameHolder()
  251. --init func
  252. local function init()
  253. --BuffFrame scale
  254. BuffFrame:SetScale(cfg.buffframe.scale)
  255. --temp enchantframe scale
  256. TemporaryEnchantFrame:SetScale(cfg.tempenchant.scale)
  257. --position buff frame
  258. moveBuffFrame()
  259. --position temp enchant icons
  260. moveTempEnchantFrame()
  261. --skin temp enchant
  262. for i=1, NUM_TEMP_ENCHANT_FRAMES do
  263. local b = _G["TempEnchant"..i]
  264. if b and not b.styled then
  265. applySkin(b, "wpn")
  266. end
  267. end
  268. --move temp enchant icons in position
  269. updateTempEnchantAnchors()
  270. --hook the consolidatedbuffs
  271. if ConsolidatedBuffs then
  272. ConsolidatedBuffs:UnregisterAllEvents()
  273. ConsolidatedBuffs:HookScript("OnShow", function(s)
  274. s:Hide()
  275. moveTempEnchantFrame()
  276. end)
  277. ConsolidatedBuffs:HookScript("OnHide", function(s)
  278. moveTempEnchantFrame()
  279. end)
  280. ConsolidatedBuffs:Hide()
  281. end
  282. end
  284. ---------------------------------------
  285. -- CALLS // HOOKS
  286. ---------------------------------------
  288. --hook Blizzard functions to move the buffframe
  289. hooksecurefunc("BuffFrame_UpdateAllBuffAnchors", updateBuffAnchors)
  290. hooksecurefunc("DebuffButton_UpdateAnchors", updateDebuffAnchors)
  292. local a = CreateFrame("Frame")
  293. a:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN")
  294. a:SetScript("OnEvent", init)