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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. CES: And all we can ask is...
  2. CES: Who is this Doctor exactly.
  3. CES: UNless that is, work is too busy.
  4. -- CURRENT forgottenViolinist [CFV] sighs quietly to herself --
  5. CES: Which its not, if you work only when you want to.
  6. CSC: Are you serious right now?
  7. CAG: speaking in the third person here...
  8. CAG: the doctor is a gallifreyan and a time lord who travels through space, time, and dimensions in his trusty tardis
  9. CAG: and his only companion? death
  10. CES: Im as serious as any other time, except when in combat. Im actually serious in combat.
  11. -- CURRENT forgottenViolinist [CFV] sips her wine, humming softly --
  12. CLP: I see. That sounds pretty interesting.
  13. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] nods --
  14. CSC: And do you know whe I am?
  15. CSC: who*
  16. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] leans over the counter, giving Mitsu a good look over to figure out who she is --
  17. CAG: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
  18. -- CURRENT littlePrincess [CLP] gives a good look over Mitsu. --
  19. CSC: You will never guess, heheh.
  20. CLP: ((ref?))
  21. CES: Aint gonna spoil.
  22. -- CURRENT fairlightAdvocate [CFA] stood back up "Well, theres more sophisticated, or insane, parties for me. So, execuse me." --
  23. CLP: ((SC, ref?))
  24. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] hair and makeup: clothes: and white skin and black boots --
  25. CLP: Hmm...
  26. CLP: I've read this before...
  27. CAG: morticia addams
  28. CAG: then again that's what i first think
  29. CLP: Nope. Jeff's girlfriend.
  30. CSC: Seriously, Mark?
  31. -- CURRENT fairlightAdvocate [CFA] spread his arms, disappearing in a flash of light with the words "Jolly cooperation" Echoing after him --
  32. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] shrugs --
  33. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] thumbs up at Claire --
  34. CAG: who's jeff?
  35. CES: No idea.
  36. CLP: Seriously?
  37. CLP: You don't know Jeff the Killer?
  38. CAG: can't say that i do claire. i'm trying to catch up on 73 years of earth history
  39. CAG: i'm just now getting out of the berlin wall coming down
  40. CAG: and some things kind of get lost between the pages if you get what i'm saying
  41. CLP: Well, he's a serial killer.
  42. CES: What a funny guy.
  43. CLP: Jeff was a normal kid, who lived happily with his brother and parents.
  44. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] listens to this intently --
  45. CLP: But everything changed, when bullies almost killed him.
  46. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] nod nod --
  47. CLP: They attacked him while he was at a neighbor kid's birthday party.
  48. CLP: In order to get revenge for Jeff beating the shit out of them when they tried to steal his money before school.
  49. CES: Tragic. Pretty cliche, but tragic.
  50. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] gulps, but still listens --
  51. CLP: Jeff managed to fight them off, and kill them, but as the last one died, he flicked a lighter at Jeff, which ignited bleach that had gotten spilled onto him during the fight.
  52. CFV: . . .
  53. CLP: Jeff almost burned to death, but barely survived.
  54. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] physically winces at that part --
  55. CES: Hmm, bleach is flammable?
  56. CSC: It is.
  57. CLP: Yup.
  58. CLP: It contains high amounts of Ethanol.
  59. CAG: not fun stuff to mess with around flames
  60. CES: So the story.
  61. CLP: (( ))
  62. CLP: Well, that's how Jeff the Killer became who he is.
  63. CLP: When he woke up in the hospital and saw what happened to him, the shock of it broke his psyche.
  64. CAG: kind of feel sorry for jeff at this point. but the question remains... how'd he get a girlfriend?
  65. CSC: Jane isn't his girlfriend.
  66. CLP: She's more like...
  67. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] raises his eyebrow at that. What WERE they then? --
  68. CLP: She wants to kill him.
  69. CSC: Jeff killed her parents.
  70. CLP: Yeah.
  71. CAG: oh, yeah that is considerably bad
  72. CSC: And almost burned her to death.
  73. CAG: coincidental i'll admit...
  74. CLP: Yeah.
  75. CES: Cliche.
  76. CSC: And this is how she looks like after that.
  77. CAG: so then jane is dedicated to putting jeff in a chicago overcoat and six feet under, am i right?
  78. CLP: Yup.
  79. CAG: huh... though i have to ask, why did claire say the answer was jeff's girlfiend if they aren't dating?
  80. CSC: Fans, ship them.
  81. CLP: Yup.
  82. CAG: ...
  83. CES: Glorious bullshit
  84. -- CURRENT forgottenViolinist [CFV] just sits there, tapping her fingers on the counter boredly --
  85. CAG: i'm not going to lie that is possibly the worst relationship pairing i've ever heard
  86. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] shrugs --
  87. CES: Have you heard of troll romance?
  88. CES: Its really god damn weird. No offense.
  89. CAG: heard of yes. understand? no
  90. CLP: It is.
  91. CES: Yeah Doc. That describes it.
  92. -- CURRENT forgottenViolinist [CFV] quietly sings to herself --
  93. CAG: wait... the fans ship those two in that spade quadrnat thing then?
  94. CAG: not the red one obviously
  95. CSC: Mhm.
  96. CES: Yeah probably.
  97. CLP: Yup.
  98. CES: But hey, we are talking about humans.
  99. CES: So i guess thats dumb.
  100. CES: I dont want to screw people because i hate them.
  101. CES: Or at least, not until it means literally screwing them onto something.
  102. CLP: Hehe.
  103. CSC: Oh well.
  104. CES: Fits the theme of today.
  105. CES: Scary freaky shit.
  106. CES: People being screwed to stuff.
  107. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] rubs at his temples --
  108. CAG: i remember a life where i didn't have to deal with troll romance bull crap
  109. CES: Yeah me too.
  110. CES: I dont deal with it still.
  111. CES: I let other people deal with it.
  112. CAG: next time i'm in town, i'm getting a book on the stuff. maybe then i can understand it
  113. CES: Maybe,
  114. CES: Probably... not.
  115. CLP: I used to have a kismesis.
  116. CLP: Then she died in battle. God damn I miss her...
  117. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] finishes her drink with a content sigh --
  118. CES: Oh geez
  119. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] looks to Claire with a raised eyebrow. --
  120. CLP: Hm?
  121. CES: Thats why you dont work in the military full time.
  122. CES: Or dont have a lover.
  123. CLP: I do have a lover. Amber.
  124. CFV: . . .
  125. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] decides to look back at Mitsu --
  126. CES: And you work in the military.
  127. CLP: Yup.
  128. CES: Sometimes i feel like people dont listen to all my sentences.
  129. CAG: what about you? what's your take on troll romance?
  130. CSC: I don't understand it.
  131. CAG: you're not alone on that boat
  132. -- CURRENT adherentGreenhorn [CAG] offers a fistbunp to Mitsu --
  133. -- CURRENT secondChance [CSC] fistbunps --
  134. CES: So.
  135. CES: Having lovers and being in the military.
  136. CES: Holds up the chance of making your lover really sad.
  137. CES: Or the other way around if they are in the military.
  138. CAG: so, were you properly taught billards yesterday?
  139. CLP: Hmm true.
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