Guest User


a guest
Feb 28th, 2013
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  1. Basic commands:
  2. /spawn - teleport to spawn point in current world
  3. /sethome - set your personal home point in your position
  4. /home - teleport you to your home point
  5. /bal, /money, /balance, /econ - check your in-game balance
  6. /pay <player> <amount> - transfer some amount of your money to another player
  7. /getpos, /whereami - shows your coordinanes and current world as well
  8. /afk - switching you to AFK mode. In afk mode you are invincible and your playing time is not counting. To exit afk mode, you can jump or write something in chat (or just perform this command again)
  9. /recipe <Item ID> - shows you recipe of specified item
  10. /suicide - without commentaries
  11. /jobs - list of jobs-related commands
  12. /jobs info <job> - information about specified job
  13. /jobs join <job> - jin specified job (you could have up to 3)
  14. /ontime - show you how much time you spent on the server
  15. /iteminfo - shows item id of your held item. Using for creation shops.
  16. /tell <player> <message> - send private message to player. Abailable for ranks starting from Council Member.
  17. /r <message> - quick reply to last received private message
  18. /changepassword <old password> <new password> - let you change your password
  19. /jailstatus - check how many time in jail left for you
  20. /trust <player> - allow specified player build in claim where you standing, or allowing build in all claims if you are not standing in claim
  21. /containertrust <player> - allow specified player open containers and interact with animals in your claim
  22. /accesstrust <player> - allow specified player use buttons, levers and doors in your claim
  23. /permissiontrust <player> - allow specified player to manage permissions in your claim
  24. /untrust <player> - revokes any type of trust in your claim
  25. /abandonclaim - remove claim in which you are standing
  26. /abandonallclaims - remove all your claims
  27. /buyclaim <amount> - buy some claim blocks. One costs 25 coins.
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