1. [exec] Static site will be generated at:
  2. [exec] /home/rip/workspace/hadoop-maaki/src/docs/build/site
  3. [exec] Cocoon will report the status of each document:
  4. [exec] - in column 1: *=okay X=brokenLink ^=pageSkipped (see FAQ).
  5. [exec]
  6. [exec] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [exec] cocoon 2.1.12-dev
  8. [exec] Copyright (c) 1999-2007 Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
  9. [exec] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  11. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  12. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  13. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  14. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  15. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  16. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  17. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  18. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  19. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  20. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  21. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  22. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  23. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  24. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  25. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  26. [exec] GC Warning: Out of Memory! Returning NIL!
  27. [exec] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  28. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  29. [exec] Java Result: 1
  30. [exec] BUILD FAILED
  31. [exec] /home/rip/apache-forest/main/targets/site.xml:180: Warning: Could not find file /home/rip/workspace/hadoop-maaki/src/docs/build/tmp/brokenlinks.xml to copy.
  32. [exec] Total time: 31 seconds
  33. [exec] * [1/0] [0/0] 4.249s 0b linkmap.html
  34. [exec] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
  35. [exec] <<No stacktrace available>>
  36. [exec] Copying broken links file to site root.
  37. [exec]
  40. /home/rip/workspace/hadoop-maaki/build.xml:918: exec returned: 1
  42. Total time: 1 minute 32 seconds