1. #Based on code from www.stuffaboutcode.com
  2. #Raspberry Pi, Minecraft API - the basics
  5. #import the minecraft.py module from the minecraft directory
  6. import minecraft.minecraft as minecraft
  7. #import minecraft block module
  8. import minecraft.block as block
  9. #import time, so delays can be used
  10. import time
  12. if __name__ == "__main__":
  15. # - minecraft needs to be running and in a game
  16. mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
  18. #Post a message to the minecraft chat window
  19. mc.postToChat("Aura Of Destruction activated")
  21. try:
  22. while True:
  23. playerPos = mc.player.getPos()
  24. playerPos = minecraft.Vec3(int(playerPos.x), int(playerPos.y), int(playerPos.z))
  25. #to resolve issues with negative positions
  26. if playerPos.z < 0: playerPos.z = playerPos.z - 1
  27. if playerPos.x < 0: playerPos.x = playerPos.x - 1
  28. if playerPos.y < 0: playerPos.y = playerPos.y - 1
  29. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x,playerPos.y-1,playerPos.z,block.AIR)
  30. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x,playerPos.y,playerPos.z+1,block.AIR)
  31. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x,playerPos.y,playerPos.z-1,block.AIR)
  32. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x,playerPos.y+1,playerPos.z+1,block.AIR)
  33. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x,playerPos.y+1,playerPos.z-1,block.AIR)
  34. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x+1,playerPos.y,playerPos.z,block.AIR)
  35. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x-1,playerPos.y,playerPos.z,block.AIR)
  36. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x+1,playerPos.y+1,playerPos.z,block.AIR)
  37. mc.setBlock(playerPos.x-1,playerPos.y+1,playerPos.z,block.AIR)
  38. except KeyboardInterrupt:
  39. time.sleep(1)