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Feb 7th, 2014
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  1. WeeklyQuiz: Alright, let's begin.
  2. WeeklyQuiz: 1. What is 6! ?
  3. Pigjr1: 720
  4. dragonc0: 720
  5. Pigjr1: ninja pig 2 da rescue
  6. WeeklyQuiz: Pigjr1 is correct.
  7. dragonc0: dat ninja
  8. WeeklyQuiz: 2. What is the sum of the internal angles of a decagon?
  9. Precarious: 900
  10. BLOODYRAIN10001: 920o
  11. Pigjr1: 1440
  12. BLOODYRAIN10001: 910
  13. BLOODYRAIN10001: 666
  14. Precarious: 810
  15. Precarious: 980
  16. Whazashmup: it's 1440
  17. Pigjr1: pls guise
  18. WeeklyQuiz: That's not the answer I have.
  19. BLOODYRAIN10001: 3x ^ 12
  20. Pigjr1: (s-2)180
  21. dragonc0: 1260
  22. Liordi: oh shit\\
  23. Liordi: im late
  24. Pigjr1: A decagon is 10 sides
  25. WeeklyQuiz: (I didn't make the question, though.)
  26. BLOODYRAIN10001: |1440|
  27. Pigjr1: (8)(180)=1440
  28. BLOODYRAIN10001: |
  29. Pigjr1: rigged question man
  32. WeeklyQuiz: 2. What is the sum of the internal angles of a decagon?
  33. Liordi: lol.
  34. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1440
  35. Precarious: 1400 degrees
  36. BLOODYRAIN10001: :D
  37. Precarious: 1440
  38. Precarious: that is
  39. Pigjr1: 1440 degrees
  40. Liordi: wow
  41. WeeklyQuiz: (Decagon is ten-sided.)
  42. dragonc0: 720
  43. Pigjr1: 144 degrees?
  44. BLOODYRAIN10001: 2880
  45. Whazashmup: 1440°
  46. BLOODYRAIN10001: 720
  47. TribalSeedlings: I'm pretty sure it's 1440, as others have stated
  48. Liordi: gogo 1260
  49. WeeklyQuiz: Give up?
  50. Whazashmup: 1440.0
  51. dragonc0: 1620
  52. Pigjr1: I am 101% sure the answer is 1440
  53. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1440 WAS CORRECT -.-
  54. Whazashmup: 1800
  55. TribalSeedlings: Three-sided shape (triangle) sums to 180 degrees, four-sided shape sums to 360
  56. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup is correct.
  57. Whazashmup: lol
  58. Pigjr1: wut
  59. Liordi: looool
  60. dragonc0: lol
  61. Liordi: 1440.0 ?
  62. Pigjr1: that's a undecagon
  63. WeeklyQuiz: That's the answer I have.
  64. Pigjr1: not a decagon
  65. WeeklyQuiz: *shrug*
  66. BLOODYRAIN10001: Undecagon, hax
  67. Pigjr1: pls rigged question
  68. Whazashmup: 1440 is correct btw
  69. Pigjr1: gimme points pl0x
  70. BLOODYRAIN10001: *Revolt*
  71. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 1, Wgazashmup - 1
  72. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1440 Is Correct. EVERYONE WINS
  73. WeeklyQuiz: Wow, typo.
  74. Whazashmup: wgazashmup pls
  75. Pigjr1: welp
  76. Liordi: i thought that was -1 for a sec
  77. Behemoth542: Weekly, can you make that question null?
  78. BLOODYRAIN10001: ^
  79. Pigjr1: ^
  80. WeeklyQuiz: Fine.
  81. Behemoth542: As the answer was 1440, it shouldn't count
  82. TribalSeedlings: It's math. 1440.0 = 1440.
  83. Behemoth542: Another question 2?
  84. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 1, Void - 1
  85. Pigjr1: void ooh
  86. WeeklyQuiz: No.
  87. WeeklyQuiz: 3. What is an improper fraction?
  88. Precarious: let's just make a decision and go with it
  89. TribalSeedlings: A fraction with larger numerator than denominator
  90. BLOODYRAIN10001: A Fraction that has a number
  91. Liordi: something like 7/5
  92. BLOODYRAIN10001: Too
  93. Pigjr1: A fraction with a bigger numerator than denominator
  94. BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh
  95. Pigjr1: tribal ninja
  96. TribalSeedlings: :3
  97. Behemoth542: A faction that's what Pig saaid
  98. WeeklyQuiz: TribalSeedlings is correct.
  99. BLOODYRAIN10001: Fugz
  100. Pigjr1: i need to type faster
  101. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 1, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 1
  102. Precarious: I'm finally going to lose a quiz :(
  103. WeeklyQuiz: 4. After 12, what is the smallest whole-number sum of a pythagorean triple?
  104. BLOODYRAIN10001: Yes
  105. BLOODYRAIN10001: Pythagorean Triiple.
  106. Pigjr1: 30
  107. Pigjr1: 24
  108. dragonc0: 15
  109. dragonc0: 16
  110. WeeklyQuiz: Pigjr1 is correct.
  111. Behemoth542: Pythagorean triple?
  112. BLOODYRAIN10001: 3, 4, 5?
  113. Pigjr1: yes
  114. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 2, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 1
  115. Pigjr1: right triangle thingy
  116. Liordi: I have no idea what this is.
  117. Pigjr1: Sides of a right triangle
  118. Behemoth542: Consecutive numbers?
  119. Whazashmup: no
  120. TribalSeedlings: It's basically whole-number sides of a right triangle
  121. Pigjr1: where a^2+b^2=c^2
  122. Liordi: yesa
  123. WeeklyQuiz: Yes, that.
  124. Pigjr1: And a b c are whole numbers
  125. Liordi: Pythagoros Theorem
  126. Liordi: or however you spell it
  127. Behemoth542: Oooh
  128. WeeklyQuiz: 5. What is the first Fibonacci number over 1,000?
  129. Pigjr1: Pythagorean
  130. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1,001
  131. Liordi: 1001
  132. Liordi: lol
  133. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1002
  134. TribalSeedlings: Oh screw that XD
  135. Precarious: 1002
  136. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1003
  137. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1004
  138. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1005
  139. Pigjr1: 1005
  140. Pigjr1: 1006
  141. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1006
  142. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1007
  143. Precarious: 1200
  144. Pigjr1: 1007
  145. Pigjr1: 1008
  146. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1008
  147. BLOODYRAIN10001: 100
  148. Pigjr1: 1009
  149. dragonc0: 1021
  150. Pigjr1: 1010
  151. TribalSeedlings: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
  152. Pigjr1: 1011
  153. BLOODYRAIN10001: 10012
  154. Pigjr1: 1012
  155. Pigjr1: 1013
  156. BLOODYRAIN10001: 9001
  157. Pigjr1: 1014
  158. Pigjr1: 1015
  159. Behemoth542: [Answer]
  160. Pigjr1: 1016
  161. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1015
  162. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1016
  163. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1018
  164. Precarious: 1091
  165. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1019
  166. WeeklyQuiz: Spam = Give Up
  167. Precarious: 1043
  168. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1020
  169. Behemoth542: Everybody, stop
  170. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1021
  171. Precarious: 1079
  172. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1022
  173. BLOODYRAIN10001: Huh
  174. Precarious: 1106
  176. Precarious: 1057
  177. BLOODYRAIN10001: 1023\
  178. Whazashmup: 2584
  179. Liordi: jesus
  180. Precarious: what
  182. Precarious: dat random
  183. TribalSeedlings: 1535?
  184. Liordi: What is a figigir number
  185. Liordi: or whatever
  186. Pigjr1: 1597
  187. dragonc0: 1607
  188. T6salt: 1597?
  189. WeeklyQuiz: Pigjr1 is correct.
  190. BLOODYRAIN10001: He googled it.
  191. Pigjr1: no
  192. Whazashmup: lol
  193. dragonc0: no just adding it up
  194. Whazashmup: it's not hard to do in your head
  195. Pigjr1: 11235813213455891442333776109871597
  196. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 3, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 1
  197. Pigjr1: notepad ftw
  198. BLOODYRAIN10001: He googled it with his mind.
  199. Behemoth542: Fibonacci number = a+b=c
  200. TribalSeedlings: Shrug.
  201. Behemoth542: a+b+c=d
  202. WeeklyQuiz: 6. Which digit of pi is the first to be the same as its number in the sequence? (e.g. if 9 is the ninth digit of pi, that would apply)
  203. Behemoth542: a+b+c+d=e
  204. Behemoth542: etc
  205. TribalSeedlings: 5
  206. dragonc0: 4
  207. BLOODYRAIN10001: 3
  208. Precarious: 5
  209. Whazashmup: 1
  210. Pigjr1: behe right
  211. Whazashmup: 2
  212. dragonc0: 1
  213. BLOODYRAIN10001: 6
  214. BLOODYRAIN10001: 8
  215. Whazashmup: 8
  216. BLOODYRAIN10001: 7
  217. BLOODYRAIN10001: 9
  218. WeeklyQuiz: TribalSeedlings is correct.
  219. Precarious: 8
  220. Precarious: 9
  221. Behemoth542: 3
  222. TribalSeedlings: :3
  223. Pigjr1: mhm
  224. TribalSeedlings: 3.1415
  225. WeeklyQuiz: The answer was 5.
  226. BLOODYRAIN10001: *Gawk*
  227. Whazashmup: durr
  228. BLOODYRAIN10001: F
  229. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 3, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 2
  230. WeeklyQuiz: 7. ‘Feigenbaum attractor’, ‘dendrite Julia set’ and ‘Koch curve’ are all types of what? They are defined as geometric patterns that are repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical…
  231. TribalSeedlings: Least we're not asking you to find derivatives lol
  232. BLOODYRAIN10001: -.-
  233. WeeklyQuiz: gemoetry
  234. Pigjr1: They are defined as geometric patterns that are repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical…
  235. Whazashmup: fractals?
  236. Liordi: what the hell
  237. BLOODYRAIN10001: 250 Word Limit
  238. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup is correct.
  239. Precarious: non-euclidean shapes
  240. TribalSeedlings: I was looking for that word, Whazashmup
  241. WeeklyQuiz: character*
  242. Whazashmup: julia set, lol
  243. Liordi: I've never heard of thissss
  244. Pigjr1: Fractionals
  245. dragonc0: su
  246. Pigjr1: They are infinitely repeating patterns
  247. Precarious: Fractalmaniac
  248. Pigjr1: Like the Mandelbrot set
  249. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 3, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 3
  250. WeeklyQuiz: 8. What is the sum of a baker’s dozen, the number of legs of eight Great Danes and all of the even prime numbers?
  251. BLOODYRAIN10001: 12
  252. Pigjr1: 47
  253. Whazashmup: 25
  254. Precarious: 47
  255. dragonc0: 46
  256. WeeklyQuiz: Pigjr1 is correct.
  257. Whazashmup: 47 <3
  258. BLOODYRAIN10001: 13 + ???
  259. TribalSeedlings: Should Whaza have a point?
  260. Pigjr1: shouldn't whaz have 1 point
  261. Precarious: 13 32 2
  262. BLOODYRAIN10001: 37
  263. Pigjr1: and ts 2 pts
  264. dragonc0: never heard of a baker's dozen :P
  265. Liordi: me neither
  266. TribalSeedlings: I mean, I didn't see that in the last score update
  267. Whazashmup: baker's dozen is 13
  268. Pigjr1: = 13
  269. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 3
  270. WeeklyQuiz: Wait, yes.
  271. TribalSeedlings: I'm also pretty sure I should only have 2
  272. WeeklyQuiz: Sorry.
  273. dragonc0: there is no term for that in my place
  274. BLOODYRAIN10001: Yes there is, it's pretty common.
  275. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 2, Whazashmup - 1
  276. Liordi: lol.
  277. TribalSeedlings: It's not unlucky in all cultures :3
  278. BLOODYRAIN10001: Whoever wins a quiz turns into Prec.
  279. WeeklyQuiz: 9. Using only the numbers 8, 8, 3 and 3 and through only addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and parenthesis, how can you make 24?
  280. BLOODYRAIN10001: Duh. Prec is bound to win, so all winners turn into Prec. DON'T DO IT
  281. BLOODYRAIN10001: 8 * 3
  282. WeeklyQuiz: You have to use all the numbers.
  283. WeeklyQuiz: 8, 8, 3 & 3.
  284. BLOODYRAIN10001: (8 * 8) Divided by 3 plus 3
  285. BLOODYRAIN10001: Countdown swag.
  286. Liordi: Lolol.
  287. Pigjr1: 64 is not divisible by 6
  288. BLOODYRAIN10001: 64 Divided by 3 :P
  289. WeeklyQuiz: 24.33.. is not the correct answer.
  290. Whazashmup: 8/(3-(8/3))
  291. Whazashmup: 8/(1/3)
  292. Whazashmup: 24
  293. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup is correct.
  294. TribalSeedlings: (8-3)*3 + 8
  295. TribalSeedlings: Er...okies
  296. BLOODYRAIN10001: Where division button on my keyboard.
  297. Pigjr1: go whaz
  298. Pigjr1: it's a slash buddha
  299. TribalSeedlings: Yeah, I had 23 lol
  300. BLOODYRAIN10001: Mine worked too.
  301. TribalSeedlings: My mistake
  302. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 2, Whazashmup - 2
  303. BLOODYRAIN10001: Oh wait.
  304. BLOODYRAIN10001: No I was one off.
  305. Liordi: what was the answer
  306. BLOODYRAIN10001: Damn I made 24 1/3
  307. WeeklyQuiz: 10. What is dy/dx?
  308. Whazashmup: derivative
  309. Pigjr1: y/x
  310. BLOODYRAIN10001: numbers
  311. BLOODYRAIN10001: Variables
  312. Precarious: integer
  313. Precarious: integral
  314. Pigjr1: derivative of y
  315. BLOODYRAIN10001: Racist
  316. dragonc0: slope of a function y
  317. WeeklyQuiz: Be more specific.
  318. WeeklyQuiz: Pigjr1 is close.
  319. BLOODYRAIN10001: derivative of x
  320. Whazashmup: change in y over x
  321. dragonc0: the derivative of y with concerns to x
  322. Precarious: slope
  323. Behemoth542: Derivated y/ derivated x
  324. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup is correct.
  325. TribalSeedlings: Been too long since I last looked at letters like that :P
  326. WeeklyQuiz: His wording isn't as specific, but he's first, sorry dragon.
  327. dragonc0: yea
  328. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 2, Whazashmup - 3
  329. dragonc0: I just needed to think how to say it in english :P
  330. BLOODYRAIN10001: Chnage in y over x isn't expressed as that in my class. Slope is mb.
  331. Precarious: I last took a math class in spring 2005
  332. BLOODYRAIN10001: I think.
  333. WeeklyQuiz: 11. State the cosine rule.
  334. Pigjr1: wut
  335. TribalSeedlings: adjacent/hypotenus
  336. TribalSeedlings: +e
  337. WeeklyQuiz: BLOODY, that question was about calculus.
  338. Behemoth542: Thales theorem?
  339. Whazashmup: c^2=a^2+b^2-2abcos(theta)
  340. dragonc0: cos = close side / long side
  341. BLOODYRAIN10001: Dammit Calc.
  342. Liordi: Lol.
  343. dragonc0: in a right triangle
  344. Pigjr1: whaz might be right
  345. Behemoth542: Idk
  346. TribalSeedlings: Oh's something else isn't it
  347. Whazashmup: wtf is the cosine rule
  348. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup, you're on the right track. But that's not what I have here as the answer.
  349. Pigjr1: cos*tan=sin
  350. BLOODYRAIN10001: cos*log = tan
  351. Liordi: Cos X = Adj all over Hyp, no?
  352. Pigjr1: mhm
  353. TribalSeedlings: Oh, THAT cosine rule
  354. Whazashmup: a^2=b^2+c^2-2bccos(A)?
  355. TribalSeedlings: Dang it, I forget it
  356. Liordi: Whatwhatwhat
  357. WeeklyQuiz: Yes.
  358. WeeklyQuiz: Whazashmup is correct.
  359. Whazashmup: sweet
  360. dragonc0: gj
  361. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 2, Whazashmup - 4
  362. WeeklyQuiz: 12. If it takes 3 men 2 hours to dig a hole, how long will it theoretically take one man?
  363. BLOODYRAIN10001: Is Whaz a math major or something >.>?
  364. TribalSeedlings: 6
  365. dragonc0: 2/3 hour
  366. Precarious: 4 hours
  367. TribalSeedlings: 6 hours.
  368. Liordi: 40 MINS
  369. dragonc0: 40 minutes
  370. Liordi: oH
  371. Precarious: 6 hours
  372. WeeklyQuiz: TribalSeedlings is correct.
  373. Liordi: Wrong way
  374. dragonc0: idk
  375. Whazashmup: no, bloody
  376. Precarious: I don't even have time to read these correctly
  377. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 3, Whazashmup - 4
  378. Precarious: now I know how you guys feel the rest of the time lol
  379. TribalSeedlings: I should probably keep my units in mind before just saying 6 :P
  380. Pigjr1: oh noez
  381. WeeklyQuiz: 13. What is MDCXLII, the year in which Sir Isaac Newton was born?
  382. dragonc0: 1642
  383. Pigjr1: 1642
  384. TribalSeedlings: 1642
  385. BLOODYRAIN10001: 166
  386. Pigjr1: damnit
  387. WeeklyQuiz: dragonc0 is correct.
  388. dragonc0: yay
  389. Indy111: I love Roman numerals
  390. Pigjr1: dragon + ninja = japan
  391. Whazashmup: i forgot what d was rip
  392. Whazashmup: 100
  393. TribalSeedlings: 500
  394. dragonc0: lol
  395. WeeklyQuiz: Score: Pigjr1 - 4, Void - 1, TribalSeedlings - 3, Whazashmup - 4, dragonc0 - 1
  396. Whazashmup: lol
  397. TribalSeedlings: C = 100
  398. Hykafum: Wow, really busy in here at the moment.
  399. BLOODYRAIN10001: I just read them.
  400. Liordi: iwannabeonthescoreboard
  401. BLOODYRAIN10001: Takes awhile.
  402. WeeklyQuiz: 14. At age 9, Carl Friedrich Gauss managed to add the integers 1 to 100 within seconds by doing what calculation?
  403. BLOODYRAIN10001: The Carl Calculation
  404. Pigjr1: [(n)(n+1)]/2
  405. TribalSeedlings: Adding the first and last, the second and second to last, etc and multiplying by 50
  406. Precarious: Friedrich calculation
  407. dragonc0: (1+100)*50
  408. BLOODYRAIN10001: The GuessPrimeNumbers shit?
  409. dragonc0: (1+100)*(100/2)
  410. Behemoth542: 101*50
  411. Pigjr1: [(100)(101)]/2
  412. Behemoth542: I have that one in a book
  413. Whazashmup: it's called something?
  414. Whazashmup: shit
  415. WeeklyQuiz: Behemoth has half of the answer.
  416. Behemoth542: 101*50=5050
  417. dragonc0: 101*(100/2)
  418. WeeklyQuiz: Wrong half. ;)
  419. WeeklyQuiz: dragonc0 got it.
  420. Pigjr1: wut
  421. dragonc0: :/
  422. Pigjr1: it's that specific
  423. Whazashmup: what?
  424. WeeklyQuiz: The 1+100 confused me.
  425. WeeklyQuiz: Hold on.
  426. WeeklyQuiz: I need to read back.
  427. dragonc0: that's me still
  428. Pigjr1: my [(100)(101)]/2 wasn't specific enough
  429. TribalSeedlings: I should probably have been a bit more specific number-wise with my answer
  430. Whazashmup: (100)(101)/2 is wrong lol
  431. Pigjr1: it has brackets pls
  432. Whazashmup: o nvm
  433. TribalSeedlings: No it isn't, pretty sure that's right
  434. Indy111: I've always been taught to do n(n+1)/2
  435. Pigjr1: i said that first
  436. WeeklyQuiz: This is the first instance of the correct answer: dragonc0: (1+100)*(100/2)
  437. Pigjr1: k
  438. TribalSeedlings: Yeah, I just remember the story going that he took the first and last, the second and second-to-last, etc et****il he got 50 pairs of 101
  439. WeeklyQuiz: The reason I was confused is because Samster wrote the answer like this:
  440. WeeklyQuiz: n/2[2a + (n-1)d] i.e. 100 / 2 = 50 x 101 = 5050.
  441. WeeklyQuiz: So, dragonc0 gets the point.
  442. Pigjr1: whatev
  443. WeeklyQuiz: 15. When working out the friction acting on a particle on a rough, inclined slope, how do you calculate friction?
  444. Liordi: I lol'd.
  445. Pigjr1: f=ma
  446. TribalSeedlings: Physics lol
  447. Liordi: FORCE/POWER something
  448. Pigjr1: where f is friction and m is potatos and a is elevation
  449. Whazashmup: mgcostheta
  450. Whazashmup: mgsintheta
  451. BLOODYRAIN10001: e = mc^2
  452. Whazashmup: mu*mgcostheta
  453. Liordi: isostupid
  454. Whazashmup: mu*mgsintheta
  455. dragonc0: :P
  456. WeeklyQuiz: Liordi was somewhat close.
  457. dragonc0: i*so*stupid?
  458. dragonc0: :P
  459. TribalSeedlings: Something about the force of gravity, the normal force, and something else, but I'm clueless so I'll abstain from further comments
  460. WeeklyQuiz: It's a simple xy.
  461. WeeklyQuiz: But what is x and y?
  462. Liordi: Work x force
  463. Liordi: force x power
  464. Liordi: power x work
  465. Liordi: one of the above
  466. Whazashmup: f=mu*r
  467. WeeklyQuiz: R is one of them.
  468. WeeklyQuiz: mu, be more specific..
  469. Indy111: Mg*r :D
  470. Whazashmup: mu is the coefficient of friction...
  471. WeeklyQuiz: Ah, right.
  472. WeeklyQuiz: Gotcha.
  473. WeeklyQuiz: You're right.
  474. CalmWaters: shiiiiiiiii I missed the quiz :/
  475. TribalSeedlings: Give that man a cookie.
  476. WeeklyQuiz: Samster had it written as μ.
  477. Whazashmup: that is mu
  478. Liordi: so how was i close
  479. dragonc0: that is mu :P
  480. TribalSeedlings: Yeah, that's the greek symbol for Mu.
  481. WeeklyQuiz: Which I didn't know.
  482. Whazashmup: lol k
  483. WeeklyQuiz: Anyways, congratulations to Whazashmup.
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