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a guest
Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. options:
  2. t: &6[&6Gildia&6]&b
  3. czat: {RANK} &8{TAG} {DISPLAY}: {MESSAGE}
  4. pobraniejeslibrak: &8{TAG}
  5. zycieboss: 10
  6. item1: 5 diamonds
  7. item2: 2 Golden apple
  8. item3: 3 ender pearl
  9. item4: 5 gunpowder
  11. on first join:
  12. add 1000 to {ranking.%player%}
  15. command /zaloz [<text>] [<text>]:
  16. trigger:
  17. if arg 1 is not set:
  18. send "{@t} poprawne uzycie /zaloz <TAG> <NAZWA>"
  19. stop
  20. if {gildia.tag.%arg 1%} is true:
  22. stop
  23. if {gildia.%player%.owner} is true:
  24. send "{@t} posiadasz juz gildie!"
  25. stop
  26. if {gildia.%player%.member} is true:
  27. send "{@t} jestes juz w gildi!"
  28. stop
  29. if arg 1 is not empty:
  30. if arg 2 is not empty:
  31. player don't have {@item1}:
  32. send "&6Nie posiadasz itemow na gildie !&oaby zalozyc gildie musisz posiadac 2 zlote jablka 5 prochu 5 diamentow 3 enderperly"
  33. stop
  34. player don't have {@item2}:
  35. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item2}"
  36. stop
  37. player don't have {@item3}:
  38. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item3}"
  39. stop
  40. player don't have {@item4}:
  41. send "&6Nie posiadasz {@item4}"
  42. stop
  43. player cannot build at block under player:
  44. send "&4Teren pod toba jest zajety :P"
  45. stop
  46. player cannot build at block 100 meters northwest:
  47. send "&4Teren na polnocny zachod jest zajety"
  48. stop
  49. player cannot build at block 100 meters north:
  50. send "&4Teren na polnoc jest zajety"
  51. stop
  52. player cannot build at block 100 meters northeast:
  53. send "&4Teren na polnocny wschod jest zajety"
  54. stop
  55. player cannot build at block 100 meters west:
  56. send "&4Teren na zachod jest zajety"
  57. stop
  58. player cannot build at block 100 meters east:
  59. send "&4Teren na wschod jest zajety"
  60. stop
  61. player cannot build at block 100 meters southwest:
  62. send "&4Teren na poludniowy zachud jest zajety"
  63. stop
  64. player cannot build at block 100 meters south:
  65. send "&4Teren na poludnie jest zajety"
  66. stop
  67. player cannot build at block 100 meters southeast:
  68. send "&4Teren na poludniowy wschod jest zajety"
  69. stop
  70. if distance between {spawn} and location of player is greater than 150+50/2:
  71. send "{@t} tworzenie zabezpieczen....."
  72. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldedit.*"
  73. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  74. wait 1 tick
  75. execute player command "//pos1"
  76. execute player command "//pos2"
  77. execute player command "//expand 50 w"
  78. execute player command "//expand 50 n"
  79. wait 3 tick
  80. execute player command "//expand 50 e"
  81. execute player command "//expand 50 s"
  82. execute player command "//expand vert"
  83. execute player command "region define gildia-%arg 1%"
  84. execute player command "region flag gildia-%arg 1% chest-access allow"
  85. execute player command "region flag gildia-%arg 1% use allow"
  86. wait 3 tick
  87. execute player command "region addowner gildia-%arg 1% %name of player%"
  88. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldedit.*"
  89. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  90. loop 98 times:
  91. send ""
  92. message "&6Zalozyles Gildie!"
  93. set block under the player to dragon egg
  94. broadcast "&aGracz %name of player% powiekszyl cuboid o 50 kratek!"
  95. send "{@t} tworzenie zabezpieczen....."
  96. set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to arg 1
  97. message "&6Zalozyles Gildie!"
  98. set {gildia.%name of player%.owner} to true
  99. set {gildia.home.%arg 1%} to location of player
  100. broadcast "{@t} Gracz %name of player% zalozyl gildie o nazwie %arg 2% o tagu %arg 1%"
  101. set {gildia.%name of player%} to true
  102. set {_cos} to "%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%"
  103. add player to {gildia.ownerklanu.%{_cos}%::*}
  104. add arg 1 to {listagildii::*}
  105. wait 1 seconds
  106. remove {@item1} from the player's inventory
  107. remove {@item2} from the player's inventory
  108. remove {@item3} from the player's inventory
  109. remove {@item4} from the player's inventory
  110. set {gildia.tag.%arg 1%} to true
  111. wait 2 tick
  112. set {baza.%arg 1%} to true
  113. else:
  114. send "&6Zbyt blisko spawnu!"
  117. command /baza:
  118. trigger:
  119. if {baza.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} is true:
  120. teleport player to {gildia.home.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%}
  121. send "&6Bardzo prosze tp do bazy :)"
  122. stop
  123. send "&6Nie posiadasz gildii!"
  125. command /usun:
  126. trigger:
  127. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  128. broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% usunal gildie (%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)"
  129. set {_tag} to {gildia.tag.%name of player%}
  130. loop {czlonkowie.%{_tag}%::*}:
  131. set {gildia.tag.%loop-value%} to ""
  132. delete {gildia.tag.%loop-value%}
  133. set {gildia.%loop-value%.member} to false
  134. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  135. execute player command "rg remove gildia-%{gildia.tag.%player%}%"
  136. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  137. set {gildia.tag.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false
  138. wait 1 tick
  139. set {baza.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false
  140. set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to ""
  141. set {gildia.%player%.owner} to false
  142. set {gildia.%name of player%.tagg} to false
  146. command /zapros [<player>]:
  147. trigger:
  148. if arg 1 is not set:
  149. send "&6Poprawne uzycie &a/zapros <nick>"
  150. else:
  151. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  152. send "&6Zaproszono cie do gildi %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% wpisz /dolaczam %{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% &baby dolaczyc" to arg player
  153. send "&2Zaproszono gracza %arg player% do gildii"
  154. set {gildia.zapro.%arg player%.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to true
  155. wait 30 seconds
  156. set {gildia.zapro.%arg player%.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to false
  158. command /dolaczam [<text>]:
  159. trigger:
  160. if arg 1 is not set:
  161. send "&6Porawne uzycie &b/dolaczam <tag gildii>"
  162. else:
  163. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  164. send "&4Posiadasz juz gildie!"
  165. if {gildie.%name of player%.member} is true:
  166. send "&4Jestes juz w gildii!"
  167. stop
  168. if {gildia.zapro.%name of player%.%arg 1%} is true:
  169. set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to arg 1
  170. broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% dolaczyl do gildii &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)"
  171. set {gildia.%name of player%.member} to true
  172. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  173. execute player command "rg addmember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %player%"
  174. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  175. add player to {czlonkowie.%arg 1%::*}
  176. add player to {members.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%::*}
  177. stop
  178. send "&6Nie masz zaproszenia do gildii %arg 1%"
  180. command /opusc:
  181. trigger:
  182. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  183. send "&4Masz juz gildie!"
  184. else:
  185. set {gildia.%name of player%.member} to false
  186. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  187. execute player command "rg removemember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %player%"
  188. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  189. broadcast "{@t} Gracz %player% opuscil gildie &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)"
  190. set {gildia.tag.%name of player%} to ""
  192. command /wywal [<player>]:
  193. trigger:
  194. if arg 1 is not set:
  195. send "&6Poprawne uzycie &b/wywal <nick>"
  196. else:
  197. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  198. if {gildia.tag.%name of player%} is {gildia.tag.%arg player%}:
  199. if {gildia.%arg player%.owner} is true:
  200. send "&6Nie wywalisz siebie xd"
  201. stop
  202. execute console command "pex user %name of player% add worldguard.*"
  203. execute player command "rg removemember gildia-%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}% %arg player%"
  204. execute console command "pex user %name of player% remove worldguard.*"
  205. broadcast "{@t} &4Gracz %player% wyzucil z gildii gracza &c%arg player% &2(%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%)"
  206. set {gildia.tag.%arg player%} to ""
  207. set {gildia.%arg player%.member} to false
  208. teleport argument to spawn
  209. send "&3Wywalono cie z gildi! &bprzeteleportowano cie na spawn!" to arg player
  211. command /setbaza:
  212. trigger:
  213. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  214. set {gildia.home.%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%} to location of player
  215. send "&{@t} ustawiles baze gildii!"
  216. set {gildia.%name of player%.tagg} to true
  217. else:
  218. send "&6Nie jestes zalozycielem nie mozesz przestawiac bazy!"
  220. on chat:
  221. set {_chat} to "{@czat}"
  222. if {gildia.%name of player%.owner} is true:
  223. replace all "{TAG}" with "%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" in {_chat}
  224. if {gildia.%name of player%.member} is true:
  225. replace all "{TAG}" with "%{gildia.tag.%name of player%}%" in {_chat}
  226. replace all "{RANK}" with "%{ranking.%player%}%" in {_chat}
  227. replace all "{@pobraniejeslibrak}" with "" in {_chat}
  228. replace all "{PLAYER}" with "%player%" in {_chat}
  229. replace all "{DISPLAY}" with "%display name of player%" in {_chat}
  230. replace all "{MESSAGE}" with "%message%" in {_chat}
  231. send "%{_chat}%" to all players
  232. cancel event
  234. command /gildie setspawn:
  235. trigger:
  236. if player has permission "sk":
  237. set {spawn} to location of player
  238. send "{@t} ustawiono set spawn blokady cuboidow!"
  239. else:
  240. send "&6Brak permisji"
  243. command /f:
  244. aliases: g, gildia, factions, frakcje, gildie
  245. trigger:
  246. send "&7======================&2&lInfo Gildie&7======================="
  247. send "&6/Zaloz <TAG> <NAZWA> - &a Zakladasz gildie"
  248. send "&6/Wywal <nick> - &a Wywalasz wybrana osobe z gildii"
  249. send "&6/Zapros <nick> - &a Zapraszasz wybrana osobe do gildii"
  250. send "&6/Dolaczam <NAZWA GILDII> - &a Dolaczasz do wybranej gildii"
  251. send "&6/Gildia <TAG> - &aInfo o wybranej gildii"
  252. send "&6/SetBaza - &a Ustawiasz baze gildii w miejscu stania"
  253. send "&6/Baza - &a Teleport Do Gildii"
  254. send "&6/Opusc - &a Opuszczasz Gildie"
  255. send "&6/Usun - &a Usuwasz swoja gildie"
  256. send "&7======================&2&lInfo Gildie&7======================="
  258. command /help:
  259. aliases: pomoc, pl, pluginy
  260. trigger:
  261. send "&6Dostepne dla Ciebie komendy:"
  262. send "&2/f - gildie"
  263. send "&2/drop - info o dropie z kamienia"
  264. send "&2/jobs - prace na serwerze"
  265. send "&2/generator - co i jak &4Wkrotce!"
  268. command /gildia [<text>]:
  269. trigger:
  270. if arg 1 is not set:
  271. send "&6Poprawne uzycie &a/Gildia info <TAG GILDII>"
  272. else:
  273. if size of {members.%arg 1%::*} is 0:
  274. send "&6Czlonkowie: &cBrak"
  275. send "&6Zalozona przez : %{gildia.ownerklanu.%arg 1%::*}%"
  276. stop
  277. send "&6Czlonkowie: &a%{members.%arg 1%::*}%"
  278. send "&6Gildia - &9%arg 1%"
  279. send "&6Zalozona przez : %{gildia.ownerklanu.%arg 1%::*}%"
  281. on region enter:
  282. if player is the owner of the region:
  283. create timed bar with text "&2Witaj zalozycielu w swoich progach!" to player for 10 seconds
  284. stop
  285. if player is member of the region:
  286. create timed bar with text "&bCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% wszedl na wasz cuboid!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds
  287. create timed bar with text "&bCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% wszedl na wasz cuboid!" to all members of the region for 10 seconds
  288. stop
  289. create timed bar with text "&cNie Przyjaciel - %player% wszedl na twoj teren!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds
  290. create timed bar with text "&cNie Przyjaciel - %player% wszedl na wasz teren!" to all members of the region for 10 seconds
  291. create timed bar with text "&cWszedles na teren gildyjny - %{gildia.tag.%owner of region%}%" to player for 10 seconds
  293. on region exit:
  294. if player is the owner of the region:
  295. create timed bar with text "&cWychodzisz z terenu swojej gildii uwazaj na siebie!" to player for 10 seconds
  296. stop
  297. if player is member of the region:
  298. create timed bar with text "&cCzlonek twojej gildii - %player% opuscil teren!" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds
  299. create timed bar with text "&bOpuszczasz teren swojej gildii!" to player for 10 seconds
  300. stop
  301. create timed bar with text "&aNie przyjaciel opuscil twoj teren" to all owners of the region for 10 seconds
  302. create timed bar with text "&aNie przyjaciel opuscil twoj teren" to all members of the region for 10 seconds
  303. create timed bar with text "&7Opuszczasz teren gildii %{gildia.tag.%owner of region%}%" to player for 10 seconds
  305. on block damage:
  306. player cannot build at block under player:
  307. cancel event
  308. set {_regions::*} to the region at the event-block
  309. send "&6Nie niszcz Terenu wroga %{_regions::*}%!"
  310. cancel event
  312. on first join:
  313. add 1000 to {ranking.%player%}
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