1. declare @s varchar(100) = '1 2 5 22 4 6 -1 -5 -7 6 18 16 -9 2 5 -8 6 9 3 -7';
  2. declare @t int = 15;
  4. with i as
  5. (
  6. select cast(left(@s,charindex(' ',@s+' ')-1) as int) x,
  7. stuff(@s,1,charindex(' ',@s+' '),'') as s
  8. union all
  9. select cast(left(s,charindex(' ',s+' ')-1) as int) x,
  10. stuff(s,1,charindex(' ',s+' '),'') as s
  11. from i
  12. where s <> ''
  13. )
  14. ,z as
  15. (
  16. select x,rank() over(order by x) r
  17. from i
  18. )
  19. select distinct a.x, b.x
  20. from z a, z b
  21. where a.x+b.x = @t
  22. and a.r<b.r