
AbsoluteTiming for CopyToClipboard on "AeneidEnglish"

Mar 21st, 2017
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  1. {10000, 0.16327806101075298}
  2. {20000, 0.5973101900013451}
  3. {30000, 1.3587847486251363}
  4. {40000, 2.3681795187308907}
  5. {50000, 3.791090910161379}
  6. {60000, 5.580662824037822}
  7. {70000, 7.703633589473365}
  8. {80000, 10.014773756055718}
  9. {90000, 12.692337583111152}
  10. {100000, 15.522194600905692}
  11. {110000, 18.56042629720426}
  12. {120000, 22.20506948026686}
  13. {130000, 26.006914739200475}
  14. {140000, 30.218864086063775}
  15. {150000, 34.44206279152025}
  16. {160000, 39.55089475402813}
  17. {170000, 44.05988848918746}
  18. {180000, 49.31470170110374}
  19. {190000, 55.41951063320044}
  20. {200000, 60.68206556321294}
  21. {210000, 67.06482228332224}
  22. {220000, 73.10459154443517}
  23. {230000, 80.39873924214132}
  24. {240000, 87.46380880392856}
  25. {250000, 94.66658665593013}
  26. {260000, 102.54626530261947}
  27. {270000, 111.06095867052953}
  28. {280000, 118.70265806234225}
  29. {290000, 126.9903280606258}
  30. {300000, 135.8726882746983}
  31. {310000, 145.8512207902313}
  32. {320000, 154.33152025985072}
  33. {330000, 162.90306185992355}
  34. {340000, 172.9318983332254}
  35. {350000, 184.0673648131802}
  36. {360000, 195.17589741476252}
  37. {370000, 205.93296987324035}
  38. {380000, 216.59639897338675}
  39. {390000, 227.8877011571817}
  40. {400000, 239.1261138287085}
  41. {410000, 251.34259027362313}
  42. {420000, 263.6607285113429}
  43. {430000, 276.5800097552713}
  44. {440000, 289.2273209189882}
  45. {450000, 302.6676029432478}
  46. {460000, 318.40561729717393}
  47. {470000, 331.03738343152764}
  48. {480000, 345.7594229625681}
  49. {490000, 380.66374295358276}
  50. {500000, 378.17549253024293}
  51. {510000, 392.28479232911405}
  52. {520000, 408.7109079240973}
  53. {530000, 422.96436925649346}
  54. {540000, 436.7102018670883}
  55. {550000, 453.2052986430934}
  56. {560000, 475.9069598924293}
  57. {570000, 499.06730050266367}
  58. {580000, 509.68235179030063}
  59. {590000, 526.2300903472179}
  60. {600000, 544.1372250555584}
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