1. Just a quick response to the first answer (don't get this solution seriously).
  3. currentLabel = 0
  4. f = {}
  5. def DFS_Loop(graph):
  6. checked = []
  7. global currentLabel
  8. currentLabel = len(graph)
  9. for edge in graph.keys():
  10. if edge not in checked :
  11. checked = DFS(graph,edge, checked)
  13. def DFS(graph, start, path=[]):
  14. path = path + [start]
  15. global currentLabel
  16. global f
  17. for edge in graph[start]:
  18. if edge not in path:
  19. path = DFS(graph, edge, path)
  21. f[currentLabel] = start
  22. currentLabel = currentLabel - 1
  23. return path
  25. graph = {
  26. 1: [2,11],
  27. 2: [3],
  28. 11: [12],
  29. 12: [13],
  30. 3: [],
  31. 13:[]
  32. }
  33. DFS_Loop(graph)
  34. print f