1. 1)
  2. void CopyMemory (IntPtr, IntPtr, int) void Utilities.RtlMoveMemory (IntPtr, IntPtr, uint) kernel32.dll
  4. Can be replaced with Marshal.Copy and a byte array as buffer
  6. 2)
  7. Process GetProcessForActiveApplication () IntPtr Utilities.GetForegroundWindow () user32.dll
  8. Process GetProcessForActiveApplication () IntPtr Utilities.GetWindowThreadProcessId (IntPtr, IntPtr&) user32.dll
  10. Used to check whether the editor is the active application.
  11. Checking ContainsFocus on main form and owned forms should be the same. Requires that ShowDialog uses the main form as owner.
  13. 3)
  14. Control GetControlThatHasFocus () IntPtr Utilities.GetFocus () user32.dll
  16. Can be replaced with Control.Focused
  18. 4)
  19. bool Play (AudioClip) uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  20. bool Play (AudioClip) uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  21. bool Play (AudioClip) uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  22. bool IsPlaying () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  23. int GetPositionMs () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  24. int GetLengthMs () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  25. void Pause () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  26. void Resume () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  27. void Stop () uint MidiPlayer.mciSendString (string, StringBuilder, int, IntPtr) winmm.dll
  29. WinMM based midi playback. Can be replaced with fmod.
  31. 5)
  32. Delegate GetManagedDelegateForFunction (string, Type, bool) IntPtr NativeProxy.GetProcAddress (IntPtr, string) kernel32.dll
  33. void Dispose () bool NativeProxy.FreeLibrary (IntPtr) kernel32.dll
  34. void .ctor (string) IntPtr NativeProxy.LoadLibrary (string) kernel32.dll
  35. IntPtr GetWindowHandle (IAGSEditorForNativePlugins) IntPtr NativePluginCallbacks.GetActiveWindow () User32.DLL
  37. Native plugin interop.
  39. 6)
  40. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  41. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  42. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  43. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  44. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  45. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  46. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  47. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  48. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  49. void WriteConfigFile () int NativeProxy.GetPrivateProfileString (string, string, string, StringBuilder, int, string) kernel32.dll
  50. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  51. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  52. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  53. void WriteConfigFile () int NativeProxy.GetPrivateProfileString (string, string, string, StringBuilder, int, string) kernel32.dll
  54. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  55. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  56. void WriteConfigFile () Int64 NativeProxy.WritePrivateProfileString (string, string, string, string) kernel32.dll
  58. Config reader/writer. Can be replaced with a managed ini file reader/writer.
  60. 7)
  61. bool IsShiftPressed () Int16 NativeProxy.GetAsyncKeyState (int) User32.dll
  62. bool IsControlPressed () Int16 NativeProxy.GetAsyncKeyState (int) User32.dll
  64. Enabling KeyPreview on the main form and manually keep track whether shift or control key is down.
  66. ?)
  67. void SetTreeViewEditText (TreeView, string) int Hacks.SendMessage (IntPtr, int, int, IntPtr) user32
  68. void SetTreeViewEditText (TreeView, string) int Hacks.SendMessage (IntPtr, int, int, IntPtr) user32
  69. void SendCommandAndSwitchWindows (string) bool NativeProxy.SetForegroundWindow (IntPtr) user32.dll
  70. void ListenForClients (Object) SafeFileHandle NamedPipesServer.CreateNamedPipe (string, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, uint, IntPtr) kernel32.dll
  71. void ListenForClients (Object) int NamedPipesServer.ConnectNamedPipe (SafeFileHandle, IntPtr) kernel32.dll