Guest User


a guest
Aug 20th, 2012
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  1. customdb:
  2. enabled: false # Enable/disable custom database support. Leave this disabled if using a script such as phpBB.
  3. autocreate: true # Enable/disable automatic creation of the database tables and columns for a custom database.
  4. table: authdb_users # Table name to use for your custom database.
  5. userfield: username # Field/column name to use for storing user names.
  6. passfield: password # Field/column name to use for storing user passwords.
  7. emailfield: email # Field/column name to use for storing user email addresses. Leave blank to disable email requirement.
  8. emailrequired: false # Enable/disable registration email requirement.
  9. encryption: md5 # Encription type to use for password hashing. Options are MD5, SHA1, and SHA512.
  10. # saltfield: salt # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Field/column name to use for storing the passwordsalt.
  11. # hashformat: "{PASSWORD}{SALT}{NAME}" # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Format/layout to use for the password hash.
  12. join:
  13. restrict: true # Only allow registered players to join and show custom message.
  14. register:
  15. enabled: true # Enable/disable allowing users to register.
  16. force: true # Enable/disable forcing users to register.
  17. delay: 4 seconds # Amount of time before register message is shown to player.
  18. timeout: 3 minutes # Amount of time a player has to register before the configured action is taken.
  19. limit: 3 # Amount of times an user can register from a specific IP.
  20. login:
  21. # enabled: true # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET! Enable/disable players being able to login.
  22. method: prompt # Login method to use. Options are normal and prompt.
  23. delay: 4 seconds # Amount of time before login message is shown to player.
  24. timeout: 3 minutes # Amount of time a player has to login before the configured action is taken.
  25. tries: 3 # Number of allowed incorrect password tries.
  26. action: kick # Action to perform when a maximum number of password tries is reached. Currently only option is kick.
  27. link:
  28. enabled: true # Enable/disable username linking.
  29. rename: true # Enable/disable renaming users to linked name on link.
  30. unlink:
  31. enabled: true # Enable/disable username unlinking.
  32. rename: true # Enable/disable renaming users to original name on unlink.
  33. username:
  34. minimum: 3 # Minimum number of characters a username can be.
  35. maximum: 16 # Maximum number of characters a username can be.
  36. password:
  37. minimum: 6 # Minimum number of characters a password can be.
  38. maximum: 16 # Maximum number of characters a password can be.
  39. session:
  40. enabled: true # Enable/disable player sessions. Ignored if online-mode: true in
  41. start: login # When to start the player's session. Options are login and logoff.
  42. length: 1 hour # Length of the player's session. Can be any number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
  43. protect: true # Enable/disable protecting player from being logged out from another location.
  44. guest:
  45. commands: false # Enable/disable guest commands.
  46. chat: false # Enable/disable guest chat.
  47. building: false # Enable/disable guest building.
  48. destruction: false # Enable/disable guest destruction.
  49. movement: false # Enable/disable guest movement.
  50. interactions: false # Enable/disable guest interactions with objects.
  51. inventory: false # Enable/disable guest inventory usage.
  52. drop: false # Enable/disable guest being able to drop items.
  53. pickup: false # Enable/disable guest being able to pickup items.
  54. health: false # Enable/disable guest getting hurt.
  55. pvp: false # Enable/disable guest hurting players.
  56. mobtargeting: false # Enable/disable mobs targeting guest.
  57. mobdamage: false # Enable/disable mob damage from guest.
  58. whitelist: [BuildCraft],[IndustrialCraft] # Usernames to exclude from guest checking, seperate by comma.
  59. protection:
  60. freeze:
  61. enabled: true # Enable/disable freezing players on join to prevent movement.
  62. delay: 2 seconds # Amount of time before players are frozen and unable to move.
  63. notify:
  64. enabled: true # Enable/disable protection message being sent to player.
  65. delay: 3 seconds # Amount of time before protection message can be sent to player again.
  66. filter:
  67. action: kick # Action to perform when a username matches the filter. Options are kick and rename.
  68. username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ " # Characters and symbols to check for in usernames. We recommend leaving this as is.
  69. password: "$&\\\"" # Characters and symbols to check for in passwords. We recommend leaving this as is.
  70. whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider # Usernames to exclude from username and password filtering.
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