1. A whirlwind tour through the LuaJIT VM, by its creator
  2. Talk by Mike Pall
  3. Notes by Felix Rabe — feel free to integrate with your own notes if you were at the event!
  4. 2013-Oct-03 at the Zurich FLOSS and IT geeks meetup: http://www.meetup.com/zhgeeks/events/141272252/
  6. 2005
  7. Business logic
  8. Codebase in C
  10. Lua 5.0 -> 5.1
  11. incremental GC
  12. low-latency requirements
  13. delays of 100ms not acceptable / affordable
  15. Got involved in Lua community (patches, ...)
  16. At the time, Lua's performance was top-5
  18. Tail calls = "kind of goto"
  19. Syntax does not matter, what matters is semantics
  21. 2005...
  22. Projects was abandoned
  23. Stayed with Lua community
  25. Lua bytecode
  26. (Stupid) register(-based) allocator
  28. IR
  29. Dataflow
  30. 64-bit representation (very little for compilers / IA)
  31. linear IR
  32. PHI's at the end
  33. IR => assembly goes backward (to allocate registers)
  34. x86 FPU is fast, often waste not to use it
  35. ARM often uses integers (weak FPU); overflow check
  37. Branches get patched when new traces are introduced
  38. Counters on looping instructions are used to determine hot code areas
  39. Dynamic languages have a lot of guards
  40. C preprocessor-based DSL
  41. C compiler does not know what aliases what (pointers!)
  42. Luajit knows what tables do (not) alias other tables
  43. Allocation sinking
  45. Q: Tail recursion?
  46. Not many Lua users write recursive code
  47. Not very optimized
  49. Don't get lost in the details (=> Spidermonkey / Tracemonkey), stick to what's important:
  50. Loop optimization
  51. Alias ...
  53. Sparse snapshotting, only where necessary (Tracemonkey: snapshot after every instruction)
  54. Tracemonkey people had no experience writing compilers
  55. Luajit 1 => Luajit 2
  57. Do not write a trace compiler for your thesis!
  59. Cloudflare: Web application firewall
  60. Huge amount of rules (blacklisting...)
  61. Ahead-of-time optimization cannot adapt to changes
  63. Luajit does pay for the time invested, but not a full-time project
  64. Not too interested in money: fun => keep going
  66. Advantage: Luajit built on existing Lua ecosystem => large body of code already available
  67. Not optimizing corner cases