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Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. Okay so I watched @b4nny documentary today and really liked it. However, there was a part in the video that was really powerful to me. It was when you were talking about your ex girlfriend and about how she made you lose all of your self confidence and that basically made it so you didnt have a voice in the world. I personally am in the same position currently. I have been in a long term relationship with a girl (over 3 years) and for about the last year I have felt the same way you did. She makes me feel like whenever I do something on my own or without telling her that its wrong or she gets very jelous. I feel like she controls my life and I feel that it is very similar to your situation. Lately I've felt that we should break up because the relationship has just been so toxic for me but there are many feelings that are preventing me from doing so. One of which this girl being my first girlfriend. I was just hoping I could get your opinion on what to do or just for some tips because obviously we've been in the same position. (anyone else in chat can you give me feedback aswell please.)
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