1. --/----------------------------------\--
  2. --|-> Loading functions............<-|--
  3. --\----------------------------------/--
  5. -- Tables --
  7. iOrb= {} --> Orb Data
  8. iBan= {} --> Ban table
  9. iCmd= {} --> Commands using players, booleans and numbers or nothing
  10. iStr= {} --> Commands using strings, booleans or nothing
  11. iVal= {} --> Commands using three value like Color3 or Vector3 or nothing
  12. iLkl= {} --> Loopkill table
  13. iGod= {} --> Godmode with event function table
  14. iAll= {} --> Group all the commands to print them
  15. iHlp= {} --> Group all the commands to print info
  16. iTls= {} --> Group all the gears and building tools'name to print them
  17. iGrb= {} --> Players grabbed by orb
  19. -- Settings --
  21. iOrb.Player=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  22. iOrb.CharacterClone=nil
  23. iOrb.PlayerName=iOrb.Player.Name
  24. iOrb.DefaultParent=game.Workspace
  25. iOrb.TempData=Instance.new("Model")
  26. iOrb.TempBackpack=Instance.new("Model",iOrb.TempData)
  27. iOrb.OrbParent=nil
  28. iOrb.Torso=nil
  29. iOrb.Version="2"
  30. iOrb.OrbName=iOrb.Player.Name.."'s [qORBp] v"..iOrb.Version
  31. iOrb.Name=iOrb.OrbName
  32. iOrb.OrbedName=iOrb.Player.Name
  33. iOrb.StopCheck=false
  34. iOrb.runmsg=false
  35. iOrb.Clearing=false
  36. iOrb.Part=false
  37. iOrb.Model=nil
  38. iOrb.Orb=nil
  39. iOrb.OrbTorso=nil
  40. iOrb.Humanoid=nil
  41. iOrb.FireColorChange=true
  42. iOrb.Fire=nil
  43. iOrb.Char=nil
  44. iOrb.Pos=nil
  45. iOrb.inUse=false
  46. iOrb.Move=true
  47. iOrb.LoadAnimation=true
  48. iOrb.Unremovable=true
  49. iOrb.LocalOrb=false
  50. iOrb.Orbed=false
  51. iOrb.CreateOrb=true
  52. iOrb.Trail=true
  53. iOrb.TSize=.6
  54. iOrb.sCmdExecution=true
  55. iOrb.Respawning=false
  56. iOrb.FEnabled=true
  57. iOrb.FHeat=1
  58. iOrb.FSize=2
  59. iOrb.PDist=.35
  60. iOrb.PSize=.2
  61. iOrb.RotSpeed=8
  62. iOrb.RotCoef=iOrb.RotSpeed
  63. iOrb.ChatColor="Red"
  64. iOrb.ColorChange=true
  65. iOrb.ColorChangeSpeed=15
  66. iOrb.ColorOne=0/215
  67. iOrb.ColorTwo=145/235
  68. iOrb.Size=Vector3.new(1,1,1)
  69. iOrb.BaseX=4.25
  70. iOrb.BaseY=0
  71. iOrb.BaseZ=0
  72. iOrb.LeviY=0
  73. iOrb.LeviRise=1.5
  74. iOrb.LeviSpeed=.06
  75. iOrb.PPersistence=.4
  76. iOrb.Turn=true
  77. iOrb.Particles=true
  79. -- Building Tools --
  81. iBuild= {
  83. stampertool=73089166,
  84. clone=73089204,
  85. delete=73089190,
  86. rotate=58880579,
  87. wiring=60791062,
  88. stamperconfig=73089239,
  89. paint=18474459,
  90. groupdragger=36334760,
  91. resize=58901534,
  92. standardconfig=16975388,
  93. material=58901405,
  94. surface=58901575
  96. }
  98. -- Gears Tools --
  100. iGears= {
  102. coil=16688968,
  103. rctruck=52180871,
  104. bow=55917429,
  105. epicsauce=31314931,
  106. dancegrenade=65545955,
  107. blackholebomb=28277486,
  108. skateboard=27902406,
  109. freezeray=42845853,
  110. atmoblaster=50937815,
  111. platformproducer=34898883,
  112. wallwalker=35683911,
  113. sentry=68603151,
  114. zombiestaff=26421972,
  115. gravitygun=34901961,
  116. banhammer=10468797,
  117. unseeneye=71422361,
  118. ancalagon=62350883,
  119. vinestaff=30847733,
  120. leviatingstaff=48596324,
  121. polaritystaff=61459706,
  122. zeusstaff=66416616,
  123. gravityhammer=33866846,
  124. magicninja=30847779,
  125. dualkamas=60888284,
  126. bbgun=42845609,
  127. rocket=32356064,
  128. r80launcher=69209924,
  129. illuminatingspear=69947379,
  130. deathspeakerzombie=51760061,
  131. cursedflamethrower=59175769,
  132. laservision=69499452,
  133. deamselixir=65082246,
  134. hydrianelixir=55917420,
  135. fermionblade=50938746,
  136. quantumentangler=72644644,
  137. egoexpander=26774629,
  138. kamipotion=66426498,
  139. missiletoe=66896565,
  140. azuresword=69499437,
  141. magiccarpet=71037028,
  142. blizzardwand=68354832,
  143. froststaff=66896601,
  144. lightingorb=72644629,
  145. confusoray=48596305,
  146. danceblaster=45941451,
  147. grapplehook=30393548,
  148. deathspeakerbook=59848474,
  149. dracovinbook=49491736,
  150. dracovinwand=56561607,
  151. princesswand=49491716,
  152. flashbang=16979083,
  153. novawand=27860496,
  154. darkspellbook=56561579,
  155. rcplane=69210407,
  156. icicleslicer=66823689,
  157. kotikozphaser=61459678,
  158. ghostfiresword=64220933,
  159. ninjabomb=64869947,
  160. supergdisruptor=14516975,
  161. blastgun=18268645,
  162. windstaff=18462637,
  163. atomicdisintegrator=13838639,
  164. handcannon=33867016,
  165. flamethrower=33879504,
  166. hypnocannon=35366155,
  167. scythe=28275809,
  168. rccar=31839203,
  169. woodlandstaff=11373617,
  170. emraldscatterblaster=22969230,
  171. scatterblaster=21420014,
  172. broom=36913601,
  173. armcannon=48847374,
  174. frosthammer=71422327,
  175. dualaxes=69947367,
  176. gloomystaff=33382711,
  177. blowdryer=11719016,
  178. tnt=12902404,
  179. schoolagefist=65469882,
  180. skullcracker=65469908,
  181. remotemine=33383241,
  182. moonwalkpotion=32353654,
  183. winsomewand=32355966,
  184. atomizer=35293856,
  185. tazerblade=50938773,
  186. azurestaff=32858662,
  187. velocityphaser=16469499,
  188. tornadegrenade=47871646,
  189. roboarm=35366215,
  190. hoverboard=64160547,
  191. vilethorn=54694334,
  192. darknessstaff=69210321,
  193. evileyewand=62827121,
  194. awestar=18010691,
  195. swordandshield=51302649,
  196. sparkstaff=10760425,
  197. undoingaxe=73799348,
  198. dragonslayer=73232786,
  199. screechpotion=73232825,
  200. dualcannons=73265108,
  201. gravitron=74385438,
  202. razevenge=74385386,
  203. glorylauncher=74385418,
  204. spikegrenade=73888479,
  205. victoryblaster=75550907,
  206. superheropotion=76262706
  208. }
  210. -- Unremovable --
  212. if iOrb.Unremovable then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() script:Destroy() end)) end
  214. -- iSCmd Backup --
  216. function iBackupsCmd()
  217. iOrb.TSize=.875 iOrb.PDist=.35 iOrb.PSize=.2 iOrb.Fire.Size=iOrb.FSize iOrb.RotSpeed=8 iOrb.BaseX=4.25 iOrb.BaseY=0 iOrb.BaseZ=0 iOrb.RotCoef=iOrb.RotSpeed
  218. end
  220. -- Default Parent --
  222. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  223. if iOrb.DefaultParent~=iOrb.Player.Character then return else repeat wait()
  224. if iOrb.Player.Character~=nil then iOrb.DefaultParent=iOrb.Player.Character end
  225. until false end end))
  227. -- Orb Child Remover --
  229. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait()
  230. if iOrb.Orb~=nil then for _,v in pairs(iOrb.Orb:GetChildren())do if not v:IsA("Fire") then v:Destroy() end end end
  231. until false end))
  233. -- iBan players --
  235. function banPlayers(plr)
  236. if plr:IsA("Player") then
  237. for _,v in pairs(iBan) do
  238. if tostring(v) == plr.Name then
  239. plr:remove()
  240. end
  241. end
  242. end
  243. end
  245. -- iLkl Players --
  247. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait()
  248. for _,v in pairs(iLkl)do
  249. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  250. for i,p in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  251. if tostring(p):match(tostring(v)) then
  252. if p.Character~=nil then
  253. p.Character:BreakJoints()
  254. end
  255. end
  256. end
  257. end))
  258. end
  259. until false end))
  261. -- Torso Finder --
  263. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.Player.Character~=nil then
  264. if not iOrb.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then iOrb.Torso=nil else iOrb.Torso=iOrb.Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") end
  265. end until false end))
  267. -- Hint Function --
  269. function iHint(string,tm,removeHint) if iOrb.Player~=nil and string~=nil and game.Workspace.CurrentCamera~=nil then local hint=nil
  270. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  271. if not game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:FindFirstChild(iOrb.Player.Name.."HINT") then hint=Instance.new("Hint",game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) hint.Name=iOrb.Player.Name.."HINT" hint.Text=string else hint=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:FindFirstChild(iOrb.Player.Name.."HINT") hint.Text=string end if removeHint then wait(tm) hint:Destroy()
  272. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("Hint") and v.Name==iOrb.Player.Name.."HINT" then v:Destroy() end end end
  273. end)) end end
  275. -- Typing effect --
  277. function iTypeMsg(msg,tme) if not iOrb.inUse then if not iOrb.runmsg then iHint('',0,true) iOrb.inUse=false return end iOrb.inUse=true
  278. for i=1,msg:len(),1 do wait()
  279. iHint(msg:sub(1,i))
  280. end wait(tme)
  281. for i=1,msg:len(),1 do wait()
  282. iHint(msg:sub(i,msg:len()))
  283. end wait() iHint('',0,true) iOrb.inUse=false
  284. end end
  286. -- Local Orb --
  288. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.LocalOrb~=nil or iOrb.Orbed~=nil then
  289. if iOrb.LocalOrb==true and iOrb.Orbed==false then iOrb.OrbParent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  290. elseif iOrb.LocalOrb==false and iOrb.Orbed==false then iOrb.OrbParent=iOrb.DefaultParent
  291. elseif iOrb.Orbed==true then iOrb.OrbParent=game.Workspace iOrb.LocalOrb=false end end
  292. until false end))
  294. -- iOrb Chat Function --
  296. function iOrbChat(msg)
  297. if iOrb.Orbed and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil then game:GetService("Chat"):Chat(iOrb.Orb,msg,iOrb.ChatColor) iStr.rename(msg) end
  298. for cmd,func in pairs(iCmd) do
  299. if msg:sub(1,tostring(cmd):len()+1)==tostring(cmd)..":" then msg=msg:lower() msg=string.gsub(msg:sub(1,tostring(cmd):len()+1),":","(\'")..msg:sub(tostring(cmd):len()+2)
  300. if tostring(cmd) ~= "rotspeed" or tostring(cmd) ~= "x" or tostring(cmd) ~= "y" or tostring(cmd) ~= "z" then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iSCmd)) end
  301. local command=msg:gsub(",","\',\'")
  302. command=command:gsub(" ","\',\'")
  303. command=command:gsub("/","\',\'")
  304. command=command:gsub(":","\',\'")
  305. command=command:gsub("%.","\',\'")
  306. command=command:gsub("|","\') iCmd."..tostring(cmd).."(\'")
  307. command="iCmd."..command.."\')"
  308. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()loadstring(command)()end)) return
  309. end
  310. end
  311. for cmd2,func2 in pairs(iStr) do
  312. if msg:sub(1,tostring(cmd2):len()+1)==tostring(cmd2)..":" then
  313. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iSCmd))
  314. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()loadstring("iStr."..tostring(cmd2).."([===["..msg:sub(tostring(cmd2):len()+2).."]===])")()end)) return
  315. end
  316. end
  317. for cmd3,func3 in pairs(iVal) do
  318. if msg:sub(1,tostring(cmd3):len()+1)==tostring(cmd3)..":" then
  319. local command=msg:gsub(":",",")
  320. command=command:gsub(" ",",")
  321. command=command:gsub("/",",")
  322. command=command:gsub("%.",",")
  323. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iSCmd))
  324. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()loadstring("iVal."..tostring(cmd3).."("..command:sub(tostring(cmd3):len()+2)..")")()end)) return
  325. end
  326. end
  327. end
  329. -- Remove Orb --
  331. function iRemoveOrb(path) coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  332. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  333. if v.Name==iOrb.Name then v:remove() end end
  334. if iOrb.Orbed then for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren())do
  335. if v.Name==iOrb.Name then v:remove() end
  336. end end end))end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(.1) iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) end))
  338. -- Orb Antiban Persistence --
  340. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  341. repeat wait() if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(iOrb.PlayerName) or game.Players:FindFirstChild(iOrb.PlayerName) and not game.Players:FindFirstChild(iOrb.PlayerName):IsA("Player") then iOrb.Particles=true if iOrb.Fire~=nil then iOrb.Fire.Enabled=true end iOrb.CreateOrb=false iOrb.Orbed=true iOrb.LocalOrb=false iOrb.sCmdExecution=false iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) wait(.1) iOrb.Name=iOrb.OrbedName wait() iOrb.CreateOrb=true break end until iOrb.StopCheck wait()
  342. if iPrimaryChat~=nil then iPrimaryChat:disconnect() end wait() if not iOrb.StopCheck then
  343. iSecondChat=iOrb.Player.Chatted:connect(iOrbChat) end
  344. end))
  346. -- Match Players --
  348. function iGetPlayer(str) local players={} string=str:lower()
  349. if string=="me" and iOrb.Orbed==false then table.insert(players,iOrb.Player)
  350. elseif string=="all" or string=="" or string==nil then
  351. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  352. table.insert(players,v)
  353. end
  354. elseif string=="others" then
  355. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  356. if v~=iOrb.Player then
  357. table.insert(players,v)
  358. end end
  359. else for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  360. if string.lower(v.Name:sub(1,string:len()))==string then
  361. table.insert(players,v)
  362. end end
  363. end return players
  364. end
  366. -- Trail Creation --
  368. function iTrailCreation()
  369. if iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  370. if iOrb.Trail then
  371. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  372. local cOrb=iOrb.Orb:Clone()
  373. cOrb.Name="cTrail"
  374. cOrb.Anchored=true
  375. cOrb.Locked=true
  376. cOrb.CanCollide=false
  377. cOrb.Shape="Block"
  378. cOrb.FormFactor="Custom"
  379. cOrb.Size=Vector3.new(iOrb.TSize,iOrb.TSize,iOrb.TSize)
  380. cOrb.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  381. for _,v in pairs(cOrb:GetChildren())do v:remove() end
  382. cOrb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)))
  383. local cPos=cOrb.CFrame.p
  384. cOrb.Transparency=0.2
  385. for i=1,10,1 do wait()
  386. pcall(function()
  387. cOrb.Size=cOrb.Size-Vector3.new(0.075,0.075,0.075)
  388. cOrb.Transparency=cOrb.Transparency+0.075
  389. cOrb.CFrame=CFrame.new(cPos)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)))
  390. end)
  391. end
  392. pcall(function() cOrb:remove() end)
  393. end)) else for _,v in pairs(iOrb.Orb.Parent:GetChildren())do if v.Name=="cOrb" and v:IsA("BasePart") then v:remove() end end end
  394. end
  395. end
  397. -- Particles Creation --
  399. function iParticlesCreation(vector,dis,size)
  400. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  401. if iOrb.Particles then if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  402. local cOrb=iOrb.Orb:Clone()
  403. cOrb.Name="cParticle"
  404. cOrb.Anchored=true
  405. cOrb.Locked=true
  406. cOrb.CanCollide=false
  407. cOrb.Shape="Block"
  408. cOrb.FormFactor="Custom"
  409. cOrb.Reflectance=0
  410. if size==nil then cOrb.Size=Vector3.new(iOrb.PSize,iOrb.PSize,iOrb.PSize) else
  411. cOrb.Size=Vector3.new(size,size,size)
  412. end
  413. for _,v in pairs(cOrb:GetChildren())do v:remove() end
  414. cOrb.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  415. cOrb.CFrame=CFrame.new(vector)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)),math.random(0,math.rad(360)))*CFrame.new(Vector3.new((math.random(-iOrb.Orb.Size.X-dis,iOrb.Orb.Size.X+dis))*math.cos(math.rad(0,360)),(math.random(-iOrb.Orb.Size.X-dis,iOrb.Orb.Size.X+dis))*math.cos(math.rad(0,360)),(math.random(-iOrb.Orb.Size.X-dis,iOrb.Orb.Size.X+dis))*math.sin(math.rad(0,360))))
  416. local cPos=cOrb.CFrame.p
  417. cOrb.Transparency=.3
  418. local cOrb2=cOrb:Clone()
  419. cOrb2.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  420. cOrb2.Name="cParticle2"
  421. cOrb2.Reflectance=0
  422. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(cOrb,cOrb2)
  423. for i=1,10,1 do wait() if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Particles and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  424. cOrb2.Transparency=cOrb2.Transparency+0.1
  425. cOrb2.Size=cOrb2.Size+Vector3.new(.04,.04,.04)
  426. cOrb2.CFrame=cOrb.CFrame
  427. else cOrb:remove() cOrb2:remove() end end
  428. end),cOrb,cOrb2)
  429. wait(iOrb.PPersistence)
  430. for i=1,10,1 do wait() if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Particles and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  431. cOrb.Transparency=cOrb.Transparency+0.1
  432. else cOrb:remove() cOrb2:remove() end end
  433. cOrb:remove() cOrb2:remove()
  434. end end
  435. end
  436. end
  438. -- Orb Execution Animation --
  440. function iSCmd()
  441. if iOrb.Orb==nil or iOrb.Part==false or iOrb.sCmdExecution==false or iOrb.Orbed then return end
  442. local cOrb=iOrb.Orb:Clone()
  443. cOrb.Name="cOrb"
  444. cOrb.Reflectance=0
  445. cOrb.Anchored=true
  446. cOrb.Locked=true
  447. cOrb.CanCollide=false
  448. cOrb.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  449. iOrb.PDist=iOrb.PDist+1.5
  450. iOrb.PSize=iOrb.PSize+.15
  451. iOrb.TSize=iOrb.TSize+.65
  452. if iOrb.Turn then
  453. if iOrb.RotSpeed~=0 then
  454. iOrb.RotSpeed = iOrb.RotSpeed+2.5
  455. end
  456. end
  457. if iOrb.Fire~=nil then
  458. iOrb.Fire.Size=iOrb.Fire.Size+3
  459. end
  460. for i = 1, 10, 1 do wait()
  461. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part and cOrb~=nil and iOrb.Orbed==false and iOrb.sCmdExecution then
  462. cOrb.Transparency=cOrb.Transparency+0.1
  463. cOrb.Size=iOrb.Orb.Size+Vector3.new(i,i,i)
  464. cOrb.CFrame=iOrb.Orb.CFrame
  465. if iOrb.Turn then
  466. iOrb.BaseX=iOrb.BaseX+iOrb.RotCoef/20
  467. end
  468. else iBackupsCmd() end
  469. end
  470. if cOrb~=nil then cOrb:remove() else iBackupsCmd() end
  471. wait(.7)
  472. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part and cOrb~=nil and iOrb.Orbed==false and iOrb.sCmdExecution then
  473. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() wait(.275)
  474. for i=1, 20, 1 do wait()
  475. if iOrb.Turn then
  476. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part and cOrb~=nil and iOrb.Orbed==false and iOrb.sCmdExecution then
  477. iOrb.BaseX=iOrb.BaseX-iOrb.RotCoef/40
  478. if iOrb.RotSpeed~=0 then
  479. iOrb.RotSpeed = iOrb.RotSpeed-0.125
  480. end
  481. else iBackupsCmd() end
  482. end
  483. end
  484. end))
  485. iOrb.PDist=iOrb.PDist-1.5
  486. iOrb.PSize=iOrb.PSize-.15
  487. iOrb.TSize=iOrb.TSize-.65
  488. if iOrb.Fire~=nil then
  489. iOrb.Fire.Size=iOrb.Fire.Size-3
  490. end
  491. else iBackupsCmd() end
  492. end
  494. -- Ray Function --
  496. function iPCmd(playerTable,color)
  497. if playerTable==nil then return end
  498. for _,player in pairs(playerTable)do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  499. if player.Character~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.OrbParent then if player==iOrb.Player and iOrb.Orbed then else
  500. if player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then if player.Character.Torso:IsA("Part") then
  501. if color==nil then iColor=Color3.new(iOrb.Orb.Color) else iColor=color end
  502. local iFocus=false
  503. local iTarget=player.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  504. local iDist=(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p-iTarget).magnitude if iDist > 1000 then return end
  505. local iRay=Instance.new("Part")
  506. iRay.CFrame=CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,100000,0))
  507. iRay.Name="iRay"
  508. iRay.Anchored=true
  509. iRay.Locked=true
  510. iRay.CanCollide=false
  511. iRay.Reflectance=.3
  512. iRay.Transparency=.2
  513. iRay.Shape="Block"
  514. iRay.FormFactor="Custom"
  515. iRay.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(color)
  516. iRay.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2)
  517. iRay.BrickColor=iOrb.Orb.BrickColor
  518. iRay.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  519. for i=10, 1, -2 do wait()
  520. iTarget=player.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  521. iDist=(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p-iTarget).magnitude
  522. iRay.Color=iOrb.Orb.Color
  523. iRay.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,iDist/i)
  524. iRay.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iTarget)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,0,-(iDist/i)/2))
  525. end iFocus=true
  526. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(iFocus,iRay,iDist,iTarget) while iFocus and wait() do
  527. if player.Character~=nil then if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then break end else break end
  528. iTarget=player.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  529. iDist=(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p-iTarget).magnitude
  530. iRay.Color=iOrb.Orb.Color
  531. iRay.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,iDist)
  532. iRay.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iTarget)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,0,-iDist/2))
  533. end end),iFocus,iRay,iDist,iTarget)
  534. local iTar=iOrb.Orb:Clone()
  535. iTar.Name="iTar"
  536. iTar.Reflectance=0
  537. iTar.Anchored=true
  538. iTar.Locked=true
  539. iTar.CanCollide=false
  540. iTar.CFrame=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  541. iTar.Transparency=.3
  542. iTar.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(iColor)
  543. iTar.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  544. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(iTar)
  545. for i = 1, 15, 1 do wait()
  546. if player.Character~=nil then if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then break end else break end
  547. iTar.Transparency=iTar.Transparency+.0325
  548. iTar.Size=Vector3.new(i,i,i)
  549. iTar.CFrame=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  550. end
  551. for i = 4, 1, -1 do wait()
  552. if player.Character~=nil then if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then break end else break end
  553. iTar.Transparency=iTar.Transparency+.0375
  554. iTar.Size=Vector3.new(i*2,i*2,i*2)
  555. iTar.CFrame=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  556. end wait()
  557. iTar:remove()
  558. end),iTar)
  559. local iPersist=iRay:clone()
  560. iPersist.Name="iPersist"
  561. iPersist.BrickColor=BrickColor.new(iColor)
  562. iPersist.Reflectance=0
  563. iPersist.Anchored=true
  564. iPersist.Locked=true
  565. iPersist.CanCollide=false
  566. iPersist.CFrame=iRay.CFrame
  567. iPersist.Parent=iOrb.Orb.Parent
  568. for i = 1, 10, 1 do wait()
  569. iPersist.Transparency=iPersist.Transparency+.1
  570. iPersist.Size=iRay.Size+Vector3.new(i/20,i/20,0)
  571. iPersist.CFrame=iRay.CFrame
  572. end
  573. iPersist:remove() wait(.075)
  574. for i = 1, 10, 1 do wait()
  575. iRay.Transparency=iRay.Transparency+.1
  576. end iFocus=false iRay:remove() wait(2)
  577. end
  578. end end
  579. end
  580. end)) end wait(.75)
  581. end
  583. -- Orb Creation and Verification --
  585. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait(.1)
  586. if iOrb.LocalOrb==true and iOrb.Orbed==false then iOrb.OrbParent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  587. elseif iOrb.LocalOrb==false and iOrb.Orbed==false then iOrb.OrbParent=iOrb.DefaultParent
  588. elseif iOrb.Orbed==true then iOrb.OrbParent=game.Workspace end
  589. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  590. if iOrb.CreateOrb then
  591. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.CreateOrb then
  592. if iOrb.Player.Character~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.CreateOrb or iOrb.Orbed==true and iOrb.CreateOrb then
  593. if not iOrb.OrbParent:FindFirstChild(iOrb.Name) and iOrb.CreateOrb then iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Orb=nil iOrb.Model=nil
  594. local iModel=Instance.new("Model",iOrb.OrbParent) iModel.Name=iOrb.Name iModel.Archivable=false iOrb.Model=iModel
  595. end if iOrb.OrbParent:FindFirstChild(iOrb.Name):IsA("Model") and iOrb.CreateOrb and iOrb.Torso~=nil then
  596. local iModel=iOrb.OrbParent:FindFirstChild(iOrb.Name) iOrb.Model=iModel
  597. if not iModel:FindFirstChild("Torso") and iOrb.CreateOrb and iOrb.Torso~=nil then iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Fire=nil iOrb.OrbTorso=nil
  598. local iTorso=Instance.new("Part",iModel)
  599. iTorso.Name="Torso"
  600. iTorso.Anchored=false
  601. iTorso.Locked=true
  602. iTorso.Transparency=1
  603. iTorso.CanCollide=false
  604. iTorso.Shape="Ball"
  605. iTorso.Color=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne)
  606. iTorso.Size=iOrb.Size
  607. iTorso.CFrame=CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,10000,0))
  608. iTorso.BottomSurface="Smooth"
  609. iTorso.TopSurface="Smooth"
  610. iOrb.OrbTorso=iTorso end
  611. if not iModel:FindFirstChild("Head") and iOrb.CreateOrb and iOrb.Torso~=nil then iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Orb=nil iOrb.Fire=nil
  612. local iHead=Instance.new("Part",iModel)
  613. iHead.Name="Head"
  614. iHead.Anchored=true
  615. iHead.Locked=true
  616. iHead.Reflectance=.2
  617. iHead.CanCollide=false
  618. iHead.Shape="Ball"
  619. iHead.Color=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne)
  620. iHead.Size=iOrb.Size
  621. iHead.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Torso.CFrame.p+Vector3.new(0,5,0))
  622. iHead.BottomSurface="Smooth"
  623. iHead.TopSurface="Smooth"
  624. iModel.PrimaryPart=iHead
  625. iOrb.Orb=iHead
  626. local iFire=Instance.new("Fire")
  627. iFire.Name="iFire"
  628. iFire.Color=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorTwo)
  629. iFire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne)
  630. iFire.Size=iOrb.FSize
  631. iFire.Heat=iOrb.FHeat
  632. iFire.Enabled=iOrb.FEnabled
  633. iFire.Parent=iHead
  634. iOrb.Fire=iFire
  635. else if iModel:FindFirstChild("Head"):IsA("Part") and iOrb.CreateOrb then
  636. local iHead=iModel:FindFirstChild("Head") iOrb.Orb=iHead iModel.PrimaryPart=iHead
  637. if not iHead:FindFirstChild("iFire") then iOrb.Fire=nil
  638. local iFire=Instance.new("Fire")
  639. iFire.Name="iFire"
  640. iFire.Color=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorTwo)
  641. iFire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorOne)
  642. iFire.Size=iOrb.FSize
  643. iFire.Heat=iOrb.FHeat
  644. iFire.Enabled=iOrb.FEnabled
  645. iFire.Parent=iHead
  646. iOrb.Fire=iFire
  647. end end end if not iModel:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and iOrb.CreateOrb then iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Humanoid=nil
  648. local iHumanoid=Instance.new("Humanoid",iModel)
  649. iHumanoid.MaxHealth=0
  650. iHumanoid.Health=0
  651. iOrb.Humanoid=iHumanoid
  652. end iOrb.Part=true
  653. end end else iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Orb=nil end end end))
  654. until false end))
  656. -- Grabber --
  658. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part then
  659. for _,v in pairs(iGrb) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  660. if v~=game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  661. if v.Character~=nil then
  662. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  663. v.Character.Torso.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.Orb.CFrame.lookVector*1000)
  664. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=true
  665. end
  666. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  667. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=0
  668. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=true
  669. end
  670. function getParts(path)
  671. for _,pl in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  672. if pl:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("Decal") then
  673. pl.Transparency=.65
  674. end getParts(pl)
  675. end
  676. end getParts(v.Character)
  677. end
  678. end
  679. end)) end
  680. end until false end))
  682. -- Hint Commands Function --
  684. function iHintCmd(string)
  685. for index,v in pairs(iCmd) do if string~=nil and string~="" then if tostring(index):lower():find(string:lower()) then
  686. table.insert(iAll,tostring(index))
  687. end elseif string==nil or string=="" then table.insert(iAll,tostring(index)) end end
  688. for index,v in pairs(iStr) do if string~=nil and string~="" then if tostring(index):lower():find(string) then
  689. table.insert(iAll,tostring(index))
  690. end elseif string==nil or string=="" then table.insert(iAll,tostring(index)) end end
  691. for index,v in pairs(iVal) do if string~=nil and string~="" then if tostring(index):lower():find(string) then
  692. table.insert(iAll,tostring(index))
  693. end elseif string==nil or string=="" then table.insert(iAll,tostring(index)) end end
  694. iOrb.runmsg=true iTypeMsg(#iAll.." command(s) found.",2)
  695. for _,v in pairs(iAll) do if not iOrb.runmsg then break end
  696. iTypeMsg(v..":",1)
  697. end iOrb.runmsg=false
  698. for i = #iAll, 1, -1 do
  699. table.remove(iAll,i)
  700. end
  701. end
  703. -- Hint Gears Name Function --
  705. function iHintTools(string)
  706. for index,v in pairs(iBuild) do if string~=nil and string~="" then if tostring(index):lower():find(string:lower()) then
  707. table.insert(iTls,tostring(index).." ( Building tool )")
  708. end elseif string==nil or string=="" then table.insert(iTls,tostring(index)) end end
  709. for index,v in pairs(iGears) do if string~=nil and string~="" then if tostring(index):lower():find(string) then
  710. table.insert(iTls,tostring(index).." ( Gear tool )")
  711. end elseif string==nil or string=="" then table.insert(iTls,tostring(index)) end end
  712. iOrb.runmsg=true iTypeMsg(#iTls.." tool(s) found.",2)
  713. for _,v in pairs(iTls) do if not iOrb.runmsg then break end
  714. iTypeMsg(v,1)
  715. end iOrb.runmsg=false
  716. for i = #iTls, 1, -1 do
  717. table.remove(iTls,i)
  718. end
  719. end
  721. -- Orbed --
  723. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.Orbed==true then iOrb.Move=false iOrb.Player.Character=nil
  724. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and game.Workspace.CurrentCamera~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil then iOrb.BaseX=-1.5 iOrb.BaseY=-1.5 iOrb.BaseZ=6
  725. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p,game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector*10000)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(iOrb.BaseX,iOrb.BaseY,-iOrb.BaseZ))
  726. end
  727. end until false end))
  729. -- Trail --
  731. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait(.035)
  732. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  733. if iOrb.Trail then
  734. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iTrailCreation))
  735. else for _,v in pairs(iOrb.Orb.Parent:GetChildren())do if v.Name=="cTrail" and v:IsA("BasePart") then v:remove() end end end
  736. end
  737. until false end))
  739. -- Particles --
  741. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait(.1)
  742. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.LoadAnimation then
  743. if iOrb.Particles then
  744. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iParticlesCreation),iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.PDist)
  745. else for _,v in pairs(iOrb.Orb.Parent:GetChildren())do if v.Name=="cParticle" and v:IsA("BasePart") then v:remove() end end end
  746. end
  747. until false end))
  749. -- Properties Loops --
  751. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part then
  752. iOrb.Orb.Locked=true
  753. iOrb.Orb.Anchored=true
  754. iOrb.Orb.CanCollide=false end
  755. if iOrb.OrbTorso~=nil then
  756. iOrb.OrbTorso.Anchored=false
  757. iOrb.OrbTorso.Locked=true
  758. iOrb.OrbTorso.CanCollide=false
  759. end
  760. if iOrb.Model~=nil then
  761. iOrb.Model.Archivable=false
  762. end
  763. until false end))
  765. -- Color Change --
  767. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait(.5)
  768. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part then
  769. for i=iOrb.ColorOne,iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorChangeSpeed/255 do wait()
  770. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part then
  771. if iOrb.ColorChange and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  772. iOrb.Orb.Color=Color3.new(i,i-15/255,i)
  773. end
  774. if iOrb.Fire~=nil then
  775. if iOrb.Fire.Enabled then
  776. if iOrb.FireColorChange then
  777. iOrb.Fire.Color=Color3.new(1-i,1-i,1-i)
  778. iOrb.Fire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(i,i,i)
  779. end
  780. end
  781. end
  782. end
  783. end wait(.5)
  784. for i=iOrb.ColorTwo,iOrb.ColorOne,-iOrb.ColorChangeSpeed/255 do wait()
  785. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Part then
  786. if iOrb.ColorChange and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  787. iOrb.Orb.Color=Color3.new(i,i-15/255,i)
  788. end
  789. if iOrb.Fire~=nil then
  790. if iOrb.Fire.Enabled then
  791. if iOrb.FireColorChange then
  792. iOrb.Fire.Color=Color3.new(1-i,1-i,1-i)
  793. iOrb.Fire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(i,i,i)
  794. end
  795. end
  796. end
  797. end
  798. end
  799. end
  800. until false end))
  802. -- ID Inserter --
  804. function iInsertool(player,id) if player~=nil and id~=nil then game:GetService("InsertService"):ApproveAssetId(id)
  805. local insrt = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(id)
  806. for _, v in pairs(insrt:GetChildren()) do
  807. if player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then v:Clone().Parent = player:FindFirstChild("Backpack")
  808. else local bpk=Instance.new("Backpack",player) v:Clone().Parent = bpk end
  809. end end end
  811. -- Orb Torso Motor and Transparency --
  813. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait()
  814. if iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.OrbTorso~=nil then
  815. iOrb.OrbTorso.Transparency = 1
  816. iOrb.OrbTorso.Reflectance = 1
  817. if not iOrb.OrbTorso:FindFirstChild("Neck") then
  818. local motor = Instance.new("Motor6D",iOrb.OrbTorso)
  819. motor.Name = "Neck"
  820. motor.Part0 = iOrb.OrbTorso
  821. motor.Part1 = iOrb.Orb
  822. end
  823. if iOrb.OrbTorso:FindFirstChild("Neck") then
  824. local motor = iOrb.OrbTorso.Neck
  825. motor.Part0 = iOrb.Orb
  826. motor.Part1 = iOrb.OrbTorso
  827. end
  828. end
  829. until false end))
  831. -- Rotation and Levitation --
  833. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() local i=1 repeat wait()
  834. if iOrb.Turn then
  835. if iOrb.RotSpeed > 0 then
  836. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Move and iOrb.Orbed==false then
  837. if i==360 then i=1 end
  838. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Torso.CFrame.p)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(iOrb.BaseX*math.cos(math.rad(i)),iOrb.LeviY,iOrb.BaseX*math.sin(math.rad(i))))
  839. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.Torso.CFrame.lookVector*10000)
  840. if i+iOrb.RotSpeed > 360 then i=360 else i=i+iOrb.RotSpeed end
  841. end
  842. elseif iOrb.RotSpeed < 0 then
  843. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Move and iOrb.Orbed==false then
  844. if i==360 then i=1 end
  845. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Torso.CFrame.p)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(iOrb.BaseX*math.cos(-math.rad(i)),iOrb.LeviY,iOrb.BaseX*math.sin(-math.rad(i))))
  846. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.Torso.CFrame.lookVector*10000)
  847. if i-iOrb.RotSpeed > 360 then i=360 else i=i-iOrb.RotSpeed end
  848. end
  849. elseif iOrb.RotSpeed==0 then
  850. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Move and iOrb.Orbed==false then
  851. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=iOrb.Torso.CFrame*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(iOrb.BaseX,iOrb.LeviY,-iOrb.BaseZ))
  852. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.Torso.CFrame.lookVector*10000)
  853. end
  854. end
  855. else if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Move and iOrb.Orbed==false then
  856. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=iOrb.Torso.CFrame*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(iOrb.BaseX,iOrb.LeviY,-iOrb.BaseZ))
  857. iOrb.Orb.CFrame=CFrame.new(iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p,iOrb.Torso.CFrame.lookVector*10000)
  858. end end
  859. until false end))
  861. -- Levitation Values --
  863. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat
  864. if iOrb.OrbParent~=nil and iOrb.Torso~=nil and iOrb.Part and iOrb.Orb~=nil and iOrb.Move and iOrb.Orbed==false then
  865. function leviUp(n,n2)
  866. for i=iOrb.BaseY,iOrb.BaseY+iOrb.LeviRise*n,iOrb.LeviSpeed*n2 do
  867. wait()iOrb.LeviY=i
  868. end
  869. end
  870. function leviDown(n,n2)
  871. for i=iOrb.BaseY+iOrb.LeviRise*n,iOrb.BaseY,iOrb.LeviSpeed*n2 do
  872. wait()iOrb.LeviY=i
  873. end
  874. end
  875. leviUp(1,1)wait(.05)leviDown(1,-1)leviUp(-1,-1)wait(.05)leviDown(-1,1)
  876. else wait(.1) end
  877. until false end))
  879. -- iStriker Function v1 --
  881. function iStriker()
  883. local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  885. local bin = Instance.new("HopperBin", player.Backpack)
  887. bin.Name = "iStriker unit"
  889. local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
  890. local character = player.Character
  892. local torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
  893. local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  894. local neck = torso:FindFirstChild("Neck")
  896. local rightLeg = character:FindFirstChild("Right Leg")
  897. local leftLeg = character:FindFirstChild("Left Leg")
  899. local rightHip = torso:FindFirstChild("Right Hip")
  900. local leftHip = torso:FindFirstChild("Left Hip")
  902. local neckAngle = neck.C1
  903. local rightHipAngle = rightHip.C1
  904. local leftHipAngle = leftHip.C1
  906. local leftWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
  907. local rightWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
  909. local velocity = Instance.new("BodyVelocity")
  910. local gyro = Instance.new("BodyGyro")
  911. local pos = Instance.new("BodyPosition")
  913. local parts = {"StrikerOne", "StrikerTwo", "JointOne", "JointTwo", "PropellerOne", "PropellerTwo"}
  914. local welds = {"SWelderOne", "SWelderTwo", "JWelderOne", "JWelderTwo", "PWelderOne", "PWelderTwo"}
  916. local strikerColor = "Really black"
  917. local propellerColor = "White"
  918. local jointColor = "Bright green"
  920. local mainModel = Instance.new("Model")
  921. local cframePart = Instance.new("Part")
  923. local toolSelected = false
  924. local runNext = false
  925. local strikerLoaded = false
  926. local connected = false
  927. local turn = false
  928. local forward = false
  929. local backward = false
  930. local onleft = false
  931. local onright = false
  932. local onup = false
  933. local ondown = false
  935. local gyroAngleX = 0
  936. local desiredGyroAngleX = 0
  937. local gyroAngleY = 0
  938. local desiredGyroAngleY = 0
  939. local gyroAngleZ = 0
  940. local desiredGyroAngleZ = 0
  941. local angleSetSpeed = 5
  942. local rotationIndice = 0
  943. local maxRotation = 70
  944. local motorSpeed = 0
  945. local desiredSpeed = 0
  946. local xPartPos = 0
  947. local desiredXPartPos = 0
  948. local yPartPos = 0
  949. local desiredYPartPos = 0
  951. function Strk(delay)
  953. wait(delay)
  955. mainModel.Name = "Striker"
  956. mainModel.Archivable = false
  957. mainModel.Parent = character
  959. for index, name in pairs(parts) do
  961. getfenv()[name] = Instance.new("Part")
  962. getfenv()[name].Name = name
  963. getfenv()[name].Anchored = true
  964. getfenv()[name].Locked = true
  965. getfenv()[name].CanCollide = false
  966. getfenv()[name].Transparency = 1
  967. getfenv()[name].CFrame = CFrame.new(0, math.huge, 0)
  968. getfenv()[name].FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  969. getfenv()[name].BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  970. getfenv()[name].TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth
  972. if index <= 2 then
  974. getfenv()[name].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(strikerColor)
  975. getfenv()[name].Size = Vector3.new(1.1, 1.5, 1.1)
  977. elseif index == 3 or index == 4 then
  979. getfenv()[name].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(jointColor)
  980. getfenv()[name].Size = Vector3.new(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
  982. elseif index >= 5 then
  984. getfenv()[name].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(propellerColor)
  985. getfenv()[name].Size = Vector3.new(1.55, 0.2, 0.2)
  987. end
  989. getfenv()[name].Parent = mainModel
  991. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  993. for i = getfenv()[name].Transparency, 0, -0.1 do
  995. if toolSelected then wait() getfenv()[name].Transparency = i end
  997. end
  999. end))
  1001. end
  1003. for index, name in pairs(welds) do
  1005. getfenv()[name] = Instance.new("Weld")
  1006. getfenv()[name].Parent = mainModel
  1007. getfenv()[name].Name = name
  1009. if index == 1 then
  1011. getfenv()[name].Part0 = leftLeg
  1012. StrikerOne.Anchored = false
  1013. getfenv()[name].Part1 = StrikerOne
  1014. getfenv()[name].C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.35, 0)
  1016. elseif index == 2 then
  1018. getfenv()[name].Part0 = rightLeg
  1019. StrikerTwo.Anchored = false
  1020. getfenv()[name].Part1 = StrikerTwo
  1021. getfenv()[name].C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.35, 0)
  1023. elseif index == 3 then
  1025. getfenv()[name].Part0 = StrikerOne
  1026. JointOne.Anchored = false
  1027. getfenv()[name].Part1 = JointOne
  1028. getfenv()[name].C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.775, 0)
  1029. JointOne.CanCollide = true
  1031. elseif index == 4 then
  1033. getfenv()[name].Part0 = StrikerTwo
  1034. JointTwo.Anchored = false
  1035. getfenv()[name].Part1 = JointTwo
  1036. getfenv()[name].C1 = CFrame.new(0, 0.775, 0)
  1037. JointTwo.CanCollide = true
  1039. elseif index == 5 then
  1041. getfenv()[name].Part0 = JointOne
  1042. PropellerOne.Anchored = false
  1043. getfenv()[name].Part1 = PropellerOne
  1045. elseif index == 6 then
  1047. getfenv()[name].Part0 = JointTwo
  1048. PropellerTwo.Anchored = false
  1049. getfenv()[name].Part1 = PropellerTwo
  1051. end
  1053. end
  1055. wait(0.1)
  1057. strikerLoaded = true
  1059. end
  1061. function Connection(mouse)
  1063. toolSelected = true
  1065. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait()
  1067. if toolSelected then
  1069. if leftHip ~= nil then
  1071. leftHip.DesiredAngle = 0
  1072. leftHip.CurrentAngle = 0
  1074. end
  1076. if rightHip ~= nil then
  1078. rightHip.DesiredAngle = 0
  1079. rightHip.CurrentAngle = 0
  1081. end
  1083. runNext = true
  1085. else break end
  1087. until false return false end))
  1089. repeat wait() until runNext
  1091. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1093. torso.Anchored = true wait()
  1094. torso.Velocity = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
  1095. torso.RotVelocity = Vector3.new(0, 0, 0)
  1097. leftHipAngle = leftHip.C1
  1098. rightHipAngle = rightHip.C1
  1100. pos.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1101. pos.Parent = torso
  1102. pos.position = torso.CFrame.p
  1104. torso.Anchored = false
  1106. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Strk),0.2)
  1108. for i = 1, 20, 1 do wait()
  1110. if toolSelected then
  1112. pos.position = pos.position + Vector3.new(0, 0.2, 0)
  1113. torso.CFrame = torso.CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(18), 0)
  1114. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1116. leftHip.C1 = leftHip.C1 * CFrame.new(0, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0.5), -math.rad(0.5), -math.rad(0.5))
  1117. rightHip.C1 = rightHip.C1 * CFrame.new(0, -0.01, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(0.5), math.rad(0.5), math.rad(0.5))
  1119. end
  1121. end
  1123. local x22, y22, z22 = leftHip.C1:toEulerAnglesXYZ()
  1125. repeat wait() until strikerLoaded
  1127. gyro.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1128. gyro.Parent = torso
  1129. gyro.P = 1500
  1131. velocity.Parent = torso
  1132. velocity.maxForce = Vector3.new(5500, 5500, 5500)
  1133. velocity.P = 100
  1135. if pos ~= nil then if pos.Parent == torso then pos:remove() end end
  1137. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1139. while strikerLoaded do wait(0.03405) if toolSelected and rotationIndice < maxRotation then rotationIndice = rotationIndice + 0.25
  1141. if desiredSpeed ~= 0 then if desiredSpeed > 0 then motorSpeed = desiredSpeed - (maxRotation - rotationIndice) elseif desiredSpeed < 0 then motorSpeed = desiredSpeed + (maxRotation - rotationIndice) end else motorSpeed = 0 end
  1142. if desiredXPartPos ~= 0 then if desiredXPartPos > 0 then xPartPos = desiredXPartPos - (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) elseif desiredXPartPos < 0 then xPartPos = desiredXPartPos + (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) end else xPartPos = 0 end
  1143. if desiredYPartPos ~= 0 then if desiredYPartPos > 0 then yPartPos = desiredYPartPos - (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) elseif desiredYPartPos < 0 then yPartPos = desiredYPartPos + (maxRotation/2 - rotationIndice/2) end else yPartPos = 0 end
  1145. if desiredGyroAngleX ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleX > 0 then gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleX < 0 then gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleX = 0 end
  1146. if desiredGyroAngleY ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleY > 0 then gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleY < 0 then gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleY = 0 end
  1147. if desiredGyroAngleZ ~= 0 then if desiredGyroAngleZ > 0 then gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ - (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) elseif desiredGyroAngleZ < 0 then gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ + (maxRotation - rotationIndice)) end else gyroAngleZ = 0 end
  1149. elseif toolSelected and rotationIndice == maxRotation then humanoid.PlatformStand = true motorSpeed = desiredSpeed gyroAngleX = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleX) gyroAngleY = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleY) gyroAngleZ = math.rad(desiredGyroAngleZ) xPartPos = desiredXPartPos yPartPos = desiredYPartPos end
  1151. if PropellerOne ~= nil and PWelderOne ~= nil then
  1153. PWelderOne.C1 = PWelderOne.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, -math.rad(rotationIndice), 0)
  1155. end
  1157. if PropellerTwo ~= nil and PWelderTwo ~= nil then
  1159. PWelderTwo.C1 = PWelderTwo.C1 * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(rotationIndice), 0)
  1161. end
  1163. if cframePart ~= nil then
  1165. cframePart.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
  1166. cframePart.CFrame = CFrame.new(torso.CFrame.p, camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * 10000000) + Vector3.new(xPartPos, yPartPos, 0)
  1168. end
  1170. if velocity ~= nil then if velocity.Parent == torso then velocity.velocity = (cframePart.CFrame - cframePart.CFrame.p) * Vector3.new(xPartPos, yPartPos, -motorSpeed) end end
  1171. if gyro ~= nil then if gyro.Parent == torso then gyro.cframe = CFrame.new(gyro.cframe.p, camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * 10000000) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY, gyroAngleZ) end end
  1173. end return
  1175. end)) connected = true stand = true
  1177. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) key = key:lower()
  1179. if key == "w" then ForwardDown()
  1180. elseif key == "s" then BackwardDown()
  1181. elseif key == "a" then LeftDown()
  1182. elseif key == "d" then RightDown()
  1183. elseif key == "e" then UpDown()
  1184. elseif key == "q" then DownDown()
  1186. end end)
  1188. mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key) key = key:lower()
  1190. if key == "w" then ForwardUp() if backward then BackwardDown() end
  1191. elseif key == "s" then BackwardUp() if forward then ForwardDown() end
  1192. elseif key == "a" then LeftUp() if onright then RightDown() end
  1193. elseif key == "d" then RightUp() if onleft then LeftDown() end
  1194. elseif key == "e" then UpUp() if ondown then DownDown() end
  1195. elseif key == "q" then DownUp() if onup then UpDown() end
  1197. end end)
  1199. end
  1201. function Disconnection()
  1203. toolSelected = false wait()
  1205. for index, name in pairs(parts) do
  1207. if getfenv()[name] ~= nil then
  1209. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1211. for i = getfenv()[name].Transparency, 1, 0.1 do wait()
  1213. getfenv()[name].Transparency = i
  1215. end
  1217. end))
  1219. end
  1221. end
  1223. pos.maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge)
  1224. pos.Parent = torso
  1225. pos.position = torso.CFrame.p
  1227. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(Strk),0.2)
  1229. for i = 1, 10, 1 do wait()
  1231. pos.position = pos.position - Vector3.new(0, 0.15, 0)
  1232. humanoid.PlatformStand = true
  1234. leftHip.C1 = leftHip.C1 * CFrame.new(0, 0.02, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-1), -math.rad(-1), -math.rad(-1))
  1235. rightHip.C1 = rightHip.C1 * CFrame.new(0, 0.02, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-1), math.rad(-1), math.rad(-1))
  1237. end wait()
  1239. humanoid.PlatformStand = false
  1241. if pos ~= nil then if pos.Parent == torso then pos:remove() end end
  1242. if gyro ~= nil then if gyro.Parent == torso then gyro:remove() end end
  1243. if velocity ~= nil then if velocity.Parent == torso then velocity:remove() end end
  1244. if mainModel ~= nil then mainModel:remove() end
  1246. strikerLoaded = false
  1247. rotationIndice = 0
  1248. motorSpeed = 0
  1249. desiredSpeed = 0
  1251. ForwardUp()
  1252. BackwardUp()
  1253. LeftUp()
  1254. RightUp()
  1256. forward = false
  1257. backward = false
  1258. onleft = false
  1259. onright = false
  1260. onup = false
  1261. ondown = false
  1263. leftHip.C1 = leftHipAngle
  1264. rightHip.C1 = rightHipAngle
  1266. connected = false
  1268. end
  1270. function ForwardDown() forward = true
  1272. desiredGyroAngleX = -maxRotation
  1273. desiredSpeed = maxRotation
  1275. end
  1277. function BackwardDown() backward = true
  1279. desiredGyroAngleX = maxRotation
  1280. desiredSpeed = -maxRotation
  1282. end
  1284. function ForwardUp() forward = false
  1286. desiredGyroAngleX = 0
  1287. desiredSpeed = 0
  1289. end
  1291. function BackwardUp() backward = false
  1293. desiredGyroAngleX = 0
  1294. desiredSpeed = 0
  1296. end
  1298. function LeftDown() onleft = true
  1300. desiredGyroAngleY = -maxRotation
  1301. desiredXPartPos = -maxRotation/2
  1303. end
  1305. function RightDown() onright = true
  1307. desiredGyroAngleY = maxRotation
  1308. desiredXPartPos = maxRotation/2
  1310. end
  1312. function LeftUp() onleft = false
  1314. desiredGyroAngleY = 0
  1315. desiredXPartPos = 0
  1317. end
  1319. function RightUp() onright = false
  1321. desiredGyroAngleY = 0
  1322. desiredXPartPos = 0
  1324. end
  1326. function UpDown() onup = true
  1328. desiredYPartPos = maxRotation/2
  1330. end
  1332. function DownDown() ondown = true
  1334. desiredYPartPos = -maxRotation/2
  1336. end
  1338. function UpUp() onup = false
  1340. desiredYPartPos = 0
  1342. end
  1344. function DownUp() ondown = false
  1346. desiredYPartPos = 0
  1348. end
  1351. bin.Selected:connect(Connection)
  1352. bin.Deselected:connect(Disconnection)
  1354. end
  1356. -- iBTool Function v2 --
  1358. function iCreateBtools()
  1359. plr=iOrb.Player
  1360. if plr:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then plg=plr.PlayerGui else return end
  1361. bin=Instance.new("HopperBin",plr:FindFirstChild("Backpack"))
  1362. bin.Name="iBTools"
  1363. bin.Selected:connect(function(mouse)
  1364. box=Instance.new("SelectionBox")
  1365. lso=Instance.new("SelectionPointLasso")
  1366. lso.Visible=false
  1367. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() repeat wait() if iOrb.Humanoid~=nil then
  1368. lso.Humanoid=iOrb.Humanoid end until false end))
  1369. md1=1
  1370. md2=1
  1371. md3=1
  1372. clr=true
  1373. ste=false
  1374. lvi=false
  1375. cle=false
  1376. tme=.5
  1377. function createGui()
  1378. gui=Instance.new("ScreenGui",plg)
  1379. gui.Name="iBGui"
  1380. --PanelGUI--
  1381. frm=Instance.new("Frame",gui)
  1382. frm.Visible=false
  1383. frm.Name="iBPanel"
  1384. frm.Position=UDim2.new(0.0199999996,0,0.400000006,0)
  1385. frm.Size=UDim2.new(0.150000006,0,0.400000006,0)
  1386. frm.Style="RobloxRound"
  1387. frm.ZIndex=8
  1388. lab=Instance.new("TextLabel",frm)
  1389. lab.Name="iBTitle"
  1390. lab.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1391. lab.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.150000006,0)
  1392. lab.ZIndex=9
  1393. lab.Font="ArialBold"
  1394. lab.FontSize="Size18"
  1395. lab.Text="iBuildTools Panel"
  1396. lab.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1397. lab.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  1398. lab.TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1399. del=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1400. del.Name="iBDelete"
  1401. del.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1402. del.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.200000003,0)
  1403. del.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1404. del.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1405. del.ZIndex=9
  1406. del.Font="ArialBold"
  1407. del.FontSize="Size12"
  1408. del.Text="Delete"
  1409. del.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1410. del.Selected=true
  1411. ach=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1412. ach.Name="iBAnchor"
  1413. ach.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1414. ach.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.330000013,0)
  1415. ach.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1416. ach.Style="RobloxButton"
  1417. ach.ZIndex=9
  1418. ach.Font="ArialBold"
  1419. ach.FontSize="Size12"
  1420. ach.Text="Anchor"
  1421. ach.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1422. col=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1423. col.Name="iBCanCollide"
  1424. col.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1425. col.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.460000008,0)
  1426. col.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1427. col.Style="RobloxButton"
  1428. col.ZIndex=9
  1429. col.Font="ArialBold"
  1430. col.FontSize="Size12"
  1431. col.Text="CanCollide"
  1432. col.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1433. lck=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1434. lck.Name="iBLock"
  1435. lck.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1436. lck.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.579999983,0)
  1437. lck.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1438. lck.Style="RobloxButton"
  1439. lck.ZIndex=9
  1440. lck.Font="ArialBold"
  1441. lck.FontSize="Size12"
  1442. lck.Text="Lock"
  1443. lck.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1444. brk=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1445. brk.Name="iBBreak"
  1446. brk.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1447. brk.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.699999988,0)
  1448. brk.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1449. brk.Style="RobloxButton"
  1450. brk.ZIndex=9
  1451. brk.Font="ArialBold"
  1452. brk.FontSize="Size12"
  1453. brk.Text="BreakJoints"
  1454. brk.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1455. set=Instance.new("TextButton",frm)
  1456. set.Name="iBSettings"
  1457. set.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1458. set.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.829999983,0)
  1459. set.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.119999997,0)
  1460. set.Style="RobloxButton"
  1461. set.ZIndex=9
  1462. set.Font="ArialBold"
  1463. set.FontSize="Size12"
  1464. set.Text="Settings"
  1465. set.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1466. frm.Visible=true
  1467. --SettingsGUI--
  1468. frs=Instance.new("Frame",gui)
  1469. frs.Visible=false
  1470. frs.Name="iBSettings"
  1471. frs.Position=UDim2.new(0.389999986,0,0.400000006,0)
  1472. frs.Size=UDim2.new(0.25,0,0.25,0)
  1473. frs.Style="RobloxRound"
  1474. frs.ZIndex=8
  1475. frw=Instance.new("Frame",frs)
  1476. frw.Name="iBWindow"
  1477. frw.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.25999999,0)
  1478. frw.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.74000001,0)
  1479. frw.Style="RobloxRound"
  1480. frw.ZIndex=8
  1481. cls=Instance.new("TextButton",frs)
  1482. cls.Name="iBClose"
  1483. cls.Position=UDim2.new(0.850000024,0,-0.00999999978,0)
  1484. cls.Size=UDim2.new(0.150000006,0,0.219999999,0)
  1485. cls.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1486. cls.ZIndex=10
  1487. cls.Font="ArialBold"
  1488. cls.FontSize="Size12"
  1489. cls.Text="X"
  1490. cls.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0)
  1491. wtl=Instance.new("TextLabel",frs)
  1492. wtl.Name="iBTitle"
  1493. wtl.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1494. wtl.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.25,0)
  1495. wtl.ZIndex=9
  1496. wtl.Font="ArialBold"
  1497. wtl.FontSize="Size14"
  1498. wtl.Text="iBuildTools Settings Window"
  1499. wtl.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1500. wtl.TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1501. wtl.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  1502. wtl.TextXAlignment="Left"
  1503. clk=Instance.new("TextLabel",frw)
  1504. clk.Name="iBClick"
  1505. clk.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1506. clk.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.330000013,0)
  1507. clk.ZIndex=10
  1508. clk.Font="ArialBold"
  1509. clk.FontSize="Size12"
  1510. clk.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1511. clk.Text=" - Click Mode : "
  1512. clk.TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1513. clk.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  1514. clk.TextXAlignment="Left"
  1515. ray=Instance.new("TextLabel",frw)
  1516. ray.Name="iBRay"
  1517. ray.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1518. ray.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.330000013,0)
  1519. ray.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.330000013,0)
  1520. ray.ZIndex=10
  1521. ray.Font="ArialBold"
  1522. ray.FontSize="Size12"
  1523. ray.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1524. ray.Text=" - Ray Mode : "
  1525. ray.TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1526. ray.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  1527. ray.TextXAlignment="Left"
  1528. rfc=Instance.new("TextLabel",frw)
  1529. rfc.Name="iBRayFunction"
  1530. rfc.BackgroundTransparency=1
  1531. rfc.Position=UDim2.new(0,0,0.660000013,0)
  1532. rfc.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.330000013,0)
  1533. rfc.ZIndex=10
  1534. rfc.Font="ArialBold"
  1535. rfc.FontSize="Size12"
  1536. rfc.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,1,1)
  1537. rfc.Text=" - Ray Function : "
  1538. rfc.TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  1539. rfc.TextStrokeTransparency=0
  1540. rfc.TextXAlignment="Left"
  1541. ckb=Instance.new("TextButton",frw)
  1542. ckb.Name="iBClickButton"
  1543. ckb.Position=UDim2.new(0.400000006,0,0,0)
  1544. ckb.Size=UDim2.new(0.600000024,0,0.330000013,0)
  1545. ckb.ZIndex=10
  1546. ckb.Selected=true
  1547. ckb.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1548. ckb.Font="ArialBold"
  1549. ckb.FontSize="Size12"
  1550. ckb.Text="Enabled"
  1551. ckb.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,1,0)
  1552. ryb=Instance.new("TextButton",frw)
  1553. ryb.Name="iBRayButton"
  1554. ryb.Position=UDim2.new(0.400000006,0,0.330000013,0)
  1555. ryb.Size=UDim2.new(0.600000024,0,0.330000013,0)
  1556. ryb.Style="RobloxButton"
  1557. ryb.ZIndex=10
  1558. ryb.Font="ArialBold"
  1559. ryb.FontSize="Size12"
  1560. ryb.Text="Disabled"
  1561. ryb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0)
  1562. rfb=Instance.new("TextButton",frw)
  1563. rfb.Name="iBRayFButton"
  1564. rfb.Position=UDim2.new(0.400000006,0,0.660000013,0)
  1565. rfb.Size=UDim2.new(0.600000024,0,0.330000013,0)
  1566. rfb.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1567. rfb.ZIndex=10
  1568. rfb.Font="ArialBold"
  1569. rfb.FontSize="Size12"
  1570. rfb.Text="Enable Propertie"
  1571. rfb.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,1,0)
  1572. end createGui()
  1573. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1574. while(mouse)and wait() do
  1575. if(box)and(ray)then
  1576. if(lvi)then
  1577. lso.Visible=true
  1578. else
  1579. lso.Visible=false
  1580. end
  1581. if(md1==1)then
  1582. if(clr)then
  1583. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1584. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1585. box.Visible=true
  1586. box.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1587. box.Adornee=mouse.Target
  1588. if(md2==1)then
  1589. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1590. elseif(md2==2)then
  1591. if(mouse.Target.Anchored)then
  1592. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Camo")
  1593. else
  1594. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1595. end
  1596. elseif(md2==3)then
  1597. if(mouse.Target.CanCollide)then
  1598. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Camo")
  1599. else
  1600. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1601. end
  1602. elseif(md2==4)then
  1603. if(mouse.Target.Locked)then
  1604. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Camo")
  1605. else
  1606. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1607. end
  1608. elseif(md2==5)then
  1609. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright blue")
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. else
  1613. box.Visible=false
  1614. box.Parent=nil
  1615. box.Adornee=nil
  1616. end
  1617. end
  1618. elseif(md1==2)then
  1619. lso.Point=mouse.Hit.p
  1620. box.Visible=false
  1621. box.Parent=nil
  1622. box.Adornee=nil
  1623. if(md2~=1)and(md2~=5)then
  1624. if(md3==1)then
  1625. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Camo")
  1626. elseif(md3==2)then
  1627. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1628. end
  1629. elseif(md2==1)then
  1630. if(cle)then
  1631. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1632. else
  1633. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright blue")
  1634. end
  1635. elseif(md2==5)then
  1636. if(cle)then
  1637. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1638. else
  1639. lso.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright blue")
  1640. end
  1641. end
  1642. end
  1643. end
  1644. end
  1645. end))
  1646. function delDown()
  1647. del_downFunc=mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1648. md2=1
  1649. if(md2==1)then
  1650. if(md1==1)then
  1651. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1652. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1653. mouse.Target:remove()
  1654. end
  1655. end
  1656. elseif(md1==2)then
  1657. lvi=true
  1658. lso.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1659. while(lvi)and wait() do
  1660. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1661. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1662. mouse.Target:remove()
  1663. cle=true
  1664. wait(tme)
  1665. cle=false
  1666. else
  1667. cle=false
  1668. end
  1669. else
  1670. cle=false
  1671. end
  1672. end
  1673. end
  1674. end
  1675. end)
  1676. end
  1677. function delUp()
  1678. del_upFunc=mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1679. lvi=false
  1680. cle=false
  1681. lso.Parent=nil
  1682. end)
  1683. end
  1684. function achDown()
  1685. ach_downFunc=mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1686. md2=2
  1687. if(md2==2)then
  1688. if(md1==1)then
  1689. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1690. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1691. if(mouse.Target.Anchored)then
  1692. mouse.Target.Anchored=false
  1693. else
  1694. mouse.Target.Anchored=true
  1695. end
  1696. end
  1697. end
  1698. elseif(md1==2)then
  1699. lvi=true
  1700. lso.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1701. while(lvi)and wait() do
  1702. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1703. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1704. if(md3==1)then
  1705. mouse.Target.Anchored=true
  1706. elseif(md3==2)then
  1707. mouse.Target.Anchored=false
  1708. end
  1709. end
  1710. end
  1711. end
  1712. end
  1713. end
  1714. end)
  1715. end
  1716. function achUp()
  1717. ach_upFunc=mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1718. lvi=false
  1719. lso.Parent=nil
  1720. end)
  1721. end
  1722. function colDown()
  1723. col_downFunc=mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1724. md2=3
  1725. if(md2==3)then
  1726. if(md1==1)then
  1727. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1728. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1729. if(mouse.Target.CanCollide)then
  1730. mouse.Target.CanCollide=false
  1731. else
  1732. mouse.Target.CanCollide=true
  1733. end
  1734. end
  1735. end
  1736. elseif(md1==2)then
  1737. lvi=true
  1738. lso.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1739. while(lvi)and wait() do
  1740. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1741. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1742. if(md3==1)then
  1743. mouse.Target.CanCollide=true
  1744. elseif(md3==2)then
  1745. mouse.Target.CanCollide=false
  1746. end
  1747. end
  1748. end
  1749. end
  1750. end
  1751. end
  1752. end)
  1753. end
  1754. function colUp()
  1755. col_upFunc=mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1756. lvi=false
  1757. lso.Parent=nil
  1758. end)
  1759. end
  1760. function lckDown()
  1761. lck_downFunc=mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1762. md2=4
  1763. if(md2==4)then
  1764. if(md1==1)then
  1765. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1766. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1767. if(mouse.Target.Locked)then
  1768. mouse.Target.Locked=false
  1769. else
  1770. mouse.Target.Locked=true
  1771. end
  1772. end
  1773. end
  1774. elseif(md1==2)then
  1775. lvi=true
  1776. lso.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1777. while(lvi)and wait() do
  1778. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1779. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1780. if(md3==1)then
  1781. mouse.Target.Locked=true
  1782. elseif(md3==2)then
  1783. mouse.Target.Locked=false
  1784. end
  1785. end
  1786. end
  1787. end
  1788. end
  1789. end
  1790. end)
  1791. end
  1792. function lckUp()
  1793. lck_upFunc=mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1794. lvi=false
  1795. lso.Parent=nil
  1796. end)
  1797. end
  1798. function brkDown()
  1799. brk_downFunc=mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
  1800. md2=5
  1801. if(md2==5)then
  1802. if(md1==1)then
  1803. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1804. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1805. clr=false
  1806. box.Color=BrickColor.new("Bright red")
  1807. mouse.Target:BreakJoints()
  1808. end
  1809. end
  1810. elseif(md1==2)then
  1811. lvi=true
  1812. lso.Parent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  1813. while(lvi)and wait() do
  1814. if(mouse.Target~=nil)then
  1815. if(mouse.Target:IsA("BasePart"))and(mouse.Target~=iOrb.Orb)or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle")or(mouse.Target.Name~="cParticle2")then
  1816. mouse.Target:BreakJoints()
  1817. cle=true
  1818. else
  1819. cle=true
  1820. end
  1821. else
  1822. cle=false
  1823. end
  1824. end
  1825. end
  1826. end
  1827. end)
  1828. end
  1829. function brkUp()
  1830. brk_upFunc=mouse.Button1Up:connect(function()
  1831. clr=true
  1832. lvi=false
  1833. cle=false
  1834. end)
  1835. end
  1836. delDown()
  1837. delUp()
  1838. achDown()
  1839. achUp()
  1840. colDown()
  1841. colUp()
  1842. lckDown()
  1843. lckUp()
  1844. brkDown()
  1845. brkUp()
  1846. del.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1847. md2=1
  1848. del_downFunc:disconnect()
  1849. del_upFunc:disconnect()
  1850. ach_downFunc:disconnect()
  1851. ach_upFunc:disconnect()
  1852. col_downFunc:disconnect()
  1853. col_upFunc:disconnect()
  1854. lck_downFunc:disconnect()
  1855. lck_upFunc:disconnect()
  1856. brk_downFunc:disconnect()
  1857. brk_upFunc:disconnect()
  1858. del.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1859. del.Selected=true
  1860. ach.Style="RobloxButton"
  1861. ach.Selected=false
  1862. col.Style="RobloxButton"
  1863. col.Selected=false
  1864. lck.Style="RobloxButton"
  1865. lck.Selected=false
  1866. brk.Style="RobloxButton"
  1867. brk.Selected=false
  1868. delDown()
  1869. delUp()
  1870. end)
  1871. ach.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1872. md2=2
  1873. del_downFunc:disconnect()
  1874. del_upFunc:disconnect()
  1875. ach_downFunc:disconnect()
  1876. ach_upFunc:disconnect()
  1877. col_downFunc:disconnect()
  1878. col_upFunc:disconnect()
  1879. lck_downFunc:disconnect()
  1880. lck_upFunc:disconnect()
  1881. brk_downFunc:disconnect()
  1882. brk_upFunc:disconnect()
  1883. del.Style="RobloxButton"
  1884. del.Selected=false
  1885. ach.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1886. ach.Selected=true
  1887. col.Style="RobloxButton"
  1888. col.Selected=false
  1889. lck.Style="RobloxButton"
  1890. lck.Selected=false
  1891. brk.Style="RobloxButton"
  1892. brk.Selected=false
  1893. achDown()
  1894. achUp()
  1895. end)
  1896. col.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1897. md2=3
  1898. del_downFunc:disconnect()
  1899. del_upFunc:disconnect()
  1900. ach_downFunc:disconnect()
  1901. ach_upFunc:disconnect()
  1902. col_downFunc:disconnect()
  1903. col_upFunc:disconnect()
  1904. lck_downFunc:disconnect()
  1905. lck_upFunc:disconnect()
  1906. brk_downFunc:disconnect()
  1907. brk_upFunc:disconnect()
  1908. del.Style="RobloxButton"
  1909. del.Selected=false
  1910. ach.Style="RobloxButton"
  1911. ach.Selected=false
  1912. col.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1913. col.Selected=true
  1914. lck.Style="RobloxButton"
  1915. lck.Selected=false
  1916. brk.Style="RobloxButton"
  1917. brk.Selected=false
  1918. colDown()
  1919. colUp()
  1920. end)
  1921. lck.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1922. md2=4
  1923. del_downFunc:disconnect()
  1924. del_upFunc:disconnect()
  1925. ach_downFunc:disconnect()
  1926. ach_upFunc:disconnect()
  1927. col_downFunc:disconnect()
  1928. col_upFunc:disconnect()
  1929. lck_downFunc:disconnect()
  1930. lck_upFunc:disconnect()
  1931. brk_downFunc:disconnect()
  1932. brk_upFunc:disconnect()
  1933. del.Style="RobloxButton"
  1934. del.Selected=false
  1935. ach.Style="RobloxButton"
  1936. ach.Selected=false
  1937. col.Style="RobloxButton"
  1938. col.Selected=false
  1939. lck.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1940. lck.Selected=true
  1941. brk.Style="RobloxButton"
  1942. brk.Selected=false
  1943. lckDown()
  1944. lckUp()
  1945. end)
  1946. brk.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1947. md2=5
  1948. del_downFunc:disconnect()
  1949. del_upFunc:disconnect()
  1950. ach_downFunc:disconnect()
  1951. ach_upFunc:disconnect()
  1952. col_downFunc:disconnect()
  1953. col_upFunc:disconnect()
  1954. lck_downFunc:disconnect()
  1955. lck_upFunc:disconnect()
  1956. brk_downFunc:disconnect()
  1957. brk_upFunc:disconnect()
  1958. del.Style="RobloxButton"
  1959. del.Selected=false
  1960. ach.Style="RobloxButton"
  1961. ach.Selected=false
  1962. col.Style="RobloxButton"
  1963. col.Selected=false
  1964. lck.Style="RobloxButton"
  1965. lck.Selected=false
  1966. brk.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1967. brk.Selected=true
  1968. brkDown()
  1969. brkUp()
  1970. end)
  1971. set.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1972. if(ste)then
  1973. ste=false
  1974. frs.Visible=false
  1975. set.Style="RobloxButton"
  1976. else
  1977. ste=true
  1978. frs.Visible=true
  1979. set.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1980. end
  1981. end)
  1982. cls.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1983. ste=false
  1984. frs.Visible=false
  1985. set.Style="RobloxButton"
  1986. end)
  1987. ckb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1988. md1=1
  1989. ckb.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  1990. ckb.Selected=true
  1991. ckb.Text="Enabled"
  1992. ckb.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,1,0)
  1993. ryb.Style="RobloxButton"
  1994. ryb.Selected=false
  1995. ryb.Text="Disabled"
  1996. ryb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0)
  1997. end)
  1998. ryb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1999. md1=2
  2000. ryb.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  2001. ryb.Selected=true
  2002. ryb.Text="Enabled"
  2003. ryb.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,1,0)
  2004. ckb.Style="RobloxButton"
  2005. ckb.Selected=false
  2006. ckb.Text="Disabled"
  2007. ckb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0)
  2008. end)
  2009. rfb.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  2010. if(md3==1)then
  2011. md3=2
  2012. rfb.Style="RobloxButton"
  2013. rfb.Text="Disable Propertie"
  2014. rfb.TextColor3=Color3.new(1,0,0)
  2015. elseif(md3==2)then
  2016. md3=1
  2017. rfb.Style="RobloxButtonDefault"
  2018. rfb.Text="Enable Propertie"
  2019. rfb.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,1,0)
  2020. end
  2021. end)
  2022. end)
  2023. bin.Deselected:connect(function()
  2024. clr=false
  2025. if(box~=nil)then
  2026. box:Destroy()
  2027. end
  2028. if(lso~=nil)then
  2029. lso:Destroy()
  2030. end
  2031. if(gui~=nil)then
  2032. gui:Destroy()
  2033. end
  2034. end)
  2035. end
  2037. -- Run chatEvent --
  2039. iPrimaryChat=iOrb.Player.Chatted:connect(iOrbChat)
  2041. -- Commands --
  2043. iCmd.turn=function(boolean)
  2044. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then iOrb.Turn=true elseif boolean=="false" then iOrb.Turn=false end
  2045. end
  2047. iCmd.tena=function(boolean)
  2048. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then iOrb.Trail=true elseif boolean=="false" then iOrb.Trail=false end
  2049. end
  2051. iCmd.fena=function(boolean)
  2052. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then if iOrb.Fire~=nil then iOrb.Fire.Enabled=true end elseif boolean=="false" then if iOrb.Fire~=nil then iOrb.Fire.Enabled=false end end
  2053. end
  2055. iCmd.move=function(boolean)
  2056. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" and not iOrb.Move then iOrb.Move=true elseif boolean=="false" then iOrb.Move=false end
  2057. end
  2059. iCmd.fchange=function(boolean)
  2060. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then iOrb.FireColorChange=true elseif boolean=="false" then iOrb.FireColorChange=false end
  2061. end
  2063. iCmd.localorb=function(boolean) if not iOrb.Orbed then
  2064. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then iOrb.LocalOrb=true if not iOrb.Orbed then iOrb.OrbParent=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera end iOrb.LoadAnimation=false iOrb.CreateOrb=false wait() iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) wait(.1) iOrb.LoadAnimation=true wait() iOrb.CreateOrb=true elseif boolean=="false" then if not iOrb.Orbed then iOrb.OrbParent=iOrb.DefaultParent end iOrb.LocalOrb=false iOrb.LoadAnimation=false iOrb.CreateOrb=false wait() iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) wait(.1) iOrb.LoadAnimation=true wait() iOrb.CreateOrb=true end
  2065. end end
  2067. iCmd.particles=function(boolean)
  2068. if boolean=="true" or boolean==nil or boolean=="" then iOrb.Particles=true elseif boolean=="false" then iOrb.Particles=false end
  2069. end
  2071. iCmd.rotspeed=function(number)
  2072. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.RotSpeed=tonumber(number,10) iOrb.RotCoef=tonumber(number,10) end
  2073. end
  2075. iCmd.levirise=function(number)
  2076. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.LeviRise=tonumber(number,10) end
  2077. end
  2079. iCmd.levispeed=function(number)
  2080. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.LeviSpeed=tonumber(number,10) end
  2081. end
  2083. iCmd.tsize=function(number)
  2084. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.TSize=tonumber(number,10) end
  2085. end
  2087. iCmd.fsize=function(number)
  2088. if tonumber(number,10) then if iOrb.Fire~=nil then iOrb.Fire.Size=tonumber(number,10) end end
  2089. end
  2091. iCmd.fheat=function(number)
  2092. if tonumber(number,10) then if iOrb.Fire~=nil then iOrb.Fire.Heat=tonumber(number,10) end end
  2093. end
  2095. iCmd.x=function(number)
  2096. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.BaseX=tonumber(number,10) end
  2097. end
  2099. iCmd.y=function(number)
  2100. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.BaseY=tonumber(number,10) end
  2101. end
  2103. iCmd.z=function(number)
  2104. if tonumber(number,10) then iOrb.BaseZ=tonumber(number,10) end
  2105. end
  2107. iCmd.kill=function(player)
  2108. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2109. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2110. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2111. if v.Character~=nil then
  2112. v.Character:BreakJoints()
  2113. end
  2114. end
  2115. end
  2117. iCmd.kl=function(player) iCmd.kill(player) end
  2119. iCmd.loopkill=function(player)
  2120. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2121. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2122. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2123. table.insert(iLkl,tostring(v))
  2124. end
  2125. end
  2127. iCmd.lkl=function(player) iCmd.loopkill(player) end
  2129. iCmd.unloopkill=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2130. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2131. for i,t in pairs(iLkl) do
  2132. if tostring(v):match(t) then table.remove(iLkl,i) end
  2133. end
  2134. end
  2135. end
  2137. iCmd.unlkl=function(player) iCmd.unloopkill(player) end
  2139. iCmd.kick=function(player)
  2140. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2141. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2142. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2143. local obj=Instance.new("ObjectValue",game.Players) obj.Name=v.Name v:Destroy()
  2144. end
  2145. end
  2147. iCmd.banlist=function()
  2148. for _,v in pairs(iBan) do
  2149. iOrb.runmsg=true iTypeMsg(tostring(v):sub(1,i),1) iOrb.runmsg=false
  2150. end
  2151. end
  2153. iCmd.ban=function(player)
  2154. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2155. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2156. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2157. table.insert(iBan,v) local obj=Instance.new("ObjectValue",game.Players) obj.Name=v.Name v:Destroy()
  2158. end
  2159. end
  2161. iCmd.unban=function(player) plrb=iGetPlayer(player)
  2162. for _,v in pairs(plrb) do
  2163. for i,t in pairs(iBan) do
  2164. if tostring(v):match(t) then table.remove(iBan,i) end
  2165. end
  2166. end
  2167. for _,v in pairs(iBan) do if player~=nil or player~="" or player~="all" then
  2168. if string.lower(tostring(v):sub(1,player:len()))==player:lower() then
  2169. table.remove(iBan,_) if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v) then if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v):IsA("ObjectValue") then game.Players:FindFirstChild(v):remove() end end
  2170. end
  2171. elseif player==nil or player=="" or player=="all" then table.remove(iBan,_) if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v):IsA("ObjectValue") then game.Players:FindFirstChild(v):remove() end end end
  2172. end
  2174. iCmd.orb=function() if not iOrb.Orbed and game.Players.LocalPlayer~=nil then
  2175. iOrb.Player.Character.Archivable=true
  2176. iOrb.CharacterClone = iOrb.Player.Character:clone()
  2177. iOrb.CreateOrb=false iOrb.Orbed=true iOrb.LocalOrb=false iOrb.sCmdExecution=false iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) wait(.05) iOrb.Name=iOrb.OrbedName wait() iOrb.CreateOrb=true
  2178. end end
  2180. iCmd.char=function() if iOrb.Orbed and game.Players:FindFirstChild(iOrb.PlayerName) then if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(iOrb.PlayerName):IsA("ObjectValue") then wait()
  2181. local currentOrbPosition = iOrb.Orb.CFrame
  2182. iOrb.CreateOrb=false iOrb.Orbed=false iOrb.LocalOrb=false iOrb.sCmdExecution=true iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace) iOrb.Name=iOrb.OrbName iBackupsCmd() wait()
  2183. iOrb.CharacterClone.Parent=game.Workspace
  2184. iOrb.Player.Character = iOrb.CharacterClone
  2185. if iOrb.CharacterClone:FindFirstChild("Animate") then
  2186. iOrb.CharacterClone.Animate.Disabled = true
  2187. wait()
  2188. iOrb.CharacterClone.Animate.Disabled = false
  2189. end
  2190. repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character~=nil and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 iOrb.CharacterClone:FindFirstChild("Torso").CFrame=CFrame.new(currentOrbPosition.p) iOrb.CharacterClone.Archivable=false iOrb.CharacterClone=nil iOrb.CreateOrb=true iOrb.Move=true
  2191. end end end
  2193. iCmd.fly=function() if not iOrb.Orbed then
  2194. if iOrb.Player ~= nil then
  2195. if iOrb.Player.Character ~= nil then
  2196. iStriker()
  2197. end
  2198. end
  2199. end end
  2201. iCmd.ff=function(player)
  2202. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2203. iPCmd(player,"Bright blue")
  2204. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2205. if v.Character~=nil then
  2206. Instance.new("ForceField",v.Character)
  2207. end
  2208. end
  2209. end
  2211. iCmd.explode=function(player)
  2212. if iOrb.Orbed and iOrb.Orb~=nil and player=="me" then
  2213. local boom=Instance.new("Explosion",iOrb.Orb)
  2214. boom.Position=iOrb.Orb.CFrame.p
  2215. boom.ExplosionType=2
  2216. else
  2217. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2218. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2219. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2220. if v.Character~=nil then
  2221. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2222. local boom=Instance.new("Explosion",v.Character.Torso)
  2223. boom.Position=v.Character.Torso.CFrame.p
  2224. boom.ExplosionType=2
  2225. end
  2226. end
  2227. end
  2228. end
  2229. end
  2231. iCmd.expl=function(player) iCmd.explode(player) end
  2233. iCmd.tower=function(player,height,duration)
  2234. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2235. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2236. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2237. if v == iOrb.Player and iOrb.Orbed then else
  2238. if v.Character~=nil then
  2239. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2240. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2241. local heightValue = nil
  2242. local part = Instance.new("Part",game.Workspace)
  2243. part.Name = "iTower"
  2244. part.Anchored = true
  2245. part.Locked = true
  2246. part.CanCollide = true
  2247. part.FormFactor = Enum.FormFactor.Custom
  2248. part.Material = Enum.Material.Concrete
  2249. part.BottomSurface="Smooth"
  2250. part.TopSurface="Smooth"
  2251. part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Medium stone grey")
  2252. part.Size = Vector3.new(10,.2,10)
  2253. part.CFrame = v.Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-2.5,0)
  2254. if height == "" or tonumber(height) <= 0 or height == nil then heightValue = 30
  2255. else heightValue = tonumber(height) end
  2256. for i = part.Size.y, heightValue, .25 do wait()
  2257. local currentPos = part.CFrame
  2258. part.Size = Vector3.new(10,i,10)
  2259. part.CFrame = currentPos * CFrame.new(0,.25/2,0)
  2260. end
  2261. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2262. local durationValue = nil
  2263. if duration == "" or duration == nil or tonumber(duration) > 120 or tonumber(duration) <= 0 then durationValue = 15
  2264. else durationValue = tonumber(duration) end
  2265. wait(durationValue)
  2266. if part ~= nil and part.Parent == game.Workspace then
  2267. for i = part.Size.y, .2, -.25 do wait()
  2268. pcall(function()
  2269. local currentPos = part.CFrame
  2270. part.Size = Vector3.new(10,i,10)
  2271. part.CFrame = currentPos * CFrame.new(0,-.25/2,0)
  2272. end)
  2273. end
  2274. pcall(function() part:remove() end)
  2275. end
  2276. end)()
  2277. end)()
  2278. end
  2279. end
  2280. end
  2281. end
  2282. end
  2284. iCmd.respawn=function(player)
  2285. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2286. iPCmd(player,"Bright blue")
  2287. for _,v in pairs(player) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2288. if v==game.Players.LocalPlayer and iOrb.Orbed then return end
  2289. local model=Instance.new("Model",game.Workspace)
  2290. local humanoid=Instance.new("Humanoid",model)
  2291. local head=Instance.new("Part",model)
  2292. head.Anchored=true
  2293. head.Locked=true
  2294. head.CanCollide=true
  2295. head.Transparency=1
  2296. head.CFrame=CFrame.new(0,100000,0)
  2297. head.Name="Torso"
  2298. head.FormFactor="Custom"
  2299. head.Size=Vector3.new(.2,.2,.2)
  2300. model.Name=""
  2301. humanoid.MaxHealth=math.huge
  2302. v.Character=model wait(.1)
  2303. if v==game.Players.LocalPlayer then iOrb.runmsg=true iTypeMsg("Respawning. Please wait...",3) iOrb.runmsg=false end end))
  2304. end
  2305. end
  2307. iCmd.resp=function(player) iCmd.respawn(player) end
  2309. iCmd.punish=function(player)
  2310. player=iGetPlayer(tostring(player))
  2311. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2312. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2313. if v.Character~=nil then
  2314. v.Character.Parent=game:GetService("Debris")
  2315. end
  2316. end
  2317. end
  2319. iCmd.pun=function(player) iCmd.punish(player) end
  2321. iCmd.unpunish=function(player)
  2322. player=iGetPlayer(tostring(player))
  2323. iPCmd(player,"Camo")
  2324. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2325. if v.Character~=nil then
  2326. for i,p in pairs(game:GetService("Debris"):GetChildren())do
  2327. if p:IsA("Model") and game.Players:FindFirstChild(p.Name) then
  2328. p.Parent=game.Workspace
  2329. p:MakeJoints()
  2330. end
  2331. end
  2332. end
  2333. end
  2334. end
  2336. iCmd.unpun=function(player) iCmd.unpunish(player) end
  2338. iCmd.unff=function(player)
  2339. player=iGetPlayer(tostring(player))
  2340. iPCmd(player,"Bright blue")
  2341. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2342. if v.Character~=nil then
  2343. for _,e in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren())do
  2344. if e:IsA("ForceField") then
  2345. e:remove()
  2346. end
  2347. end
  2348. end
  2349. end
  2350. end
  2352. iCmd.skydive=function(player)
  2353. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2354. iPCmd(player,"Bright blue")
  2355. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2356. if v.Character~=nil then
  2357. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2358. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i=1,26,1 do wait() v.Character.Torso.CFrame=CFrame.new(0,1000,0) end end))
  2359. end
  2360. end
  2361. end
  2362. end
  2364. iCmd.tp=function(player,player2)
  2365. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2366. player2=iGetPlayer(player2)
  2367. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iPCmd),player,"Bright blue")
  2368. iPCmd(player2,"Bright blue")
  2369. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2370. for i,v2 in pairs(player2) do if v~=v2 then
  2371. if v.Character~=nil and v2.Character~=nil then
  2372. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and v2.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2373. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i=1,26,1 do wait() v.Character.Torso.CFrame=CFrame.new(v2.Character.Torso.CFrame.p)*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,6,0)) end end))
  2374. end
  2375. end
  2376. end end
  2377. end
  2378. end
  2380. iCmd.tele=function(player,player2) iCmd.tp(player,player2) end
  2382. iCmd.teleport=function(player,player2) iCmd.tp(player,player2) end
  2384. iCmd.teletoorb=function(player)
  2385. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2386. iPCmd(player,"Bright blue")
  2387. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2388. if v.Character~=nil and iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  2389. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2390. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i=1,26,1 do wait() v.Character.Torso.CFrame=iOrb.Orb.CFrame*CFrame.new(0,4,0) end end))
  2391. end
  2392. end
  2393. end
  2394. end
  2396. iCmd.tto=function(player) iCmd.teletoorb(player) end
  2398. iCmd.grab=function(player)
  2399. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2400. iPCmd(player,"Magenta")
  2401. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2402. table.insert(iGrb,v)
  2403. end
  2404. end
  2406. iCmd.release=function(player)
  2407. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2408. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2409. for i,pl in pairs(iGrb) do
  2410. if pl==v then table.remove(iGrb,i)
  2411. if v.Character~=nil then
  2412. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2413. v.Character.Torso.Anchored=false
  2414. if iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  2415. v.Character.Torso.CFrame=iOrb.Orb.CFrame*CFrame.new(math.random(-2,2),math.random(-2,2),math.random(-2,2))
  2416. elseif game.Workspace.CurrentCamera~=nil then
  2417. v.Character.Torso.CFrame=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame*CFrame.new(math.random(-2,2),math.random(-2,2),math.random(-2,2))
  2418. end
  2419. end
  2420. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2421. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16
  2422. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=false
  2423. end
  2424. function getParts(path)
  2425. for _,pl in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2426. if pl:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("Decal") then
  2427. pl.Transparency=0
  2428. end getParts(pl)
  2429. end
  2430. end getParts(v.Character)
  2431. end
  2432. end
  2433. end
  2434. end
  2435. end
  2437. iCmd.drop=function(player) iCmd.release(player) end
  2439. iCmd.renew=function() if iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  2440. iOrb.LoadAnimation=false wait() iOrb.CreateOrb=false wait() iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) if iOrb.Orbed then iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace) end wait(.1) iOrb.CreateOrb=true wait() iOrb.LoadAnimation=true
  2441. end end
  2443. iCmd.nogravity=function(player)
  2444. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2445. iPCmd(player,"Bright yellow")
  2446. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2447. if v.Character~=nil then
  2448. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2449. local grav = Instance.new("BodyForce")
  2450. grav.force=Vector3.new(0,2500,0)
  2451. for i,b in pairs(v.Character.Torso:GetChildren())do if b:IsA("BodyForce") then b:remove() end end grav.Parent = v.Character.Torso
  2452. end
  2453. end
  2454. end
  2455. end
  2457. iCmd.nograv=function(player) iCmd.nogravity(player) end
  2459. iCmd.setgrav=function(player,number)
  2460. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2461. iPCmd(player,"Bright yellow")
  2462. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2463. if v.Character~=nil then
  2464. if tonumber(number,10) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2465. local grav = Instance.new("BodyForce")
  2466. grav.force=Vector3.new(0,-10*tonumber(number,10),0)
  2467. for i,b in pairs(v.Character.Torso:GetChildren())do if b:IsA("BodyForce") then b:remove() end end grav.Parent = v.Character.Torso
  2468. end
  2469. end
  2470. end
  2471. end
  2473. iCmd.setgravity=function(player,number) iCmd.setgrav(player,number) end
  2475. iCmd.gravity=function(player)
  2476. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2477. iPCmd(player,"Bright yellow")
  2478. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2479. if v.Character~=nil then
  2480. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2481. for i,b in pairs(v.Character.Torso:GetChildren())do if b:IsA("BodyForce") then b:remove() end end
  2482. end
  2483. end
  2484. end
  2485. end
  2487. iCmd.grav=function(player) iCmd.gravity(player) end
  2489. iCmd.walkspeed=function(player,number)
  2490. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2491. iPCmd(player,"Bright yellow")
  2492. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2493. if v.Character~=nil then
  2494. if tonumber(number,10) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2495. v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=tonumber(number,10)
  2496. end
  2497. end
  2498. end
  2499. end
  2501. iCmd.ws=function(player,number) iCmd.walkspeed(player,number) end
  2503. iCmd.sit=function(player)
  2504. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2505. iPCmd(player,"Grime")
  2506. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2507. if v.Character~=nil then
  2508. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2509. v.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true
  2510. end
  2511. end
  2512. end
  2513. end
  2515. iCmd.jump=function(player)
  2516. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2517. iPCmd(player,"Grime")
  2518. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2519. if v.Character~=nil then
  2520. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2521. v.Character.Humanoid.Jump=true
  2522. end
  2523. end
  2524. end
  2525. end
  2527. iCmd.platformstand=function(player)
  2528. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2529. iPCmd(player,"Grime")
  2530. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2531. if v.Character~=nil then
  2532. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2533. v.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand=true
  2534. end
  2535. end
  2536. end
  2537. end
  2539. iCmd.ps=function(player) iCmd.platformstand(player) end
  2541. iCmd.heal=function(player)
  2542. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2543. iPCmd(player,"Camo")
  2544. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2545. if v.Character~=nil then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2546. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2547. for i=1, 26, 1 do wait()
  2548. v.Character.Humanoid.Health=v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  2549. end
  2550. end
  2551. end)) end
  2552. end
  2553. end
  2555. iCmd.undead=function(player)
  2556. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2557. iPCmd(player,"Camo")
  2558. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2559. if v.Character~=nil then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2560. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2561. for i=1, 26, 1 do wait()
  2562. v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=math.huge
  2563. v.Character.Humanoid.Health=math.huge
  2564. end
  2565. end
  2566. end)) end
  2567. end
  2568. end
  2570. iCmd.sethealth=function(player,number) if tonumber(number,10) then
  2571. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2572. iPCmd(player,"Camo")
  2573. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2574. if v.Character~=nil then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2575. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2576. for i=1, 26, 1 do
  2577. v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=tonumber(number,10) wait()
  2578. v.Character.Humanoid.Health=tonumber(number,10)
  2579. end
  2580. end
  2581. end)) end
  2582. end
  2583. end end
  2585. iCmd.find=function(player)
  2586. player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"White")
  2587. end
  2589. iCmd.damage=function(player,number)
  2590. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2591. iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  2592. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2593. if v.Character~=nil then
  2594. if tonumber(number,10) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  2595. v.Character.Humanoid.Health=v.Character.Humanoid.Health-tonumber(number,10)
  2596. end
  2597. end
  2598. end
  2599. end
  2601. iCmd.dmg=function(player,number) iCmd.damage(player,number) end
  2603. iStr.rename=function(string) if iOrb.Model~=nil then if string:len() > 60 then if iOrb.Orbed then
  2604. iOrb.Name=iOrb.PlayerName.." : "..string:sub(1,60) iOrb.Model.Name=iOrb.PlayerName.." : "..string:sub(1,60) else iOrb.Name=string:sub(1,60) iOrb.Model.Name=string:sub(1,60) end elseif string:len() <= 60 and string:len() > 0 then if iOrb.Orbed then iOrb.Name=iOrb.PlayerName.." : "..string iOrb.Model.Name=iOrb.PlayerName.." : "..string else iOrb.Name=string iOrb.Model.Name=string end elseif string==nil or string:len()==0 then if iOrb.Orbed then iOrb.Name=iOrb.PlayerName iOrb.Model.Name=iOrb.PlayerName else iOrb.Name="" iOrb.Model.Name="" end end
  2605. end end
  2607. iStr.setname=function(string)
  2608. if iOrb.Player~=nil then
  2609. if iOrb.Player.Character~=nil then
  2610. local ToolsTable= {}
  2611. local CharTool = nil
  2612. for index, tool in pairs(iOrb.Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
  2613. if tool:IsA("Tool") then
  2614. tool.Parent = nil
  2615. CharTool = tool
  2616. end
  2617. end
  2618. for index, tool in pairs(iOrb.Player.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
  2619. tool.Parent = nil
  2620. table.insert(ToolsTable, tool)
  2621. end
  2622. iOrb.Player.Character.Archivable = true
  2623. iOrb.CharacterClone = iOrb.Player.Character:Clone()
  2624. iOrb.CharacterClone.Name = string
  2625. iOrb.CharacterClone.Archivable = false
  2626. iOrb.CharacterClone.Parent = game.Workspace
  2627. iOrb.Player.Character = iOrb.CharacterClone
  2628. if iOrb.CharacterClone:FindFirstChild("Animate") then
  2629. iOrb.CharacterClone.Animate.Disabled = true
  2630. wait()
  2631. iOrb.CharacterClone.Animate.Disabled = false
  2632. end
  2633. iOrb.CharacterClone.Archivable = false
  2634. iOrb.CharacterClone = nil
  2635. wait(.1)
  2636. if CharTool ~= nil then
  2637. CharTool.Parent = iOrb.Player.Character
  2638. end
  2639. for index, tool in pairs(ToolsTabke) do
  2640. tool.Parent = iOrb.Player.Backpack
  2641. end
  2642. end
  2643. end
  2644. end
  2646. iStr.sn=function(string) iStr.setname(string) end
  2648. iCmd.freeze=function(player)
  2649. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2650. iPCmd(player,"Teal")
  2651. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2652. if v.Character~=nil then
  2653. function freeze(path)
  2654. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2655. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  2656. v.Anchored=true
  2657. end freeze(v)
  2658. end end freeze(v.Character)
  2659. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then v.Character.Torso.CFrame=v.Character.Torso.CFrame*CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,1.5,0)) v.Character.Torso.Transparency=1 end
  2660. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=0 end
  2661. end
  2662. end
  2663. end
  2665. iCmd.unfreeze=function(player)
  2666. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2667. iPCmd(player,"Teal")
  2668. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2669. if v.Character~=nil then
  2670. function freeze(path)
  2671. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2672. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  2673. v.Anchored=false
  2674. end freeze(v)
  2675. end end freeze(v.Character)
  2676. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then v.Character.Torso.Transparency=0 end
  2677. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then v.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed=16 end
  2678. end
  2679. end
  2680. end
  2682. iCmd.thaw=function(player) iCmd.unfreeze(player) end
  2684. iCmd.lock=function(player)
  2685. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2686. iPCmd(player,"Alder")
  2687. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2688. if v.Character~=nil then
  2689. function freeze(path)
  2690. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2691. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  2692. v.Locked=true
  2693. end freeze(v)
  2694. end end freeze(v.Character)
  2695. end
  2696. end
  2697. end
  2699. iCmd.unlock=function(player)
  2700. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2701. iPCmd(player,"Pastel violet")
  2702. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2703. if v.Character~=nil then
  2704. function freeze(path)
  2705. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2706. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  2707. v.Locked=false
  2708. end freeze(v)
  2709. end end freeze(v.Character)
  2710. end
  2711. end
  2712. end
  2714. iCmd.hide=function() if iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  2715. iOrb.Fire.Enabled=false iOrb.Particles=false iOrb.Trail=false iOrb.Orb.Transparency=1
  2716. end end
  2718. iCmd.show=function() if iOrb.Orb~=nil then
  2719. iOrb.Fire.Enabled=true iOrb.Particles=true iOrb.Trail=true iOrb.Orb.Transparency=0
  2720. end end
  2722. iCmd.invisible=function(player)
  2723. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2724. iPCmd(player,"Royal purple")
  2725. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2726. if v.Character~=nil then
  2727. if v==iOrb.Player then if not iOrb.Orbed then iCmd.hide('') end end
  2728. function visi(path)
  2729. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2730. if v:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("Decal") then
  2731. v.Transparency=1
  2732. end
  2733. visi(v)
  2734. end
  2735. end visi(v.Character)
  2736. end
  2737. end
  2738. end
  2740. iCmd.invisi=function(player) iCmd.invisible(player) end
  2742. iCmd.visible=function(player)
  2743. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2744. iPCmd(player,"Pink")
  2745. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2746. if v.Character~=nil then
  2747. if v==iOrb.Player then if not iOrb.Orbed then iCmd.show('') end end
  2748. function visi(path)
  2749. for _,v in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2750. if v:IsA("BasePart") or v:IsA("Decal") then
  2751. v.Transparency=0
  2752. end
  2753. visi(v)
  2754. end
  2755. end visi(v.Character)
  2756. end
  2757. end
  2758. end
  2760. iCmd.visi=function(player) iCmd.visible(player) end
  2762. iCmd.fire=function(player)
  2763. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2764. iPCmd(player,"Really red")
  2765. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2766. if v.Character~=nil then
  2767. function obj(path)
  2768. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2769. if x:IsA("BasePart") then
  2770. Instance.new("Fire",x)
  2771. end obj(x)
  2772. end
  2773. end obj(v.Character)
  2774. end
  2775. end
  2776. end
  2778. iCmd.unfire=function(player)
  2779. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2780. iPCmd(player,"Really red")
  2781. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2782. if v.Character~=nil then
  2783. function obj(path)
  2784. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2785. if x:IsA("Fire") then
  2786. x:remove()
  2787. end obj(x)
  2788. end
  2789. end obj(v.Character)
  2790. end
  2791. end
  2792. end
  2794. iCmd.smoke=function(player)
  2795. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2796. iPCmd(player,"Dark stone grey")
  2797. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2798. if v.Character~=nil then
  2799. function obj(path)
  2800. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2801. if x:IsA("BasePart") then
  2802. Instance.new("Smoke",x)
  2803. end obj(x)
  2804. end
  2805. end obj(v.Character)
  2806. end
  2807. end
  2808. end
  2810. iCmd.unsmoke=function(player)
  2811. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2812. iPCmd(player,"Dark stone grey")
  2813. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2814. if v.Character~=nil then
  2815. function obj(path)
  2816. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2817. if x:IsA("Smoke") then
  2818. x:remove()
  2819. end obj(x)
  2820. end
  2821. end obj(v.Character)
  2822. end
  2823. end
  2824. end
  2826. iCmd.sparkles=function(player)
  2827. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2828. iPCmd(player,"White")
  2829. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2830. if v.Character~=nil then
  2831. function obj(path)
  2832. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2833. if x:IsA("BasePart") then
  2834. Instance.new("Sparkles",x)
  2835. end obj(x)
  2836. end
  2837. end obj(v.Character)
  2838. end
  2839. end
  2840. end
  2842. iCmd.unsparkles=function(player)
  2843. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2844. iPCmd(player,"White")
  2845. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2846. if v.Character~=nil then
  2847. function obj(path)
  2848. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2849. if x:IsA("Sparkles") then
  2850. x:remove()
  2851. end
  2852. obj(x)
  2853. end
  2854. end obj(v.Character)
  2855. end
  2856. end
  2857. end
  2859. iCmd.god=function(player)
  2860. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2861. iPCmd(player,"White")
  2862. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2863. if v.Character~=nil then
  2864. local _Info = {tostring(v.Name)}
  2865. function obj(path)
  2866. for _,x in pairs(path:GetChildren())do
  2867. if x:IsA("BasePart") then
  2868. local _Event = x.Touched:connect(function(part)
  2869. part.Anchored = true
  2870. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2871. for i = 0, 1, 0.1 do wait()
  2872. part.Transparency = i
  2873. end
  2874. part:remove()
  2875. end)()
  2876. end) table.insert(_Info, _Event)
  2877. end obj(x)
  2878. end
  2879. end obj(v.Character)
  2880. table.insert(iGod, _Info)
  2881. end
  2882. end
  2883. end
  2885. iCmd.ungod=function(player)
  2886. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2887. iPCmd(player,"White")
  2888. for i,gt in pairs(iGod)do
  2889. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2890. if i:sub(1,v.Name:len()) == v.Name then
  2891. table.remove(iGod, i)
  2892. end
  2893. end
  2894. end
  2895. end
  2897. iCmd.unit=function(player) if iOrb.Orbed==true and game.Workspace.CurrentCamera~=nil then
  2898. if player==nil or player=="" then game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame=CFrame.new(0,1,0) else
  2899. player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2900. for _,v in pairs(player)do
  2901. if v.Character~=nil then
  2902. if v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then
  2903. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame=v.Character.Torso.CFrame
  2904. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.Focus=CFrame.new((v.Character.Torso.CFrame.lookVector)*1000)
  2905. end
  2906. end
  2907. end end
  2908. end end
  2910. iStr.time=function(string)
  2911. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay=string
  2912. end
  2914. iCmd.fogend=function(number)
  2915. if tonumber(number,10) then game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd=tonumber(number,10) end
  2916. end
  2918. iCmd.fogstart=function(number)
  2919. if tonumber(number,10) then game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart=tonumber(number,10) end
  2920. end
  2922. iVal.fogcolor=function(x,y,z)
  2923. game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor=Color3.new(x/255,y/255,z/255)
  2924. end
  2926. iVal.fcolor1=function(x,y,z) iOrb.FireColorChange=false
  2927. iOrb.Fire.Color=Color3.new(x/255,y/255,z/255)
  2928. end
  2930. iVal.fcolor2=function(x,y,z) iOrb.FireColorChange=false
  2931. iOrb.Fire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(x/235,y/235,z/235)
  2932. end
  2934. iVal.fcolor=function(x,y,z) iOrb.FireColorChange=false
  2935. iOrb.Fire.Color=Color3.new(x/255,y/255,z/255)
  2936. iOrb.Fire.SecondaryColor=Color3.new(x/245,y/245,z/245)
  2937. end
  2939. iVal.ambient=function(x,y,z)
  2940. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient=Color3.new(x/255,y/255,z/255)
  2941. end
  2943. iCmd.nbc=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player)
  2944. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2945. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() v.MembershipTypeReplicate = 0 end))
  2946. end
  2947. end
  2949. iCmd.bc=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Cool yellow")
  2950. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2951. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() v.MembershipTypeReplicate = 1 end))
  2952. end
  2953. end
  2955. iCmd.tbc=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Bright orange")
  2956. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2957. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() v.MembershipTypeReplicate = 2 end))
  2958. end
  2959. end
  2961. iCmd.obc=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Black")
  2962. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  2963. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() v.MembershipTypeReplicate = 3 end))
  2964. end
  2965. end
  2967. iCmd.morning=function()
  2968. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2969. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay="6:30:00"
  2970. game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart=0
  2971. game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd=100000
  2972. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient=Color3.new(165/255,165/255,165/255)
  2973. end))
  2974. end
  2976. iCmd.day=function()
  2977. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2978. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay="12:00:00"
  2979. game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart=0
  2980. game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd=100000
  2981. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient=Color3.new(170/255,170/255,170/255)
  2982. end))
  2983. end
  2985. iCmd.evening=function()
  2986. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2987. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay="17:57:00"
  2988. game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart=0
  2989. game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd=100000
  2990. game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  2991. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient=Color3.new(100/255,100/255,100/255)
  2992. end))
  2993. end
  2995. iCmd.night=function()
  2996. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  2997. game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay="00:00:00"
  2998. game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart=0
  2999. game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd=300
  3000. game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor=Color3.new(0,0,0)
  3001. game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient=Color3.new(20/255,20/255,20/255)
  3002. end))
  3003. end
  3005. iCmd.base=function()
  3006. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3007. local base=Instance.new("Part",game.Workspace) base.Name="Base" base.Anchored=true base.Locked=true base.Size=Vector3.new(1000,1.2,1000) base.BrickColor=BrickColor.new("Camo") base.Material="Grass" base.CFrame=CFrame.new(0,0,0) base.BottomSurface="Smooth" base.TopSurface="Smooth"
  3008. local spawn=Instance.new("SpawnLocation",base) spawn.Anchored=true spawn.Locked=true spawn.CanCollide=false spawn.Size=Vector3.new(1.2,1.2,1.2) spawn.Transparency=1 spawn.CFrame=CFrame.new(0,0,0)
  3009. end))
  3010. end
  3012. iCmd.clear=function()
  3013. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() iOrb.Clearing=true
  3014. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren())do
  3015. if not game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(v) and v~=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera then
  3016. if v:IsA("BaseScript") then v.Disabled=true end pcall(function() v:Destroy() end)
  3017. end
  3018. end
  3019. for _,v in pairs(game:GetService("Lighting"):GetChildren())do
  3020. if v:IsA("Sky") then
  3021. v:Destroy()
  3022. end
  3023. end
  3024. iCmd.day() iCmd.base() iOrb.Clearing=false
  3025. end))
  3026. end
  3028. iCmd.terrainclear=function()
  3029. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren())do
  3030. if v:IsA("Terrain") then v:Clear() end
  3031. end
  3032. end
  3034. iCmd.rmsg=function()
  3035. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3036. for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren())do
  3037. if v:IsA("Message") or v:IsA("Hint") then
  3038. v:Destroy()
  3039. end
  3040. end
  3041. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  3042. if v:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then
  3043. if v:IsA("Message") or v:IsA("Hint") then
  3044. v:Destroy()
  3045. end
  3046. end
  3047. end
  3048. end))
  3049. end
  3051. iCmd.bt=function(player,toolname) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Navy blue")
  3052. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  3053. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3054. if toolname == nil or toolname == "" and v==iOrb.Player then
  3055. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(iCreateBtools))
  3056. end
  3057. for i,t in pairs(iBuild) do
  3058. if toolname == nil or toolname == "" then
  3059. iInsertool(v,t)
  3060. else
  3061. if tostring(i) == toolname then
  3062. iInsertool(v,t)
  3063. end
  3064. end
  3065. end
  3066. end)) end end
  3068. iCmd.bts=function(player,toolname) iCmd.bt(player,toolname) end
  3069. iCmd.btool=function(player,toolname) iCmd.bt(player,toolname) end
  3070. iCmd.btools=function(player,toolname) iCmd.bt(player,toolname) end
  3072. iCmd.gr=function(player,gearname) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Navy blue")
  3073. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  3074. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  3075. for i,t in pairs(iGears) do
  3076. if gearname == nil or gearname == "" then
  3077. iInsertool(v,t)
  3078. else
  3079. if tostring(i) == gearname then
  3080. iInsertool(v,t)
  3081. end
  3082. end
  3083. end
  3084. end))
  3085. end
  3086. end
  3088. iCmd.grs=function(player,gearname) iCmd.gr(player,gearname) end
  3089. iCmd.gear=function(player,gearname) iCmd.gr(player,gearname) end
  3090. iCmd.gears=function(player,gearname) iCmd.gr(player,gearname) end
  3092. iCmd.rt=function(player) player=iGetPlayer(player) iPCmd(player,"Bright red")
  3093. for _,v in pairs(player) do
  3094. if v:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then
  3095. for i,tools in pairs(v.Backpack:GetChildren())do
  3096. tools:Destroy()
  3097. end
  3098. end
  3099. if v.Character ~= nil then
  3100. for i,tool in pairs(v.Character:GetChildren())do
  3101. if tool:IsA("Tool") then
  3102. tool:Destroy()
  3103. end
  3104. end
  3105. end
  3106. end
  3107. end
  3109. iCmd.rts=function(player) iCmd.rt(player) end
  3110. iCmd.rtool=function(player) iCmd.rt(player) end
  3111. iCmd.rtools=function(player) iCmd.rt(player) end
  3113. iCmd.endorb=function()
  3114. iOrb.runmsg=false iOrb.StopCheck=true iOrb.LoadAnimation=false iOrb.CreateOrb=false wait() iRemoveOrb(iOrb.DefaultParent) iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera) if iOrb.Orbed then iRemoveOrb(game.Workspace) end if iPrimaryChat~=nil then iPrimaryChat:disconnect() end if iSecondChat~=nil then iSecondChat:disconnect() end iOrb.Orb=nil iOrb.Part=false iOrb.Model=nil error("End of Orb Script")
  3115. end
  3117. iStr.help=function(string) iOrb.runmsg=true
  3118. if string==nil or string=="" then
  3119. iTypeMsg(" -> How to use Imike2's [qORBp] ? <-",2)
  3120. iTypeMsg("Tip : if you want to stop printing help, say 'stop:'",2)
  3121. iTypeMsg("Base of use -> command:argument",2)
  3122. iTypeMsg("Type cmd: or cmds: or command: or commands: to print commands (won't work if help works)",2)
  3123. iTypeMsg("You can search all the commands with kill in them -> cmd:kill",2)
  3124. iTypeMsg("Type help:command to have more informations about a command and how to use it",2)
  3125. iTypeMsg("If argument is a boolean, 'command:' or 'command:true' will enable the command",2)
  3126. iTypeMsg("If you want to disable the command, say 'command:false'",2)
  3127. iTypeMsg("If argument is a player, you can match name (Imi instead of Imike2), me for me, others for everyone exept you...",2)
  3128. iTypeMsg("...and all, a space or nothing for everyone",2)
  3129. iTypeMsg("Nothing for everyone mean for example 'kill:'. This command will kill everyone, same as 'kill: '.",2)
  3130. iTypeMsg("Warning 1 ! If you type kill: me, you'll kill everyone because there is a space between 'kill:' and 'me'",2)
  3131. iTypeMsg("Warning 2 ! If you type kill:n, you'll kill all the players with a name that begin by 'n'",2)
  3132. iTypeMsg("If a command expects 2 arguments, say for example teleport: me (space between teleport: and me means eveyone)",2)
  3133. iTypeMsg("There are several ways to execute a command with 2 or 3 arguments",2)
  3134. iTypeMsg("A simple space -> fogcolor:255 255 255 | tele:others me",2)
  3135. iTypeMsg("Two points : fogcolor:255:255:255 | tele:others:me",2)
  3136. iTypeMsg("A slash : fogcolor:255/255/255 | tele:others/me",2)
  3137. iTypeMsg("A comma : fogcolor:255,255,255 | tele:others,me",2)
  3138. iTypeMsg("A dot : fogcolor:255.255.255 | tele:others.me",2)
  3139. iTypeMsg("All the arguments between [ ] means that's an optional argument",2)
  3140. iTypeMsg("If you want to execute a command for 2 or 3 players, separate names with '|'",2)
  3141. iTypeMsg("Example 1 : kill:me|player2 (it will kill me and player2)",2)
  3142. iTypeMsg("Example 2 : tele:me/player2|player4/player3 (it will teleport me to player2 and player4 to player3",2)
  3143. elseif string~=nil and string~="" then
  3144. for index,v in pairs(iCmd) do
  3145. table.insert(iHlp,tostring(index))
  3146. end
  3147. for index,v in pairs(iStr) do
  3148. table.insert(iHlp,tostring(index))
  3149. end
  3150. for index,v in pairs(iVal) do
  3151. table.insert(iHlp,tostring(index))
  3152. end
  3153. for index,cmd in pairs(iHlp) do cmd=tostring(cmd) if cmd==string:lower() then if cmd=="help" then iTypeMsg("Print help or explain you how a command works -> "..cmd..":[command]",2)
  3154. elseif cmd=="endorb" then iTypeMsg("Delete the orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3155. elseif cmd=="rtools" then iTypeMsg("Remove player tools -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3156. elseif cmd=="rtool" then iTypeMsg("Remove player tools -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3157. elseif cmd=="rts" then iTypeMsg("Remove player tools -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3158. elseif cmd=="rt" then iTypeMsg("Remove player tools -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3159. elseif cmd=="toolslist" then iTypeMsg("Print gears and building tools'name present in this orb -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3160. elseif cmd=="tl" then iTypeMsg("Print gears and building tools'name present in this orb -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3161. elseif cmd=="gears" then iTypeMsg("Give gears ( or a specific gear ) to player -> "..cmd..":player[:gearname]",2)
  3162. elseif cmd=="gear" then iTypeMsg("Give gears ( or a specific gear ) to player -> "..cmd..":player[:gearname]",2)
  3163. elseif cmd=="grs" then iTypeMsg("Give gears ( or a specific gear ) to player -> "..cmd..":player[:gearname]",2)
  3164. elseif cmd=="gr" then iTypeMsg("Give gears ( or a specific gear ) to player -> "..cmd..":player[:gearname]",2)
  3165. elseif cmd=="btools" then iTypeMsg("Give building tools -> "..cmd..":player[:toolname]",2)
  3166. elseif cmd=="btool" then iTypeMsg("Give building tools -> "..cmd..":player[:toolname]",2)
  3167. elseif cmd=="bts" then iTypeMsg("Give building tools -> "..cmd..":player[:toolname]",2)
  3168. elseif cmd=="bt" then iTypeMsg("Give building tools -> "..cmd..":player[:toolname]",2)
  3169. elseif cmd=="rmsg" then iTypeMsg("Remove messsages -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3170. elseif cmd=="terrainclear" then iTypeMsg("Remove all the terrain bricks -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3171. elseif cmd=="clear" then iTypeMsg("Clear workspace and spawn a base -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3172. elseif cmd=="base" then iTypeMsg("Spawn a base -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3173. elseif cmd=="night" then iTypeMsg("Change the current day to night -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3174. elseif cmd=="evening" then iTypeMsg("Change the current day to evening -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3175. elseif cmd=="morning" then iTypeMsg("Change the current day to morning -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3176. elseif cmd=="day" then iTypeMsg("Change the current day to midday -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3177. elseif cmd=="obc" then iTypeMsg("Set player membership to outrageous builders club -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3178. elseif cmd=="tbc" then iTypeMsg("Set player membership to turbo builders club -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3179. elseif cmd=="bc" then iTypeMsg("Set player membership to builders club -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3180. elseif cmd=="nbc" then iTypeMsg("Set player membership to none -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3181. elseif cmd=="ambient" then iTypeMsg("Change game ambient -> "..cmd..":color1,color2,color3",2)
  3182. elseif cmd=="fcolor" then iTypeMsg("Change fire primary color and secondary color of orb -> "..cmd..":color1,color2,color3",2)
  3183. elseif cmd=="fcolor1" then iTypeMsg("Change fire primary color of orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3184. elseif cmd=="fcolor2" then iTypeMsg("Change fire secondary color of orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3185. elseif cmd=="fogstart" then iTypeMsg("Set Fog Start value -> "..cmd..":value",2)
  3186. elseif cmd=="fogend" then iTypeMsg("Set Fog End value -> "..cmd..":value",2)
  3187. elseif cmd=="time" then iTypeMsg("Change game time -> "..cmd..":hour:minute:second",2)
  3188. elseif cmd=="unit" then iTypeMsg("When you're an orb, teleport you to vector 0,0,0 or player position -> "..cmd..":[player]",2)
  3189. elseif cmd=="fogcolor" then iTypeMsg("Change Fog Color -> "..cmd..":color1,color2,color3",2)
  3190. elseif cmd=="show" then iTypeMsg("Makes visible your orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3191. elseif cmd=="hide" then iTypeMsg("Makes invisible your orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3192. elseif cmd=="unsparkles" then iTypeMsg("Remove player sparkles -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3193. elseif cmd=="sparkles" then iTypeMsg("Sparkles player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3194. elseif cmd=="unsmoke" then iTypeMsg("Remove player smoke -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3195. elseif cmd=="smoke" then iTypeMsg("Smoke player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3196. elseif cmd=="unfire" then iTypeMsg("Remove player fire -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3197. elseif cmd=="fire" then iTypeMsg("Fire player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3198. elseif cmd=="visi" then iTypeMsg("Makes player visible -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3199. elseif cmd=="visible" then iTypeMsg("Makes player visible -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3200. elseif cmd=="invisi" then iTypeMsg("Makes player invisible -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3201. elseif cmd=="invisible" then iTypeMsg("Makes player invisible -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3202. elseif cmd=="unlock" then iTypeMsg("Lock player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3203. elseif cmd=="lock" then iTypeMsg("Unlock player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3204. elseif cmd=="freeze" then iTypeMsg("Freeze player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3205. elseif cmd=="unfreeze" then iTypeMsg("Thaw player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3206. elseif cmd=="thaw" then iTypeMsg("Thaw player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3207. elseif cmd=="rename" then iTypeMsg("Rename orb -> "..cmd..":string",2)
  3208. elseif cmd=="damage" then iTypeMsg("Damage player -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3209. elseif cmd=="dmg" then iTypeMsg("Damage player -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3210. elseif cmd=="find" then iTypeMsg("Find player position using orb ray -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3211. elseif cmd=="sethealth" then iTypeMsg("Change player health -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3212. elseif cmd=="setname" then iTypeMsg("Change local character name -> "..cmd..":string",2)
  3213. elseif cmd=="sn" then iTypeMsg("Change local character name -> "..cmd..":string",2)
  3214. elseif cmd=="undead" then iTypeMsg("Give infinite health to player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3215. elseif cmd=="heal" then iTypeMsg("Heal player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3216. elseif cmd=="ps" then iTypeMsg("Platformstand player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3217. elseif cmd=="platformstand" then iTypeMsg("Platformstand player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3218. elseif cmd=="sit" then iTypeMsg("Sit player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3219. elseif cmd=="jump" then iTypeMsg("Jump player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3220. elseif cmd=="ws" then iTypeMsg("Change player walk speed -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3221. elseif cmd=="walkspeed" then iTypeMsg("Change player walk speed -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3222. elseif cmd=="grav" then iTypeMsg("Restore normal player gravity -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3223. elseif cmd=="gravity" then iTypeMsg("Restore normal player gravity -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3224. elseif cmd=="nograv" then iTypeMsg("Change player gravity -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3225. elseif cmd=="nogravity" then iTypesg("Change player gravity -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3226. elseif cmd=="setgrav" then iTypeMsg("Change player gravity by your value -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3227. elseif cmd=="setgravity" then iTypeMsg("Change player gravity by your value -> "..cmd..":player,number",2)
  3228. elseif cmd=="renew" then iTypeMsg("Delete current orb and makes a new one -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3229. elseif cmd=="drop" then iTypeMsg("Release plyer from your orb -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3230. elseif cmd=="release" then iTypeMsg("Release player from your orb -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3231. elseif cmd=="grab" then iTypeMsg("Grab player to your orb -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3232. elseif cmd=="tto" then iTypeMsg("Teleport player to your orb -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3233. elseif cmd=="teletoorb" then iTypeMsg("Teleport player to your orb -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3234. elseif cmd=="tp" then iTypeMsg("Teleport player1 to player2 -> "..cmd..":player1,player2",2)
  3235. elseif cmd=="teleport" then iTypeMsg("Teleport player1 to player2 -> "..cmd..":player1,player2",2)
  3236. elseif cmd=="tele" then iTypeMsg("Teleport player1 to player2 -> "..cmd..":player1,player2",2)
  3237. elseif cmd=="tower" then iTypeMsg("Rise player on a tower (max duration time -> 120 sec.) -> "..cmd..":player[:height[:duration]]",2)
  3238. elseif cmd=="skydive" then iTypeMsg("Skydive player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3239. elseif cmd=="unff" then iTypeMsg("Give forcefield to player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3240. elseif cmd=="ff" then iTypeMsg("Give forcefield to player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3241. elseif cmd=="pun" then iTypeMsg("Punish player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3242. elseif cmd=="punish" then iTypeMsg("Punish player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3243. elseif cmd=="unpun" then iTypeMsg("Unpunish player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3244. elseif cmd=="unpunish" then iTypeMsg("Unpunish player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3245. elseif cmd=="resp" then iTypeMsg("Respawn player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3246. elseif cmd=="respawn" then iTypeMsg("Respawn player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3247. elseif cmd=="expl" then iTypeMsg("Explode player (if you're an orb and say expl:me, it will explode your orb) -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3248. elseif cmd=="explode" then iTypeMsg("Explode player (if you're an orb and say explode:me, it will explode your orb) -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3249. elseif cmd=="char" then iTypeMsg("Load your character (doesn't work when you're kicked) -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3250. elseif cmd=="orb" then iTypeMsg("Makes you into orb -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3251. elseif cmd=="unban" then iTypeMsg("Unban player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3252. elseif cmd=="ban" then iTypeMsg("Ban player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3253. elseif cmd=="fly" then iTypeMsg("Give you a fly tool I scripted -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3254. elseif cmd=="banlist" then iTypeMsg("Print banned list -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3255. elseif cmd=="kick" then iTypeMsg("Kick player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3256. elseif cmd=="lkl" then iTypeMsg("Loopkill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3257. elseif cmd=="loopkill" then iTypeMsg("Loopkill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3258. elseif cmd=="unlkl" then iTypeMsg("Unloopkill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3259. elseif cmd=="unloopkill" then iTypeMsg("Unloopkill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3260. elseif cmd=="kl" then iTypeMsg("Kill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3261. elseif cmd=="kill" then iTypeMsg("Kill player -> "..cmd..":player",2)
  3262. elseif cmd=="x" then iTypeMsg("Set x base position from your torso -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3263. elseif cmd=="y" then iTypeMsg("Set y base position from your torso -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3264. elseif cmd=="z" then iTypeMsg("Set z base position from your torso -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3265. elseif cmd=="fheat" then iTypeMsg("Set heat of orb fire -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3266. elseif cmd=="fsize" then iTypeMsg("Set size of orb fire -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3267. elseif cmd=="tsize" then iTypeMsg("Set size of orb trail -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3268. elseif cmd=="levirise" then iTypeMsg("Set maximum levitation rise of orb -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3269. elseif cmd=="rotspeed" then iTypeMsg("Set rotation speed of orb if it turn (max:360) -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3270. elseif cmd=="levispeed" then iTypeMsg("Set levitation rise speed of orb -> "..cmd..":number",2)
  3271. elseif cmd=="particles" then iTypeMsg("Enable or disable particles -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3272. elseif cmd=="localorb" then iTypeMsg("If enabled, only you will see your orb -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3273. elseif cmd=="move" then iTypeMsg("If disabled, orb won't move -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3274. elseif cmd=="fchange" then iTypeMsg("If enabled, fire color of orb will change from black to white automaticaly -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3275. elseif cmd=="fena" then iTypeMsg("Enable or disable orb fire -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3276. elseif cmd=="tena" then iTypeMsg("Enable or disable orb trail -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3277. elseif cmd=="turn" then iTypeMsg("If enabled, your orb will turn around you -> "..cmd..":boolean",2)
  3278. elseif cmd=="sc" then iTypeMsg("Execute script -> "..cmd..":script",2)
  3279. elseif cmd=="cmd" then iTypeMsg("Print all the commands or print commands containing string -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3280. elseif cmd=="cmds" then iTypeMsg("Print all the commands or print commands containing string -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3281. elseif cmd=="command" then iTypeMsg("Print all the commands or print commands containing string -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3282. elseif cmd=="commands" then iTypeMsg("Print all the commands or print commands containing string -> "..cmd..":[string]",2)
  3283. elseif cmd=="stop" then iTypeMsg("Stop printing commands or help -> "..cmd..":",2)
  3284. else iTypeMsg("Unknown or non-existing help for this command...",2) end end end
  3285. for i = #iHlp, 1, -1 do
  3286. table.remove(iHlp,i)
  3287. end
  3288. end iOrb.runmsg=false
  3289. end
  3291. --iStr.sc=function(string) coroutine.wrap(function() loastring(string)() end)() end
  3292. iStr.cmd=function(string) iHintCmd(string) end
  3293. iStr.cmds=function(string) iHintCmd(string) end
  3294. iStr.command=function(string) iHintCmd(string) end
  3295. iStr.commands=function(string) iHintCmd(string) end
  3297. iStr.toolslist=function(string) iHintTools(string) end
  3298. iStr.tl=function(string) iHintTools(string) end
  3300. iCmd.stop=function() iOrb.runmsg=false end
  3302. -- Run iBan --
  3304. game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(banPlayers)
  3305. coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do banPlayers(v) end end))
  3307. -- Credit goes to Imike2, for his [qORBp] V2 --