1. 04:04 -!- BotenAnna changed the topic of #lgbt to: Official channel of r/lgbt can be found on irc.synirc.net #rlgbt -- if it is your first time on synirc, be sure to type /msg hostserv help and follow
  2. the instructions for optimal security! | http://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/tfl03/meta_announcing_the_official_rlgbt_irc_channel/
  3. 04:04 <@BotenAnna> http://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/tfl03/meta_announcing_the_official_rlgbt_irc_channel/ announcement, yay!
  4. 04:27 -!- bep [bep@snoonet/staff/bep] has left #lgbt []
  5. 04:28 -ChanServ:#lgbt- Foundership transfer from BotenAnna to bep forced by Snoonet administration.
  6. 04:40 -!- bep [bep@snoonet/staff/bep] has joined #lgbt
  7. 04:40 -!- mode/#lgbt [+o bep] by ChanServ
  8. 04:41 -!- boshhead [~boshhead@redacted] has joined #lgbt
  9. 04:45 -!- mode/#lgbt [-o BotenAnna] by bep
  10. 05:06 -!- redv [~ircap@snoonet/staff/rEdv] has joined #lgbt
  11. 05:30 -!- ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has left #lgbt []
  12. 05:30 -!- mode/#lgbt [-oo bep greenduch] by redv
  13. 05:50 -!- bep [bep@snoonet/staff/bep] has quit [Quit: Bye ;)]
  14. 05:57 -!- snorlax [~Paine@snoonet/user/snorlax] has joined #lgbt
  15. 05:57 -!- snorlax [~Paine@snoonet/user/snorlax] has left #lgbt []