1. List of Countries Designated Part 2 Category Territories, with lower evidence requirements, under Extradition Act 2003 (Designation of Part 2 Territories) Order 2003/3334 (as of January 2012).
  3. Albania,
  4. Andorra,
  5. Armenia,
  6. Australia,
  7. Azerbaijan,
  8. Canada,
  9. Croatia,
  10. Georgia,
  11. Iceland,
  12. Israel,
  13. Liechtenstein,
  14. Macedonia, FYR,
  15. Moldova,
  16. New Zealand,
  17. Norway,
  18. Russian Federation,
  19. Serbia and Montenegro,
  20. South Africa,
  21. Switzerland,
  22. Turkey,
  23. Ukraine,
  24. The United States of America.